28 research outputs found

    The dynamic change of microbial communities in crude oil contaminated soils from oilfields in China

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    To study the biodegradability of microbial communities in crude oil contamination, crude oil-contaminated soil samples from different areas of China were collected. Using polyphasic approach, this study explored the dynamic change of the microbial communities during natural accumulation in oilfield and how the constructed bioremediation systems reshape the composition of microbial communities. The abundance of oil-degrading microbes was highest when oil content was 3%–8%. This oil content is potentially optimal for oil-degrading bacteria proliferate. During a ∼12 months natural accumulation, the quantity of oil-degrading microbes increased from 105 to 108 cells/g of soil. A typical sample of Liaohe (LH, oil-contaminated site near Liaohe river, Liaoning Province, China) was remediated for 50 days to investigate the dynamic change of microbial communities. The average FDA (a fluorescein diacetate approach) activities reached 0.25 abs/h·g dry soil in the artificially enhanced repair system, 32% higher than the 0.19 abs/h·g dry soil in natural circumstances. The abundance of oil-degrading microbes increased steadily from 0.001 to 0.068. During remediation treatment, oil content in the soil sample was reduced from 6.0% to 3.7%. GC-MS analysis indicated up to 67% utilization of C10–C20 normal paraffin hydrocarbons, the typical compounds that undergo microbial degradation

    The inverted U-shaped relationship between weight loss percentage and cardiovascular health scores

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    Abstract Purpose Obesity is a significant risk factor for cardiovascular disease; however, the impact of weight loss on cardiovascular health (CVH) in individuals with specific obesity patterns remains incompletely understood. The objective of our study was to investigate the relationship weight loss percentage and CVH scores across individuals with various obesity patterns. Methods Our study utilized data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey conducted between 2007 and 2018, involving a total of 12,835 participants aged 16 years or older, to conduct a cross-sectional analysis. Multiple linear regression and multinomial logistic regression methods were used to assess the correlation between the weight loss percentage and the CVH scores. Additionally, restricted cubic spline analysis was employed to examine the nonlinear relationship between the two variables. Results Compared to individuals with a weight loss percentage < 0%, participants with weight loss percentages of 0–5% and 5.1–10% showed improved CVH scores, with β values of 2.85 (95% CI 2.32–3.38) and 2.55 (95% CI 1.69–3.4), respectively. Regarding different obesity patterns, compared to participants with a weight loss percentage < 0%, participants with a weight loss percentage of 0–5% showed an increase in CVH scores in the normal weight and overweight/general obesity (OGO) groups, with β values of 1.45 (95% CI 0.7–2.19) and 1.22 (95% CI 0.46–1.97), respectively. Restricted cubic spline analysis revealed a significant inverted U-shaped relationship between the weight loss percentage and the CVH scores (with optimal CVH scores at 3%). Conclusions There was an inverted U-shaped relationship between weight loss percentage and CVH scores, with moderate weight loss (0–10%, optimal value of 3%) being associated with improved CVH scores, especially among individuals with OGO. Level V Opinions of respected authorities, based on descriptive studies, narrative reviews, clinical experience, or reports of expert committees

    Machine learning based on landslide susceptibility assessment with Bayesian optimized the hyperparameters

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    In machine learning-based landslide susceptibility assessment, there are some differences in the evaluation results obtained by using different hyperparameters. This paper aims to use the Bayesian algorithm to optimize the hyperparameters of four common machine learning models (logistic regression, support vector machine, artificial neural network and random forest) and to explore the optimization effect of this algorithm. Taking the landslide susceptibility assessment of four counties (Anhua, Xinhua, Taojiang, and Taoyuan Counties) in central Hunan as an example, the feasibility and applicability of the algorithm are illustrated. Based on the landslide inventory, 1 017 landslide points in the study area were determined, and 15 landslide influencing factors were selected to construct the training set and test set. The Bayesian optimization algorithm is used to optimize the main hyperparameters of the four machine learning models, and four optimal models are established according to the optimized hyperparameters. The AUC value and other indicators are used to compare the predictive ability of different models. The results show that ① the prediction performance of the hyperparameters optimized models is better than that of the unoptimized models. ② Among the four optimization models, the coupling model of the random forest and Bayesian optimization algorithm has the best prediction performance


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    Earth-rock dam is commonly used in the high-dam engineering around the world. It has been widely accepted that the analysis on structural and seepage stability plays a very important role, and it is necessary to take into account while designing the earth-rock dam. In performing the analysis of structural and seepage stability, many remarkable methods are available at current stage. However, there are still some important issues remaining unsolved, including: (1) Finite element methods (FEMs) is a means of solutions to analysis seepage process, but it is often a difficult task to determine the so-called seepage coefficient, because the common-used water injection test is limited in the practical work due to the high cost and complex procedure. (2) It has long been discussed that the key parameters for structural stability analysis show a significant spatial and temporal variations. It may be partly explained by the inhomogeneous dam-filling during construction work and the developing seepage process. The consequence is that one constant value of the parameter cannot represent the above variations. In this context, we solve the above issues and introduce the solution with a practical earth-rock dam project. For determining the seepage coefficient, the data from the piezo metric tube is used to calculate the potential value, based on which the seepage coefficient can be back-analysed. Then the seepage field, as well as the seepage stability are numerically analysed using the FEM-based SEEP/W program. As to the structural safety, we take into account the spatial and temporal variations of the key parameters, and incorporate the Monte-Carlo simulation method into the commonly used M-P method to calculate the frequency distribution of the obtained structural safety factor. In this way, the structural and seepage safety can be well analysed. This study is also beneficial to provide a mature method and a theoretical insight into the earth-rock dam design. The earth-rock dam of Xiquanyan Reservoir near Harbin city in China is also selected as case study to illustrate the described method

