1,828 research outputs found

    Systematic study of nuclear structure properties of proton-rich even-even tellurium isotopes with the Gogny energy density functional

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    298-303The ground state nuclear structure properties of the proton rich even-even tellurium isotopes are studied by using Gogny energy density functional within the framework of Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov (HFB) method. The HFB equations are solved by using the axial cylindrical transformed deformed harmonic oscillator basis. The full parameterization of Gogny energy density functional is employed in the present study. The evolution of the neutron density distributions with an increase in neutron number is studied and emergence of various nuclear structure phenomena is investigated. Besides this, the ground state nuclear structure properties such as nuclear multipole moments, deformation parameters, binding energies, pairing energies, root mean square radii and charge radii are obtained for the even-even proton-rich tellurium isotopes. The theoretical results on the nuclear ground state properties are compared with the available experimental data and good agreement is found

    Solid state fermentation of BSG for citric acid production

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    Brewers' spent grain (BSG) is the major by-product of the brewing industry, representing around 85 % of the total by-products generated. BSG is a lignocellulosic material containing about 17 % cellulose, 28 % non-cellulosic polysaccharides, chiefly arabinoxylans, and 28 % lignin. Nevertheless, due to its high content of protein and fibre (around 20 and 70 % dry basis, respectively), it can also serve as an attractive adjunct in human nutrition. The present investigation was carried out on citric acid production from Brewer’s spent grain using Aspergillus niger. The chemical qualitative characterization of Brewer’s spent grain showed that it contained a considerable amount of carbohydrate (6.4 %) and protein (20 %) that could be a good source for microorganism’s growth and metabolic activities. Effect of different supplements was studied on solid state fermentation of Brewers’ spent grain. Among the different constituents, the organic nitrogen that is peptone was found to give significant results at 0.1 % concentration which increases the citric acid production up to 0.19 % as compared to yeast extract which did not give significant result in the fermentation medium. The effect of inorganic constituents on the fermentation showed that potassium dihydrogen phosphate was also found best at 0.1 % which led to increase in the production of citric acid i.e (0.22 %). The mineral constituents such as ammonium sulphate and magnesium sulphate were found effective at 0.1 % concentration. From this investigation, it can be concluded that BSG can be used as a cheap raw material for the production of citric acid by A. niger

    Ultrasonographic Imaging of Normal and Impacted Omasum in Indian Crossbred Cows

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    Omasal impaction is a serious disease problem in cattle in India, but it is difficult to diagnose clinically. Ultrasonography has been proposed for the noninvasive evaluation of omasal disease. The objectives of this study were to compare the in vitro and in vivo ultrasonographic appearance of the omasum and to compare omasal appearance, limits, and size in clinically healthy cows with those in cows having confirmed omasal impaction. A 3.5 MHz curvilinear transducer was used to image and record the appearance of the omasum in vitro in a water bath, and its appearance, dorsal and ventral limits, and size in 10 healthy Indian Jersey/Red Sindhi crossbred cows. The results were compared with the ultrasonographic data collected from 5 cows with omasal impaction, as confirmed at necropsy. On moving the transducer dorsoventrally in each intercostal space and below the costal arch, the wall of omasum could be seen as an echogenic arc-like structure. The difference between mean dorsoventral extents of the normal and impacted omasums was statistically insignificant. These results suggest that ultrasonographic imaging may not be useful in the diagnosis of omasal impaction in Indian crossbred cows, however, additional studies may be warranted

    Usefulness and Limitation of Ultrasonography in the Diagnosis of Intestinal Intussusception in Cows

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    The present study was conducted on 6 chronically ill Jersey/Red Sindhi cross-bred cows, which were suspected for intestinal obstruction on the basis of history and clinical signs. These cows were ultimately diagnosed with intestinal intussusception based on a combination of clinical, ultrasonographic and surgical examinations. “Bull's eye lesion” was the most prominent ultrasonographic finding, diagnostic for intussusception either trans-abdominally or transrectally. Dilated intestinal loops greater than 3.1 cm (mean ± SE, 4.41 ± 0.25) were imaged in the lower flank and the 12th intercostal space on the right side. Ultrasonography proved to be a useful tool in supplementing and substantiating the transrectal findings in cases of the bovine intestinal intussusception. However, ultrasonography was not significantly helpful where transrectal examination of the cows did not reveal any suspected intestinal mass

