11 research outputs found

    Erythrocyte hemolysis and hemoglobin oxidation promote ferric chloride-induced vascular injury,ā€ The

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    Abstract The release of redox-active iron and heme into the blood-stream is toxic to the vasculature, contributing to the development of vascular diseases. How iron induces endothelial injury remains ill defined. To investigate this, we developed a novel ex vivo perfusion chamber that enables direct analysis of the effects of FeCl3 on the vasculature. We demonstrate that FeCl3 treatment of isolated mouse aorta, perfused with whole blood, was associated with endothelial denudation, collagen exposure, and occlusive thrombus formation. Strikingly exposing vessels to FeCl3 alone, in the absence of perfused blood, was associated with only minor vascular injury. Whole blood fractionation studies revealed that FeCl3-induced vascular injury was red blood cell (erythrocyte)-dependent, requiring erythrocyte hemolysis and hemoglobin oxidation for endothelial denudation

    Assessment of in vivo oxidative lipid metabolism following acute microcystin-LR-induced hepatotoxicity in rats

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    Oxidative lipid metabolism as a result of acute cyanobacterial toxin-induced hepatotoxicity was monitored in male Sprague-Dawley rats using electron spin resonance (ESR) spectroscopy and image-guided proton nuclear magnetic resonance (Ā¹H-NMR) spectroscopy. ESR spectroscopy, coupled with spin trapping, was used to trap and detect lipid-derived radicals, formed in rat livers after acute in vivo exposure (LDā‚…ā‚€) to the cyanobacterial toxin, microcystin-LR (MCLR). A statistically significant increase in the levels (spectral peak integrals) of lipid radicals was detected in MCLR-treated livers (p <0.05) (n =8), in comparison to control livers (n =6). In order to monitor lipid metabolism, before and for a period of 3h, following toxin exposure, in vivo proton image-guided NMR spectroscopy was used. A statistically significant decrease in the levels of lipid methylene hydrogen resonances (spectral peak integrals) was observed from MCLR-treated livers (n =6) 2 and 3h post-exposure (p <0.05), in comparison to controls (n =6). Image-guided NMR spectroscopy was also used to detect significant decreasing levels of in vivo glutamine/glutamate, following exposure to MCLR. Biochemical assessment of perchloric extracts of liver glutamine and glutamate levels correlated with NMR spectroscopy results. Lactate levels measured as perchloric acid extracts, were also found to significantly decrease. In addition, assessment of serum enzymes alanine aminotransferase (ALT) and aspartate aminotransferase (AST) levels were used to confirm hepatotoxicity (n=20). This study strongly suggests that oxidative stress related processes are involved in in vivo microcystin-induced hepatotoxicity in mammals,and may play an integral role in MCLR-induced toxicity

    In vivo assessment of nodularin-induced hepatotoxicity in the rat using magnetic resonance techniques (MRI, MRS and EPR oximetry)

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    Acute nodularin-induced hepatotoxicity was assessed in vivo, in rats using magnetic resonance (MR) techniques, including MR imaging (MRI), MR spectroscopy (MRS), and electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) oximetry. Nodularin is a cyclic hepatotoxin isolated from the cyanobacterium Nodularia spumigena. Three hours following the intraperitoneal (i.p.) administration of nodularin (LDā‚…ā‚€), a region of 'damage', characterized by an increase in signal intensity, was observed proximal to the porta hepatis (PH) region in T2-weighted MR images of rat liver. Image analysis of these regions of apparent 'damage' indicated a statistically significant increase in signal intensity around the PH region following nodularin administration, in comparison with controls and regions peripheral to the PH region. An increase in signal intensity was also observed proximal to the PH region in water chemical shift selective images (CSSI) of nodularin-treated rat livers, indicating that the increased signal observed by MRI is an oedematous response to the toxin. Microscopic assessment (histology and electron microscopy) and serum liver enzyme function tests (aminotransferase (ALT) and aspartate ALT (AST)) confirmed the nodularin-induced tissue injury observed by MRI. In vivo and in vitro MRS was used to detect alterations in metabolites, such as lipids, Glu+Gln, and choline, during the hepatotoxic response (2ā€“3 h post-exposure). Biochemical assessment of perchloric acid extracts of nodularin-treated rat livers were used to confirm the MRS results. In vivo EPR oximetry was used to monitor decreasing hepatic pOā‚‚ (āˆ¼2-fold from controls) 2ā€“3 h following nodularin exposure. In vivo MR techniques (MRI, MRS and EPR oximetry) are able to highlight effects that may not have been evident in single end point studies, and are ideal methods to follow tissue injury progression in longitudinally, increasing the power of a study through repeated measures, and decreasing the number of animals to perform a similar study using histological or biochemical techniques