    Advanced reliability analysis of slopes in spatially variable soils using multivariate adaptive regression splines

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    This study aims to extend the multivariate adaptive regression splines (MARS)‒Monte Carlo simulation (MCS) method for reliability analysis of slopes in spatially variable soils. This approach is used to explore the influences of the multiscale spatial variability of soil properties on the probability of failure (Pf) of the slopes. In the proposed approach, the relationship between the factor of safety and the soil strength parameters characterized with spatial variability is approximated by the MARS, with the aid of Karhunen–Loève expansion. MCS is subsequently performed on the established MARS model to evaluate Pf. Finally, a nominally homogeneous cohesive‒frictional slope and a heterogeneous cohesive slope, which are both characterized with different spatial variabilities, are utilized to illustrate the proposed approach. Results showed that the proposed approach can estimate the Pf of the slopes efficiently in spatially variable soils with sufficient accuracy. Moreover, the approach is relatively robust to the influence of different statistics of soil properties, thereby making it an effective and practical tool for addressing slope reliability problems concerning time-consuming deterministic stability models with low levels of Pf. Furthermore, disregarding the multiscale spatial variability of soil properties can overestimate or underestimate the Pf. Although the difference is small in general, the multiscale spatial variability of the soil properties must still be considered in the reliability analysis of heterogeneous slopes, especially for those highly related to cost effective and accurate designs. Keywords: Slope stability, Efficient reliability analysis, Spatial variability, Random field, Multivariate adaptive regression splines, Monte Carlo simulatio


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    Earth-rock dam is commonly used in the high-dam engineering around the world. It has been widely accepted that the analysis on structural and seepage stability plays a very important role, and it is necessary to take into account while designing the earth-rock dam. In performing the analysis of structural and seepage stability, many remarkable methods are available at current stage. However, there are still some important issues remaining unsolved, including: (1) Finite element methods (FEMs) is a means of solutions to analysis seepage process, but it is often a difficult task to determine the so-called seepage coefficient, because the common-used water injection test is limited in the practical work due to the high cost and complex procedure. (2) It has long been discussed that the key parameters for structural stability analysis show a significant spatial and temporal variations. It may be partly explained by the inhomogeneous dam-filling during construction work and the developing seepage process. The consequence is that one constant value of the parameter cannot represent the above variations. In this context, we solve the above issues and introduce the solution with a practical earth-rock dam project. For determining the seepage coefficient, the data from the piezo metric tube is used to calculate the potential value, based on which the seepage coefficient can be back-analysed. Then the seepage field, as well as the seepage stability are numerically analysed using the FEM-based SEEP/W program. As to the structural safety, we take into account the spatial and temporal variations of the key parameters, and incorporate the Monte-Carlo simulation method into the commonly used M-P method to calculate the frequency distribution of the obtained structural safety factor. In this way, the structural and seepage safety can be well analysed. This study is also beneficial to provide a mature method and a theoretical insight into the earth-rock dam design. The earth-rock dam of Xiquanyan Reservoir near Harbin city in China is also selected as case study to illustrate the described method

    Analysis on the technology of preparing diamond tools by FDMS

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    The fused deposition modeling sintering (FDMS) technology has developed rapidly in recent years and has a great potential for development in the manufacture of diamond tools because of its advantages of low energy consumption, high printing stability, low cost of forming equipment and simple operation. The technical feasibility of preparing diamond tools by FDMS technology is analyzed. The preparation process flow, the printing parameter optimization and the printing equipment optimization design of FDMS technology are systematically discussed. The research results of manufacturing diamond ultra-thin blades by FDMS are listed. The key problems of FDMS technology in manufacturing diamond tools are pointed out, and its development is prospected

    Numerical Investigation on the Dynamic Flow Pattern in a New Wastewater Treatment System

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    Currently, industries seek to optimize the development of technology from energy-saving, economic, and environmental perspectives. Dissolved air flotation (DAF) is one of the most effective wastewater treatment systems. However, it requires considerable energy and causes significant operating costs. A recently emerged application of using fluidic oscillators (FOs) to generate microbubbles has attracted extensive attention, as it consumes much less energy and has proven to be a more energy-efficient technique. In this article, a microbubble generator based on FOs is introduced into the flotation tank, and an energy-saving water treatment system, namely fluidic air flotation (FAF), is presented. Using the computational fluid dynamics (CFD) method, the flow pattern of the FAF is investigated. It is observed that FAF generates a dynamic flow pattern, which is beneficial for bubble removal. At the upper part of the separation zone, the flow pattern exhibits a wavy shape. The flow pattern at the lower part switches between clockwise and counterclockwise. The air distribution of the separation zone is also studied. It is found that the height of the “white water” zone almost linearly decreases with the increase in bubble diameter and diffuser size. FAF consumes almost no energy and occupies a small area, and it is expected to provide a promising solution to develop a new generation of the wastewater treatment system

    Key technical problems of the application of DIW process of ceramic materials in ceramic-based diamond tools

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    The direct ink writing (DIW) technology of slurry is a 3D printing technology based on slurry extrusion. It has the advantages of low energy consumption, low cost, fast printing speed and no structural design restrictions. On the basis of summarizing the advantages of the application of DIW technology to ceramic-based diamond tools, key steps in the application process, such as the raw material selection, the slurry preparation, the printing suitability, the degreasing and the sintering process, are discussed and the powder agglomeration problem that needs to be given attention to in the slurry preparation process is pointed out. At the same time, some research examples of DIW manufacturing process are analyzed. Finally, it points out the key problems that should be solved in DIW manufacturing ceramic-based diamond tools