18 research outputs found

    A Pulse-Gated, Predictive Neural Circuit

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    Recent evidence suggests that neural information is encoded in packets and may be flexibly routed from region to region. We have hypothesized that neural circuits are split into sub-circuits where one sub-circuit controls information propagation via pulse gating and a second sub-circuit processes graded information under the control of the first sub-circuit. Using an explicit pulse-gating mechanism, we have been able to show how information may be processed by such pulse-controlled circuits and also how, by allowing the information processing circuit to interact with the gating circuit, decisions can be made. Here, we demonstrate how Hebbian plasticity may be used to supplement our pulse-gated information processing framework by implementing a machine learning algorithm. The resulting neural circuit has a number of structures that are similar to biological neural systems, including a layered structure and information propagation driven by oscillatory gating with a complex frequency spectrum.Comment: This invited paper was presented at the 50th Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computer

    Thymosin alpha 1 in the prevention of infected pancreatic necrosis following acute necrotising pancreatitis (TRACE trial): protocol of a multicentre, randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled, parallel-group trial

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    Introduction Infected pancreatic necrosis (IPN) and its related septic complications are the major causes of death in patients with acute necrotising pancreatitis (ANP). Therefore, the prevention of IPN is of great clinical value, and immunomodulatory therapy with thymosin alpha 1 may be beneficial. This study was designed to test the hypothesis that the administration of thymosin alpha 1 during the acute phase of ANP will result in a reduced incidence of IPN. Methods and analysis This is a randomised, multicentre, double-blind, placebo-controlled study. 520 eligible patients with ANP will be randomised in a 1:1 ratio to receive either the thymosin alpha 1 or the placebo using the same mode of administration. The primary endpoint is the incidence of IPN during the index admission. Most of the secondary endpoints will be registered within the index admission including in-hospital mortality, the incidence of new-onset organ failure and new-onset persistent organ failure (respiration, cardiovascular and renal), receipt of new organ support therapy, requirement for drainage or necrosectomy, bleeding requiring intervention, human leucocyte antigens-DR(HLA-DR) on day 0, day 7, day 14, and so on and adverse events. Considering the possibility of readmission, an additional follow-up will be arranged 90 days after enrolment, and IPN and death at day 90 will also be served as secondary outcomes. Ethics and dissemination This study was approved by the ethics committee of Jinling Hospital, Nanjing University (Number 2015NZKY-004-02). The thymosin alpha 1 in the prevention of infected pancreatic necrosis following acute necrotising pancreatitis(TRACE) trial was designed to test the effect of a new therapy focusing on the immune system in preventing secondary infection following ANP. The results of this trial will be disseminated in peer-reviewed journals and at scientific conferences. Trial registration number ClinicalTrials.gov Registry (NCT02473406)

    Dimensional reduction of emergent spatiotemporal cortical dynamics via a maximum entropy moment closure.

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    Modern electrophysiological recordings and optical imaging techniques have revealed a diverse spectrum of spatiotemporal neural activities underlying fundamental cognitive processing. Oscillations, traveling waves and other complex population dynamical patterns are often concomitant with sensory processing, information transfer, decision making and memory consolidation. While neural population models such as neural mass, population density and kinetic theoretical models have been used to capture a wide range of the experimentally observed dynamics, a full account of how the multi-scale dynamics emerges from the detailed biophysical properties of individual neurons and the network architecture remains elusive. Here we apply a recently developed coarse-graining framework for reduced-dimensional descriptions of neuronal networks to model visual cortical dynamics. We show that, without introducing any new parameters, how a sequence of models culminating in an augmented system of spatially-coupled ODEs can effectively model a wide range of the observed cortical dynamics, ranging from visual stimulus orientation dynamics to traveling waves induced by visual illusory stimuli. In addition to an efficient simulation method, this framework also offers an analytic approach to studying large-scale network dynamics. As such, the dimensional reduction naturally leads to mesoscopic variables that capture the interplay between neuronal population stochasticity and network architecture that we believe to underlie many emergent cortical phenomena

    Lack of pupil reflex and loss of consciousness predict 30-day neurological sequelae in patients with carbon monoxide poisoning.

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    Predicting the neurological sequelae of carbon monoxide poisoning (COP) has not been well studied. We investigated the independent predictors of neurological sequelae in patients with COP and combined these predictors to predict the prognosis.This study was conducted at four hospitals in Shandong Province, China. Data were retrospectively collected from 258 patients with COP between November 1990 and October 2011. Thirty-day neurological sequelae were the primary endpoints.A lack of pupil reflex and a loss of consciousness appear to be independent predictors for neurological sequelae in patients with COP. The presence of either one had a sensitivity of 77.0% (95% confidence interval [CI]: 69.3-83.2), a specificity of 47.1% (95% CI: 38.3-56.0), positive predictive value (PPV) of 62.9% (95% CI: 55.2-70.1), and a negative predictive value (NPV) of 63.6% (95% CI: 52.6-73.4). With both predictors present, the sensitivity was 11.5% (95% CI: 6.9 to 18.3), the specificity was 99.2 (95% CI: 94.7-100.0), the PPV was 94.1% (95% CI: 69.2-99.7), and the NPV was 49.0% (95% CI: 42.5-55.5).The risk for neurological sequelae apparently increased with the number of independent predictors. In patients with both predictors, the risk for neurological sequelae was 94.1%. Almost all (99.2%) patients with neither predictor had no neurological sequelae. This finding may help physicians make decisions about and dispositions for patients with COP. For patients with a higher risk, earlier treatment and more appropriate utilization of health care services, including hyperbaric oxygen, should be considered

    A Positive Babinski Reflex Predicts Delayed Neuropsychiatric Sequelae in Chinese Patients with Carbon Monoxide Poisoning

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    As the human population increased in China, the carbon monoxide is a serious environmental toxin in public health. However, predicting the delayed neuropsychiatric sequelae (DNS) of carbon monoxide poisoning (COP) has not been well studied. We investigated the independent predictors of DNS in patients with COP. This study was conducted at four hospitals in China. Data were retrospectively collected from 258 patients with COP between November 1990 and October 2011. DNS was the primary endpoint. A positive Babinski reflex was the independent predictor for DNS: sensitivity = 53.8% (95% confidence interval [CI]: 26.1–79.6), specificity = 88.6% (95% CI: 83.7–92.1), positive predictive value (PPV) = 20.0% (95% CI: 9.1–37.5), and negative predictive value (NPV) = 97.3% (95% CI: 94.0–98.9). The area under the receiver operating characteristic curve = 0.712 (95% CI: 0.544–0.880). A positive Babinski reflex was very memorable, immediately available, and applicable in clinical practice. Even when the sensitivity and PPV of a positive Babinski reflex were unsatisfactory, it had a good specificity and NPV for excluding the risk of DNS. In patients without a positive Babinski reflex, the risk for DNS was only 2.7%. This finding may help physicians make decisions about dispositions for patients with COP

    Sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value (PPV), and negative predictive value (NPV) of the number of independent predictors for 30-day neurological sequelae in patients with carbon monoxide poisoning.

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    <p>All data are % (number).</p><p>Sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value (PPV), and negative predictive value (NPV) of the number of independent predictors for 30-day neurological sequelae in patients with carbon monoxide poisoning.</p

    Multivariate logistic regression model using the results of the univariate comparison with <i>p</i>-value < 0.1 of 258 patients with carbon monoxide poisoning

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    <p>NA: not available; variable not included in the final model.</p><p>Multivariate logistic regression model using the results of the univariate comparison with <i>p</i>-value < 0.1 of 258 patients with carbon monoxide poisoning</p