    Erythrocyte Hemolysis and Hemoglobin Oxidation Promote Ferric Chloride-induced Vascular Injury*Sāƒž

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    The release of redox-active iron and heme into the blood-stream is toxic to the vasculature, contributing to the development of vascular diseases. How iron induces endothelial injury remains ill defined. To investigate this, we developed a novel ex vivo perfusion chamber that enables direct analysis of the effects of FeCl3 on the vasculature. We demonstrate that FeCl3 treatment of isolated mouse aorta, perfused with whole blood, was associated with endothelial denudation, collagen exposure, and occlusive thrombus formation. Strikingly exposing vessels to FeCl3 alone, in the absence of perfused blood, was associated with only minor vascular injury. Whole blood fractionation studies revealed that FeCl3-induced vascular injury was red blood cell (erythrocyte)-dependent, requiring erythrocyte hemolysis and hemoglobin oxidation for endothelial denudation. Overall these studies define a unique mechanism of Fe3+-induced vascular injury that has implications for the understanding of FeCl3-dependent models of thrombosis and vascular dysfunction associated with severe intravascular hemolysis

    Characterization of a novel model of global forebrain ischaemiaā€“reperfusion injury in mice and comparison with focal ischaemic and haemorrhagic stroke

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    Stroke is caused by obstructed blood flow (ischaemia) or unrestricted bleeding in the brain (haemorrhage). Global brain ischaemia occurs after restricted cerebral blood flow e.g. during cardiac arrest. Following ischaemic injury, restoration of blood flow causes ischaemia-reperfusion (I/R) injury which worsens outcome. Secondary injury mechanisms after any stroke are similar, and encompass inflammation, endothelial dysfunction, blood-brain barrier (BBB) damage and apoptosis. We developed a new model of transient global forebrain I/R injury (dual carotid artery ligation; DCAL) and compared the manifestations of this injury with those in a conventional I/R injury model (middle-cerebral artery occlusion; MCAo) and with intracerebral haemorrhage (ICH; collagenase model). MRI revealed that DCAL produced smaller bilateral lesions predominantly localised to the striatum, whereas MCAo produced larger focal corticostriatal lesions. After global forebrain ischaemia mice had worse overall neurological scores, although quantitative locomotor assessment showed MCAo and ICH had significantly worsened mobility. BBB breakdown was highest in the DCAL model while apoptotic activity was highest after ICH. VCAM-1 upregulation was specific to ischaemic models only. Differential transcriptional upregulation of pro-inflammatory chemokines and cytokines and TLRs was seen in the three models. Our findings offer a unique insight into the similarities and differences in how biological processes are regulated after different types of stroke. They also establish a platform for analysis of therapies such as endothelial protective and anti-inflammatory agents that can be applied to all types of stroke

    The mode of anesthesia influences outcome in mouse models of arterial thrombosis

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    Background: Arterial thrombosis models are important for preclinical evaluation of antithrombotics but how anesthetic protocol can influence experimental results is not studied. Objectives: We studied how three most commonly used rodent anesthetics affect the induction of thrombosis and thrombus resolution with antiplatelet agent integrilin (Eptifibatide). Methods: The Folts, electrolytic, and FeCl3 models of carotid artery thrombosis were evaluated. The extent of blood flow reduction required to elicit cyclic flow reductions (CFR) was examined in the Folts model. The occlusion time and stability following electrolytic or FeCl3 injury was assessed. The efficacy of Eptifibatide was studied in each cohort and clot composition following FeCl3 application was assessed histologically. Results: Isoflurane and ketamine-xylazine (ket-x) elicited higher basal blood flow velocities. For reliable CFR in the Folts model, a higher degree of blood flow reduction was required under ket-x and isoflurane. For the FeCl3 and electrolytic models, injury severity had to be increased in mice under ket-x anesthesia to achieve rapid occlusion. FeCl3-injured artery sections from ket-x and isoflurane-treated mice showed vessel dilatation and clots that were more fibrin/red-cell rich compared to pentobarbitone. Integrilin led to cycle abolishment for all three Folts-injury cohorts but for the electrolytic model a 2.5-fold higher dose was required to restore blood flow under pentobarbitone. Integrilin after FeCl3 arterial injury was partially ineffective in isoflurane-treated mice. Conclusions: Anesthesia impacts rodent carotid artery occlusion experiments and alters integrilin efficacy. It is important to consider anesthetic protocols in animal experiments involving pharmacological agents for treatment of atherothrombosis