251 research outputs found

    Hybrid Software Reliability Model for Big Fault Data and Selection of Best Optimizer Using an Estimation Accuracy Function

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    Software reliability analysis has come to the forefront of academia as software applications have grown in size and complexity. Traditionally, methods have focused on minimizing coding errors to guarantee analytic tractability. This causes the estimations to be overly optimistic when using these models. However, it is important to take into account non-software factors, such as human error and hardware failure, in addition to software faults to get reliable estimations. In this research, we examine how big data systems' peculiarities and the need for specialized hardware led to the creation of a hybrid model. We used statistical and soft computing approaches to determine values for the model's parameters, and we explored five criteria values in an effort to identify the most useful method of parameter evaluation for big data systems. For this purpose, we conduct a case study analysis of software failure data from four actual projects. In order to do a comparison, we used the precision of the estimation function for the results. Particle swarm optimization was shown to be the most effective optimization method for the hybrid model constructed with the use of large-scale fault data

    Organizational Commitment as predictor of Organizational Citizenship Behavior

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    The present study aimed at exploring the linkages between Allen and Meyer’s (1991) three component model of organizational commitment and organizational citizenship behavior as defined by Organ (1988), using a field survey on a randomly selected sample of 77 employees working in National Hydroelectric Power Corporation Ltd., a public sector organization in India. Organizational Commitment was measured using revised version of Organizational Commitment Scale by Allen and Meyer (1997) and organizational citizenship behavior scale (OCBS) developed by Bakhshi and Kumar (2009) was used as an aggregate measure of organizational citizenship behavior (OCB). The results of partial correlation analysis showed that all the three components of organizational commitment-Affective commitment, Continuance commitment and Normative commitment were positively correlated with aggregate measure of OCB. Hierarchical Regression analyses showed no significant impact of demographic variables (age, gender, job tenure, marital status and qualification) on aggregate measure of OCB. Among the three components of organizational commitment, only normative commitment has a significant positive impact on aggregate measure of OCB. Theoretical and practical implications of the results are discussed

    Synthesis of cationic (CTAB-EDTA-CTAB/ CTAB-Glu-CTAB) and anionic (SDS-EDTA-SDS/ SDS-Glu-SDS) Gemini surfactants: Surface and anticorrosive properties

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    692-699Gemini surfactants that served as environmentally friendly corrosion inhibitors, have been successfully synthesized by the reaction of SDS/ CTAB with glucose/ EDTA as spacer. Their molecular structure is confirmed by 1H-NMR and FTIR spectroscopy. By tensiometric method, the surface activity of the synthesized Gemini surfactants has been determined in terms of various parameters like the critical micelle concentration, surface excess at the air/water interface, minimum area per surfactant molecule, surface pressure at CMC, changes of standard free energies of adsorption, micellization and transfer. The obtained Gemini surfactants having EDTA as a spacer, exhibit a considerably higher effectiveness against corrosion as compare to Gemini surfactants having glucose as spacer

    Synthesis of cationic (CTAB-EDTA-CTAB/ CTAB-Glu-CTAB) and anionic (SDS-EDTA-SDS/ SDS-Glu-SDS) Gemini surfactants: Surface and anticorrosive properties

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    Gemini surfactants that served as environmentally friendly corrosion inhibitors, have been successfully synthesized by the reaction of SDS/ CTAB with glucose/ EDTA as spacer. Their molecular structure is confirmed by 1H-NMR and FTIR spectroscopy. By tensiometric method, the surface activity of the synthesized Gemini surfactants has been determined in terms of various parameters like the critical micelle concentration, surface excess at the air/water interface, minimum area per surfactant molecule, surface pressure at CMC, changes of standard free energies of adsorption, micellization and transfer. The obtained Gemini surfactants having EDTA as a spacer, exhibit a considerably higher effectiveness against corrosion as compare to Gemini surfactants having glucose as spacer

    Histopathological Spectrum of various gastroduodenal lesions in North India and prevalence of Helicobacter pylori infection in these lesions: a prospective study

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    Background: Gastroduodenal diseases are perhaps the commonest diseases in adult population worldwide. Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) represent one of the most common gastroduodenal infections and have been established as the etiologic factor in the development of various gastroduodenal diseases. Spectrum of H. pylori associated gastroduodenal diseases have not been systematically investigated in North India. So this study was carried out to determine the spectrum of gastroduodenal lesions on upper Gastro-Intestinal (GI) endoscopic biopsies and to determine the prevalence of H. pylori in gastric mucosa in these lesions.Methods: Gastroduodenal mucosal biopsies of 100 patients from November 2012 to October 2013 in a tertiary care centre in north India were evaluated by routine histopathological methods and the presence of H. pylori in gastric mucosa in these lesions was determined.  Results: An age range of 17 years to 80 years was observed with maximum cases in the 4th decade and a male to female ratio of 1.86:1. The most frequently observed lesions were chronic gastritis followed by duodenitis, duodenal ulcer and gastric carcinoma. 5% cases showed unremarkable mucosa. H. pylori positivity was seen in 47% cases. 80% cases of duodenal ulcer, 68.75% cases of duodenitis, 50.56% cases of chronic gastritis, 50% cases of gastric ulcer & 40% cases of gastric carcinoma were positive for H. pylori infection.Conclusion: Endoscopic gastroduodenal biopsies help to detect benign and malignant gastroduodenal diseases and to rule out H. pylori infection. Chronic gastritis was the most common gastroduodenal lesion followed by duodenitis, duodenal ulcer and gastric carcinoma. Duodenal ulcer, duodenitis, chronic gastritis and gastric ulcer showed strong positivity for H. pylori highlighting the role of this microorganism in the pathogenesis of these diseases.