    Systematic study of nuclear structure properties of proton-rich even-even tellurium isotopes with the Gogny energy density functional

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    The ground state nuclear structure properties of the proton rich even-even tellurium isotopes are studied by using Gogny energy density functional within the framework of Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov (HFB) method. The HFB equations are solved by using the axial cylindrical transformed deformed harmonic oscillator basis. The full parameterization of Gogny energy density functional is employed in the present study. The evolution of the neutron density distributions with an increase in neutron number is studied and emergence of various nuclear structure phenomena is investigated. Besides this, the ground state nuclear structure properties such as nuclear multipole moments, deformation parameters, binding energies, pairing energies, root mean square radii and charge radii are obtained for the even-even proton-rich tellurium isotopes. The theoretical results on the nuclear ground state properties are compared with the available experimental data and good agreement is found.

    Spectrum of gynecological disorders in geriatric women: a tertiary care centre study

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    Background: Older women constitute the fastest growing segment of Indian population. Postmenopausal phase is important and primary care physicians should be aware of common gynaecologic concerns and the potential impact of these on the function and quality of life of older women.Methods: A Prospective cross-sectional study was conducted over a period of one year on 100 postmenopausal women aged 65 years or above, who attended OPD or were hospitalised between November 2015 and October 2016.Results: Literacy rate was 30%. Study population was drawn equally from rural and urban population. Genital tract malignancy was the major gynecological disorder (32%), the commonest being the carcinoma cervix. Next in order was carcinoma ovary and carcinoma endometrium. This was followed by pelvic organ prolapse (26%) and urogenital infections (17%). POP was grade 3 in 85% patients.Conclusions: Pelvic organ prolapse, genital tract malignancies and urogenital infections were the major gynecological problems faced by older women. Moreover, postmenopausal bleeding was a possible underlying cause of malignancy, of which carcinoma cervix tops the list, emphasizing the need for a screening programme in Indian women. There is urgent need to develop dedicated geriatric units and to encourage women to receive routine gynecological check-ups in the early post menopausal period that will enable early diagnosis and treatment


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    Objective: The present research work was to formulate matrix tablets of diclofenac sodium using mucilage extracted from Tinospora cordifolia as a novel binding agent. Also, a comparative study on binding properties of mucilage and carbopol were performed.Methods: Fresh stems of Tinospora cordifolia were collected and mucilage was extracted out using standard method. The isolated mucilage was characterised for physicochemical parameters. Formulation of diclofenac sodium tablets (f1-f6) was done by dry granulation method using 2%, 4%, 6%, 8% and 10% concentration of mucilage of Tinospora cardifolia as natural binder. Carbopol 2% was used as synthetic matrix forming agent. Microcrystalline cellulose was used as diluents, magnesium stearate and talc as lubricant. The formulated tablets were evaluated for parameters such as tablet thickness, hardness, weight variation, disintegration time, percent friability and in vitro drug release characteristics. The drug release mechanism was determined by fitting the release data into different kinetics models.Results: The results revealed that all the pre and post compression parameters of the formulated tablets (f1-f6) were in compliance with pharmacopoeial limits. In vitro drug release studies showed that formulation f6 containing maximum concentration of mucilage release the drug in a most controlled and sustained manner with maximum drug release of 63.6% in 15 h in comparison with f1(2% carbopol) giving 80% release and was found to be stable for 3 mo as indicated by stability studies. The mechanism of drug releases from formulation f1-f6 was found to be polymer disentanglement and erosion. Preformulation studies using FTIR study reveals that there is no incompatibility between the pure drug and mucilage of tinospora cardifolia used.Conclusion: Based on the experimental findings it can be concluded that Tinospora cordifolia mucilage can be used as a release retardant agent in the formulation of sustained release dosage forms

    Ultrasonographic Examination of the Rumen in Healthy Cows

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    10 healthy Indian Jersey/Red Sindhi crossbred nonpregnant cows were subjected to transabdominal ultrasonography to develop baseline topographical data of the rumen. The wall of the rumen could be identified as a thick echogenic line adjacent to the left abdominal wall from left flank to 8th intercostal space. The motility pattern of rumen was characterized by approximately 1 contraction every minute. The mean amplitude of the ruminal contraction was 3.2 cm. Ultrasonography of the rumen in healthy cows is a useful adjunct to the noninvasive diagnostic investigation of the rumen