12 research outputs found

    A multi-antenna coded caching scheme with linear subpacketization

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    Abstract Exponentially growing subpacketization is known to be a major issue for practical implementation of coded caching, specially in networks with multi-antenna communication setups. We provide a new coded caching scheme for such networks, which requires linear subpacketization and is applicable to any set of network parameters, as long as the multi-antenna gain L is larger than or equal to the global caching gain t. Our scheme includes carefully designed cache placement and delivery algorithms; which are based on circular shift of two generator arrays in perpendicular directions. It also achieves the maximum possible degrees of freedom of t+L, during any transmission interval

    Subpacketization:beamformer interaction in multi-antenna coded caching

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    Abstract We study the joint effect of beamformer structure and subpacketization level on the achievable rate of cache-enabled multi-antenna communications. We use appropriate low-SNR approximations, to show that using simple zero-forcing (ZF) beamformers, increasing subpacketization degrades the achievable rate; in contrast to what has been shown in the literature for more complex, optimized beamformers. We also numerically analyze the probability distribution of symmetric rate terms, in order to confirm the validity of mathematical outputs. The results suggest that for improving the content delivery rate at low-SNR, subpacketization level and beamformer complexity should be jointly increased

    Coded caching with uneven channels:a quality of experience approach

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    Abstract The rate performance of wireless coded caching schemes is typically limited by the lowest achievable per-user rate in the given multicast group, during each transmission time slot. In this paper, we provide a new coded caching scheme, alleviating this worst-user effect for the prominent case of multimedia applications. In our scheme, instead of maximizing the symmetric rate among all served users, we maximize the total quality of experience (QoE); where QoE at each user is defined as the video quality perceived by that user. We show the new scheme requires solving an NP-hard optimization problem. Thus, we provide two heuristic algorithms to solve it in an approximate manner; and numerically demonstrate the near-optimality of the proposed approximations. Our approach allows flexible allocation of distinct video quality for each user, making wireless coded caching schemes more suitable for real-world implementations

    Subpacketization-rate trade-off in multi-antenna coded caching

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    Abstract Coded caching can be applied in wireless multi- antenna communications by multicast beamforming coded data chunks to carefully selected user groups and using the existing file fragments in user caches to decode the desired files at each user. However, the number of packets a file should be split into, known as subpacketization, grows exponentially with the network size. We provide a new scheme, which enables the level of subpacketization to be selected freely among a set of predefined values depending on basic network parameters such as antenna and user count. A simple efficiency index is also proposed as a performance indicator at various subpacketization levels. The numerical examples demonstrate that larger subpacketization generally results in better efficiency index and higher symmetric rate, while smaller subpacketization incurs significant loss in the achievable rate. This enables more efficient caching schemes, tailored to the available computational and power resources

    Linear multicast beamforming schemes for coded caching

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    Abstract A single cell downlink scenario is considered, where a multiple-antenna base station delivers contents to cache-enabled user terminals. Depending on the available degrees of freedom, several multicast messages are transmitted in parallel to distinct subsets of users. In the multicast beamformer design, we restrict ourselves to linear receiver implementation, which does not require successive interference cancellation unlike in the more optimal baseline scheme. With a small loss in performance, the complexity of both the receiver and transmitter implementation can be significantly reduced

    Multicast beamformer design for coded caching

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    Abstract A single cell downlink scenario is considered where a multiple-antenna base station delivers contents to cache-enabled user terminals. Using the ideas from multi-server coded caching (CC) scheme developed for wired networks, a joint design of CC and general multicast beamforming is considered to benefit from spatial multiplexing gain, improved interference management and the global CC gain, simultaneously. The proposed multicast beamforming strategies utilize the multiantenna multicasting opportunities provided by the CC technique and optimally balance the detrimental impact of both noise and inter-stream interference from coded messages transmitted in parallel. The proposed scheme is shown to provide the same degrees-of-freedom at high SNR as the state-of-art methods and, in general, to perform significantly better than several baseline schemes including, the joint zero forcing and CC, max-min fair multicasting with CC, and basic unicasting with multiuser beamforming