    Waterlogging tolerance in black gram [Vigna mungo (L.) Hepper] is associated with chlorophyll content and membrane integrity

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    Black gram (Vigna mungo L.) is waterlogging sensitive legume crop. We studied the effect of waterlogging stress on membrane stability index (MSI), lipid peroxidation, superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity, chlorophyll content and chlorophyll fluorescence in four Vigna genotypes namely (Uttara, T-44, IC530491, IC519330). Stress was imposed for 10 days at vegetative stage (30 days after sowing). Thereafter, excess water was drained to allow recovery in stressed plants. Waterlogging treatment significantly increased lipid peroxidation and SOD activity in all the genotypes, which showed the oxidative injury posed by stress conditions. Chlorophyll content and fluorescence reduced under stress conditions. SOD activity, MSI and chlorophyll content was more in IC530491 and IC519330, T44 as compared to Uttara. Lipid peroxidation was high in Uttara. Though chlorophyll fluorescence reduced in all the genotypes under waterlogging, genotypic differences were non-significant. More efficient antioxidative scavenging to maintain membrane stability and chlorophyll content in black gram was found to be associated with tolerance to waterlogging

    Clinical and biochemical profile in patients of scrub typhus: an under reported disease-a tertiary care hospital based study in Uttarakhand, India

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    Background: Scrub typhus is an emerging but neglected infectious diseases that generally results in acute febrile illness, with spectrum of diseases ranging from mild illness to multiorgan dysfunction. Hence we planned this study to know the demographic, clinical and biochemical profile of scrub typhus patients in hilly state of Uttarakhand. Methods: This was a prospective observational study conducted from June 2020 to November 2020 in the Department of Internal Medicine, in a tertiary care institution located in state of Uttarakhand, India. All scrub typhus patients were evaluated by detailed history, examination and laboratory tests. Results: Among 60 cases, the mean age of patients was 38.3±15.43 years, with majority of patients (70.2%) being young adults between the age 18‑40 years. Majority of patients were females (60.0%) with (M:F-1:1.3). 53.3% patients reported from rural and 46.7% patients from urban area. Fever (100%), cough and breathlessness (40.0%), nausea and vomiting (20%), abdominal pain and diarrhoea (16.7%), headache (16.7%) and altered sensorium (8.3%) were the predominant clinical features. Hepatic dysfunction (51; 85.0%) and respiratory dysfunction (25; 41.6%) were the commonest findings followed by renal dysfunction (13; 21.7%). Conclusions: Scrub typhus is often misdiagnosed or diagnosed late due to its wide clinical spectrum overlapping with clinical presentation of other commonly prevalent tropical diseases. An increasing awareness of this disease coupled with prompt management will go a long way in reducing both morbidity and mortality in this disease

    Ferromagnetism in Multiferroic BaTiO<sub>3</sub>, Spinel MFe<sub>2</sub>O<sub>4</sub> (M = Mn, Co, Ni, Zn) Ferrite and DMS ZnO Nanostructures

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    Multiferroic magnetoelectric material has significance for new design nano-scale spintronic devices. In single-phase multiferroic BaTiO3, the magnetism occurs with doping of transition metals, TM ions, which has partially filled d-orbitals. Interestingly, the magnetic ordering is strongly related with oxygen vacancies, and thus, it is thought to be a source of ferromagnetism of TM:BaTiO3. The nanostructural MFe2O4 (M = Mn, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, etc.) ferrite has an inverse spinel structure, for which M2+ ions in octahedral site and Fe3+ ions are equally distributed between tetrahedral and octahedral sites. These antiparallel sub-lattices (cations M2+ and Fe3+ occupy either tetrahedral or octahedral sites) are coupled with O2- ion due to superexchange interaction to form ferrimagnetic structure. Moreover, the future spintronic technologies using diluted magnetic semiconductors, DMS materials might have realized ferromagnetic origin. A simultaneous doping from TM and rare earth ions in ZnO nanoparticles could increase the antiferromagnetic ordering to achieve high-Tc ferromagnetism. The role of the oxygen vacancies as the dominant defects in doped ZnO that must involve bound magnetic polarons as the origin of ferromagnetism