171 research outputs found

    Cognitive Radio : A Solution for Issues in Network Convergence

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    While planning for strategic communication no nation or organisation can ignore the problems of dynamic radio resource allocation and interference. Among lot number of technologies as a solution Cognitive Radio (CR) is the best one, which helps to overcome the problem of interference, and also allow efficient and dynamic radio resource allocation. Applying Cognitive Radio Networks (CRN) to strategic communications as a solution, this roadmap has been proposed by nations and organizations. For fast network deployment it is mandatory to overcome traffic problem in spectrum, increase communication reshaping mechanism and also strategic radio should act as multi-functional Radio-Frequency(RF) Unit, these are the themes for which CRN is the choice. Wireless Sensor Networks(WSNs) present day have many challenges, if it get clubbed with CR, many problems can be solved. Theme of our research is to empower CRN, so that it will help to solve above problems and also help to manage traffic in network convergence services without ignoring or compromising security

    Study of Types and Practice of Network Convergence

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    What we understand, Network convergence as the provision of telephone, video and data communication services within a single network. In different words, one company provides services for all forms of communication through a single media. Network convergence is the outcome of development of technology and need and the practices it follows

    Wireless Cellular Technologies and Convergence

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    Mobile communication technologies have gone through with several innovative improvements by developing various multiple-access procedures like TDMA, FDMA, CDMA, WCDMA, EDGE etc., which are used for wireless communication. But a big challenge is to select the right technology for the applications. Common wireless technologies are using radio waves. With radio waves distances can be short, such as a few meters for television or thousands or even millions of kilometres for deep-space radio communications. Wireless communications also use other electromagnetic wireless technologies, such as light, magnetic or electric fields or sound. Mobile wireless technologies have experienced 4 or 5 generations of technology revolution and evolution in the past few decades, namely from 1G to 4G. Current research in mobile wireless technologies concentrates on high level implementation of 4G technology and 5G technology. The architecture of future 5G systems, their performance, and mobile services are requiring to be clearly define. Expectations we can set for 5G technology are, the convergence of maximum of current mobile communication networks with other complementary radio access technologies. As a result, 5G technology will not be a single radio access interface but rather a ??network of networks??

    Epidemiology of spinal injury patients admitted to the department of orthopaedics, King George Medical University

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    Background: Socioeconomic structure, policies and cultural traditions play important roles in the determining the epidemiological characteristics of spinal injury patients. An understanding of epidemiology of spinal injuries is essential for planning and implementation of preventive measures as well as clinical services. The objective of this study is to describe the epidemiology of spinal injury patients admitted to the Department of Orthopaedics, King George Medical University (KGMU).Methods: Age, sex, time since injury to admission, site of injury, mechanism of injury, stability of injury, vertebral level, collision type, visibility, type of road, associated injuries, complications and outcome at the end of hospital stay was recorded.Results: Mean age of the 149 enrolled patients was 33.62±13.47 years. Male to female ratio was 2.63. More than fifty percent (52.3%) patients were admitted more than 48 hrs after injury. Most of the patients sustained injury in the house (59.1%). Falls were the most common mechanism of injury (79.2%). 54.23% of the falls were less than body height. Stable injuries (51%) were more common than unstable injuries. 21.48% patients had multiple levels of injury. 1st lumbar vertebra was the most common vertebra injured (20.88%). Ninty six (64.42%) patients had associated injuries. Most common complication were pulmonary (16.10%).Conclusions: Traumatic spinal injuries predominantly involve young males. Household falls are the most common cause of traumatic spinal injuries. There is a need to determine the modifiable factors that contribute to household falls. There is a significant association between falls and complete injuries.

    Molekularna karakterizacija cjelovite kodirajuće sekvencije gena MBL1 u indijskog vodenog bivola (Bubalus bubalis)

