33 research outputs found

    Дослідження мотивації до занять з фізичного виховання в умовах воєнного стану

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    It is known that students are representatives of the main labor reserve of our country, they will become parents, and their health and well-being are a guarantee of the health and well-being of the entire nation. Since physical education classes have the most effective effect on improving the psycho-emotional state, health, and physical fitness, we analyzed the motivational aspects and attitude of higher education students to physical education classes. It was revealed that the level of motivation among students of higher education institutions has significantly decreased since the beginning of the war. One of the main reasons is depressedmood, reluctance to study, due to the events that are happening in our crane. Therefore, updated approaches to conducting physical education classes, taking into account the realities of today, will have an impact on the positive solution of the specifiedproblem.Motivation for physical activity is a special state of the individual, which aims to achieve the optimal level of physical fitness and work capacity. The process of forming an interest in physical education and sports is not an instant, but a multi-component process: from the first elementary hygienic knowledge and skills to deep psychophysiological knowledge of the theory and methods of physical education and intensive sports. A very important component is the stimulation and encouragement of sports not only during the educational process, but also during recreation. Specific pathogenetic factors are risk factors related to the organization of their educational activities: the intensificationof the educational process and its existingorganization, based on the predominance of static loads, which contribute to the artificial reduction of the amount of motor activity of studentsВідомо, що студенти є представниками основного трудового резерву нашої країни, вони стануть батьками, і їх здоров'я і благополуччя є запорукою здоров'я і благополуччя всієї нації. Оскільки заняття з фізичного виховання найбільш ефективно впливають на покращення психоемоційного стану, здоров’я, фізичної підготовленості, нами було проаналізовано мотиваційні аспекти та ставлення здобувачів вищої освіти до занять з фізичного виховання. Виявлено, що рівень мотивації у студентів закладів вищої освіти значно знижився з початку війни. Однією з основних причин є пригнічений настрій, небажання вчитися, через події, які відбуваються в нашій крані. Томуоновлені підходидо проведення занять з фізичного виховання з урахуванням, реалій сьогодення матиме вплив на позитивне вирішення означеної проблеми

    Вплив фізичного виховання на формування культури здоровʼя здобувачів освіти

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    The article examines the influence of physical education on the formation of a culture of healthamong students. After all, at present, the crisis of the state system of physical education has turned into a number of negative consequences for society, among which we can single out a decrease in the level of health of different age groups of the population, especially young people. This fact is of particular importance, since the state of health of education seekers is the most important indicator of the vitality of the people of any country. In view of the fact that the health of students of educationdeteriorates in the process of education, it is necessary to clarify the idea of the relationship between the two concepts «culture» and «health» in order to orientate in the concept of "personal health culture" and subsequently define the essence of the health culture of modern youth.Appreciating the importance of research devoted to the problem of preserving the health of the younger generation, we at the same time emphasize that it requires further research in various directions. In particular, there is an acute problem of forming the readiness (needs, abilities and determination) of children and adolescents to consciously follow a healthy lifestyle. The possibility of physical education in forming a culture of attitude to one's health, and to health asphysical, but also mental and moral-spiritual, has not been definitively revealed.Some researchers limit the physical education of students to only physical education lessons, despite the fact that physical education lessons even fulfill the needs of children in the necessary amount of their motor activity.В статті розглянуто вплив фізичного виховання на формування культури здоров’я у здобувачів освіти. Адже в даний час криза державної системи фізичного виховання обернулася для суспільства низкою негативних наслідків, серед яких можна виділити зниження рівня здоров'я різних вікових контингентів населення, особливо молоді. Цей факт має особливе значення, оскільки стан здоров'я здобувачів освіти є найважливішим показником життєздатності народу будь-якої країни. З огляду на той факт, що здоров'я здобувачів освіти погіршується в процесі навчання, необхідно уточнити уявлення про зв'язок двох понять «культура» і «здоров'я» з метою орієнтації в понятті «культура здоров'я особистості» і згодом визначення сутності культури здоров'я сучасної молоді


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    A special place in identifying priorities in Tatarstan ideology occupies by socio-political sphere’s values. The political culture of a society grows on the foundation of his general culture. Music, as part of the general culture and moral potential of personality, contributes to the formation of spiritual and cultural development of the society.Особое место при выявлении приоритетов татарстанской идеологии занимают ценности общественно-политической сферы. Политическая культура общества вырастает на фундаменте его общей культуры. Музыка, являясь частью общей культуры и морально-нравственным потенциалом личности, вносит свой вклад в формирование духовно-культурного развития общества


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    Disease prevalence survey is one of the population health estimation methods, which allows finding out previously unrecognized diseases or initial stages of chronic illness. Due to medical care low availability a part of village women diseases remains unrecognized and it results in high level of rural population disability and mortality. Because of the lack of official statistical information on disease incidence of female population, the disease prevalence survey has been performed basing on results of city and village women’s periodic health examination in one of Ufa Out-patient Clinics and in a rural municipal region. The survey results show that prevalence rate of village women’s diseases recognized during periodic health examination is statistics wise significantly higher (1160.2 per 1000 of examined) in comparison with city women (907.8 per 1000 of examined, р < 0,001). Among the recognized diseases the first 2 rank places have been taken by circulatory illnesses and neuropathies for both groups of women, the third place has been occupied by endocrine system diseases for city women and by digestive system diseases for village women. It has been defined that relative index of recognized diseases builds up depending on age, but it is signifi-cantly higher for village women. Thus for age group of 21-36 years old the disease incidence among city women was 637.7 per 1000 people of the relevant age, among village women - 728.1, at age of more than 60 years old - 1200.0 and 1528.4 correspondingly. The number of recognized circulatory, endocrine system, excitatory system diseases, neuropathies, eye and its appendages diseases and others has been increasing for the elderly age groups. The obtained results are implemented in developing of women health care procedures

    Investigation of energy consumption trends in petrochemical plants for the management of resource saving

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    The relevance of the research topic is due to the study of the important problem of improving the energy efficiency of the economy and the meso and micro levels. In the conditions of the development of an innovative economy, energy saving becomes one of the main factors for increasing the economic efficiency and economic security of industrial enterprises and complexes. The article discusses the main aspects of the organization of energy-saving environmental production systems. The factors affecting the energy efficiency of the production process from the standpoint of logistics, including the processes of storage, storage and transportation of products within an industrial enterprise, are summarized. As a criterion of energy saving in logistics chains, the coefficient of consumption of energy resources spent per unit of production is given. The analysis of the dynamics of fuel and energy costs per unit of output by the types of activities of petrochemical plants of the Republic of Tatarstan was carried out. The specificity of the level of fuel and energy costs by type of activity is shown, depending on the specifics of production and products. The variation of energy consumption data by types of petrochemical production activities for 10 years has been calculated. The prospects for reducing the energy intensity of petrochemical enterprises in the context of the liberalization of the market of electric energy and power are considered. The materials of the study can be used in managing the development of the real sector of the economy, the service sector, both at the enterprise services level and in government structures. In addition, the proposed methodology is appropriate for assessing the level of resource-saving production, building innovative energy-saving development strategies, and developing a mechanism for targeted actions for the rational use of resources