    Multi-antenna interference management for coded caching

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    Abstract A multi-antenna broadcast channel scenario is considered where a base station delivers contents to cache-enabled user terminals. A joint design of coded caching (CC) and multigroup multicast beamforming is proposed to benefit from spatial multiplexing gain, improved interference management and the global CC gain, simultaneously. The developed general content delivery strategies utilize the multiantenna multicasting opportunities provided by the CC technique while optimally balancing the detrimental impact of both noise and inter-stream interference from coded messages transmitted in parallel. Flexible resource allocation schemes for CC are introduced where the multicast beamformer design and the receiver complexity are controlled by varying the size of the subset of users served during a given time interval, and the overlap among the multicast messages transmitted in parallel, indicated by parameters α and β, respectively. Degrees of freedom (DoF) analysis is provided showing that the DoF only depends on α while it is independent of β. The proposed schemes are shown to provide the same degrees-of-freedom at high signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) as the state-of-art methods and, in general, to perform significantly better, especially in the finite SNR regime, than several baseline schemes

    D2D assisted multi-antenna coded caching

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    Abstract A device-to-device (D2D) aided multi-antenna coded caching scheme is proposed to improve the average delivery rate and reduce the downlink (DL) beamforming complexity. Novel beamforming and resource allocation schemes are proposed where local data exchange among nearby users is exploited. The transmission is split into two phases: local D2D content exchange and DL transmission. In the D2D phase, subsets of users are selected to share content with the adjacent users directly. In this regard, a low complexity D2D mode selection algorithm is proposed to find the appropriate set of users for the D2D phase with comparable performance to the optimal exhaustive search. During the DL phase, the base station multicasts the remaining data requested by all the users. We identify scenarios and conditions where D2D transmission can reduce the delivery time. Furthermore, we demonstrate how adding the new D2D phase to the DL-only scenario can significantly reduce the beamformer design complexity in the DL phase. The results further highlight that by partly delivering requested data in the D2D phase, the transmission rate can be boosted due to more efficient use of resources during the subsequent DL phase. As a result, the overall content delivery performance is greatly enhanced, especially in the finite signal-to-noise (SNR) regime

    D2D assisted beamforming for coded caching

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    Abstract Device-to-device (D2D) aided beamforming for coded caching is considered in a finite signal-to-noise ratio regime. A novel beamforming and resource allocation scheme is proposed where the local cache content exchange among nearby users is exploited. The transmission is split into two phases: local D2D content exchange and downlink transmission. In the D2D phase, users can autonomously share content with the adjacent users. The downlink phase utilizes multicast beamforming to simultaneously serve all users to fulfill the remaining content requests. A low complexity D2D-multicast mode selection algorithm is proposed with comparable performance to the optimal exhaustive search. We first explain the main procedure via one simple example and then present the general formulation. Furthermore, D2D transmission scenarios and conditions useful for minimizing the overall delivery time are identified. By exploiting the direct D2D exchange of file fragments, the common multicasting rate for delivering the remaining file fragments in the downlink phase is increased, providing greatly enhanced overall content delivery performance

    Low-complexity high-performance cyclic caching for large MISO systems

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    Abstract Multi-antenna coded caching is known to combine a global caching gain that is proportional to the cumulative cache size found across the network, with an additional spatial multiplexing gain that stems from using multiple transmitting antennas. However, a closer look reveals two severe bottlenecks; the well-known exponential subpacketization bottleneck that dramatically reduces performance when the communicated file sizes are finite, and the considerable optimization complexity of beamforming multicast messages when the SNR is finite. We here present an entirely novel caching scheme, termed cyclic multi-antenna coded caching, whose unique structure allows for the resolution of the above bottlenecks in the crucial regime of many transmit antennas. For this regime, where the multiplexing gain can exceed the coding gain, our new algorithm is the first to achieve the exact one-shot linear optimal DoF with a subpacketization complexity that scales only linearly with the number of users, and the first to benefit from a multicasting structure that allows for exploiting uplink-downlink duality in order to yield optimized beamformers ultra-fast. In the end, our novel solution provides excellent performance for networks with finite SNR, finite file sizes, and many users