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    Mannose-binding lectin (MBL) is a member of the collectin protein family that binds a broad range of microorganisms and activates the lectin-complement pathway of innate immunity. A number of mutations have been found in both the coding as well as the non-coding regions of the MBL1 gene in various species, of which several variations affected the assembly of MBL1, thus leading to a low level of plasmic MBL and innate immune dysfunctions. In the present study, we have reported molecular cloning and characterization of the complete coding sequence of the MBL1 gene in the Indian buffalo breed Murrah. A 951 bp fragment of the MBL1 gene was amplified, cloned and sequenced. Multiple sequence alignment with other buffalo and cattle breeds revealed that the Murrah buffalo MBL1 CDS was 98.1-99.6% homologous to other buffalo breeds, and 98.3-98.5% similar to cattle breeds at nucleotide level. It was 96.8-98.8% homologous to buffalo breeds and 96.8-97.2% similar to cattle breeds at amino acid level. The amino acid sequence of the Murrah buffalo MBL1 contained two non-synonymous amino acid substitutions (L204P and S180P). Further, PCR-RFLP was performed to screen 50 Murrah buffalo for the presence of SNPs, g.855G>A in intron I and g.2686T>C, as well as g.2651G>A in exon 2 region of the MBL1 gene. The ApaI/intron I PCR-RFLP assay revealed a polymorphic pattern with three genotypes viz., AG (90%), GG (8%) and AA (2%), with allelic frequencies 0.94 for G and 0.06 for A. HaeIII/exon 2 PCR-RFLP assay exhibited the presence of three genotypes, namely, TC (66%), TT (32%) and CC (2%) with allelic frequencies 0.15 for T and 0.85 for C. StyI/exon 2. PCR-RFLP assay showed a monomorphic pattern for g.2651G>A with GG genotype only. We further examined the association of these SNPs with milk production traits and somatic cell score (SCS), and found no significant difference for any of the traits. Since the present study has formulated the results on the basis of a relatively small sample size, further studies with a larger sample size are required to validate the effects of polymorphisms.Lektin koji veže manozu (MBL), član je porodice proteina kolektina koja veže veliki broj mikroorganizama i aktivira lektinski put komplementa prirođene imunosti. U različitim vrstama pronađene su brojne mutacije u kodirajućim i nekodirajućim regijama gena MBL1. Za nekoliko je mutacije utvrđeno da utječu na strukturu gena MBL1, što dovodi do snižavanja razine MBL-a i prirođenog poremećaja imunosnog sustava. U ovom je istraživanju provedeno molekularno kloniranje i karakterizacija cjelovitog slijeda gena MBL1 u indijskog vodenog bivola pasmine Murrah. Fragment s ukupno je 951 bp gena MBL1 umnožen je kloniran i sekvenciran. Višestruko poravnanje sekvencija s drugim pasminama bivola i goveda otkrilo je da je kodirajuća sekvencija gena MBL1 bila 98,1 – 99,6 % podudarna s drugim pasminama bivola i 98,3 – 98,5 % podudarna s drugim pasminama goveda na nukleotidnoj razini. Na razini aminokiselina ustanovljena je podudarnost od 96,8 do 98,8 % s pasminama bivola i 96,8 – 97,2 % s pasminama goveda. Sekvencija aminokiselina MBL1 u vodenih bivola pasmine Murrah sadržavala je dvije nepodudarne supstitucije aminokiselina (L204P i S180P). Osim toga proveden je PCR-RFLP kako bi se 50 bivola pasmine Murrah analiziralo na prisutnost jednonukleotidnih polimorfizama (SNP), g. 855G > A u intronu I i g. 2686T > C, kao i g. 2651G > A, u eksonu 2 regije gena MBL1. Test ApaI/intron I PCR-RFLP otkrio je polimorfni obrazac s tri genotipa: AG (90 %), GG (8 %) i AA (2 %) s učestalošću alela od 0,94 za G i 0,06 za A. Test HaeIII/exon 2 PCR-RFLP pokazao je prisutnost triju genotipova: TC (66 %), TT (32 %) i CC (2 %) s učestalošću alela od 0,15 za T i 0,85 za C. Test StyI/exon 2 PCR-RFLP pokazao je monomorfni obrazac za g. 2651G > A, samo s genotipom GG. Osim navedenog istražena je i povezanost SNP-ova s proizvodnim svojstvima mlijeka i omjerom somatskih stanica (SCS). Nije pronađena znakovita razlika ni za jedno svojstvo. S obzirom na to da se ovo istraživanje temelji na malom broju uzoraka, potrebna su istraživanja koja će uključiti veći broj životinja kako bi se provjerili učinci polimorfizama


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      Background: USG-guided FNAC is a good preoperative screening technique when compared to FNAC and USG done separately for the diagnosis of a thyroid lesion. However, there is little evidence in the literature that emphasizes the importance of USG-guided FNAC as the first step in the investigation of thyroid lesions. Aim: Our study aims to see the sensitivity and specificity, adequacy, and diagnostic accuracy of USG-guided FNAC taking histopathology as a gold standard. Methods: This Hospital-based prospective observational study was carried out on patients who attended the OPD and/or IPD and underwent surgery in the Department of Otorhinolaryngology. Results: The sensitivity, specificity, and diagnostic accuracy of ultrasound-guided FNAC for thyroid lesions were 58.82%, 98.18%, and 88.89% respectively taking Bethesda categories 1 to 3 as benign and categories 4 to 6 as malignant. The positive likelihood ratio and negative likelihood ratio are 32.32 and 0.42 respectively. Positive predictive value and negative predictive value were 90.91% and 88.52%. The diagnostic accuracy of USG-guided FNAC for thyroid lesions in the present study is 88.89% and adequacy is 93.05%. Conclusion: Further study of a larger number of cases is desirable. US-FNAC is an expensive procedure as compared to palpable FNAC. Recommendation: We recommend the application of USG guide FNAC as the first step in the investigation of thyroid lesions along with a detailed interdepartmental correlation to make the diagnosis before surgery

    Molekularna analiza i istraživanje polimorfizma egzona 10 gena za receptore folikulostimulirajućeg hormona (FSHR) u indijskih pasmina goveda

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    FSH receptors are important binding sites of the follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) in ovaries and are coded by the FSHR gene which has 10 exons and 9 introns. Exon 10 is the largest (>1200 bp) of all the exons. In the present study, exon 10 of the FSHR gene partial coding sequence (CDS) was cloned and characterized in Sahiwal and Hariana cattle breeds, and DNA polymorphism was investigated using AluI/PCR-RFLP assay. The partial CDS of the Sahiwal and Hariana FSHR exon 10 was 99.3% to 100% similar to exotic cattle breeds at the nucleotide and amino acid level. A missense mutation was found in Sahiwal and Hariana at position 1118 (C→G) that caused an amino acid change at 373 (Thr→Ser) and two nonsense mutations were found at position 729 (G→A), 1180 (C→T). Phylogenetic analysis clearly showed that Sahiwal and Hariana cattle are more closely related to yak and Bos taurus. The 306 bp region of exon 10 on digestion with AluI restriction enzyme revealed three types of genotypes, namely: CC (243 bp and 63 bp), GG (193 bp, 63 bp and 50 bp) and CG (243 bp, 193 bp, 63 bp and 50 bp), where the CG genotype was more frequent (45.0%) than CC (13.5%) and GG (41.5%) genotypes, and the frequency of the G allele was higher (0.64) than the C allele (0.36) in all the screened animals. Chi square (χ2) analysis revealed that the screened animal population was in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. An association study revealed a significant (P1200 bp) od svih egzona. U ovom istraživanju, egzon 10 kloniran je iz djelomično kodiranog slijeda (CDS) FSHR gena. Kao materijal za istraživanje poslužila su goveda pasmina sahival i hariana u kojih je DNK polimorfizam analiziran pomoću AluI/PCR-RFLP testa. Na razini nukleotida i aminokiselina, djelomično kodirani slijed (CDS) egzona 10 FSHR gena u goveda sahival odnosno hariana pasmina bio je 99,3% do 100% sličan onom u egzotičnih pasminama goveda. U navedene dvije pasmine na položaju 1118 (C → G) pronađena je pogrešna mutacija koja je uzrokovala promjenu aminokiseline na 373 (THR → SER), te dvije besmislene mutacije koje su nađene na položajima 729 (G → A) i 1180 (C → T). Filogenetska analiza jasno je pokazala da su goveda pasmina sahival i hariana u većoj mjeri povezana s jakom i domaćim govedom (Bos taurus). Područje egzona 10, koje sadrži 306 parova baza pokazalo je nakon cijepanja s AluI restrikcijskim enzimom 3 genotipa: CC (243 bp i 63 bp), GG (193 bp, 63 bp i 50 bp) i CG (243 bp, 193 bp, 63 bp i 50 bp). Genotip CG bio je učestaliji (45,0%) od genotipova CC (13,5%) i GG (41,5%). Uzevši u obzir sve pretražene životinje, učestalost G alela bila je veća (0,64) od C alela (0,36). Hi-kvadrat (χ 2) analizom je utvrđeno da je pretražena populacija goveda bila u Hardy-Weinberg ravnoteži. Statistička analiza povezanosti pokazala je znakovite (P<0,05) razliku između genotipova za obilježja ukupnog prinosa mlijeka i trajanja laktacije, pri čemu se istaknuo genotip CC s većim prinosom mlijeka u odnosu na druge genotipove

    Polimorfizam gena za adiponektin (ADIPOQ) i njegova povezanost s proizvodnim i rasplodnim svojstvima indijskog mliječnog goveda

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    The present investigation was performed to explore the SNP in the promoter of the adiponectin (ADIPOQ) gene and its association with production and reproduction traits in Indian Sahiwal cows. A portion of the promoter (ADIPOQ) region of the ADIPOQ gene was amplified which revealed a 977 bp amplicon, and its PCR-RFLP assay with the restriction enzyme TasI revealed three genotypes, in which the CT genotype was the most frequent (62.32%), followed by CC (24.64%) and TT (13.04%). The frequency of the C and T alleles was 0.558 and 0.442, respectively. The ADIPOQ/TasI genotypes revealed a significant association with calving interval (CI) in the first and fourth lactations, in which the CC genotype showed a significantly (P<0.05) longer CI compared to the TT genotype, while in the fourth lactation the TT genotype showed a longer CI compared to the CC genotype. In the fourth lactation, the TT genotype showed a significantly (P<0.05) longer lactation period (LP) and greater total milk yield (TMY) as compared to CC and CT genotypes. In conclusion, the SNP identified in the promoter of the ADIPOQ gene and its association with production and reproduction traits suggests that this gene might serve as a candidate genetic marker for selection of dairy cattle with better milk yield. However, further studies are needed to explore these SNPs in other regions of this gene, and in other breeds and populations.Cilj ovoga rada bio je istražiti polimorfizam pojedinačnog nukleotida (SNP) u promotoru gena za adiponektin (ADIPOQ) i njegovu povezanost s proizvodnim i rasplodnim svojstvima indijskog goveda Sahiwal pasmine. Dio promotora (ADIPOQ) regije gena ADIPOQ je umnožen i prikazan produktom 977 bp, a PCR-RFLP metodom s restrikcijom enzimom TasI dobivena su tri genotipa. Među njima najčešći je bio CT genotip (62,32 %), zatim CC (24,64 %) i TT (13,04 %). Učestalost C-alela bila je 0,558, a T-alela 0,442. ADIPOQ/TasI genotipovi su pokazali znakovitu povezanost s međutelidbenim intervalom (CI) u prvoj i četvrtoj laktaciji u kojima je CC genotip pokazao znakovito duži interval između teljenja (P<0,05) u usporedbi s TT genotipom, dok je u četvrtoj laktaciji TT genotip pokazao duži interval teljenja u usporedbi s CC genotipom. U četvrtoj laktaciji TT genotip pokazao je znakovito duže trajanje laktacije (LP) (P<0,05) i ukupan prinos mlijeka (TMY) u usporedbi s CC i CT genotipovima. Zaključno, SNP identificiran u promotoru gena ADIPOQ i njegova povezanost s proizvodnim i reproduktivnim svojstvima upućuju na to da ovaj gen može poslužiti kao kandidatni genski biljeg za selekciju mliječnih krava s većim prinosom mlijeka. Potrebna su daljnja istraživanja polimorfizama pojedinačnih nukleotida u drugim regijama ovoga gena kao i u drugih pasmina i populacija


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    The availability of low cost and tiny sensor devices have resulted in increased adoption of wireless sensor network (WSN) in various industries and organization. The WSN is expected to play a significant role in future internet based application services. WSN has been adopted in healthcare, disaster management, environment monitoring and so on. The low-cost availability of smart devices has led to increased use of wireless devices such as Bluetooth, Wi-Fi etc. Therefore, cognitive radio network plays a significant role in handling spectrum efficiently. The emerging internet access technology such as 4G and 5G network which is expected to come in near future is going to make cognitive spectrum access more challenging. The existing cognitive radio based WSN is not efficient in utilizing spectrum. They induce high collision due to interference and improper channel state information. To address, this work present an efficient distributed opportunistic spectrum access for wireless sensor network. The channel availability of likelihood distribution is computed using continuous-time Markov chain considering primary transmitting users temporal channel usage channel pattern and spatial distribution. The simulation outcome shows the proposed model achieves significant performance improvement over existing model. The proposed model improves the overall spectrum efficiency of cognitive radio wireless sensor network in terms of throughput, packet transmission and collision