190 research outputs found


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    Continuous processes for fabricating a perovskite device are described that include forming a perovskite layer or film on a substrate using a linear deposition device , and optionally using a conductive tape lamination process to form an anode or a cathode layer on the perovskite device

    Variations in the East Asian summer monsoon over the past 1 millennium and their links to the Tropic Pacific and North 2 Atlantic oceans

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    Variations of East Asian summer monsoon (EASM) during the last millennium could help enlighten the monsoonal response to future global warming. Here we present a precisely dated and highly resolved stalagmite δ18O record from the Yongxing Cave, central China. Our new record, combined with a previously published one from the same cave, indicates that the EASM has changed dramatically in association with the global temperature rising. In particular, our record shows that the EASM has intensified during the Medieval Climate Anomaly (MCA) and the Current Warm Period (CWP) but weakened during the Little Ice Age (LIA). We find that the EASM intensity is similar during the MCA and CWP periods in both northern and central China, but relatively stronger during the CWP in southern China. This discrepancy indicates a complicated regional response of the EASM to the anthropogenic forcing. The intensified and weakened EASM during the MCA and LIA matches well with the warm and cold phases of Northern Hemisphere surface air temperature, respectively. This EASM pattern also corresponds well with the rainfall over the tropical Indo-Pacific warm pool. Surprisingly, our record shows a strong association with the North Atlantic climate as well. The intensified (weakened) EASM correlates well with positive (negative) phases of North Atlantic Oscillation. In addition, our record links well with the strong (weak) Atlantic meridional overturning circulation during the MCA (LIA) period. All above-mentioned correlations indicate that the EASM tightly couples with oceanic processes in the tropical Pacific and North Atlantic oceans during the MCA and LIA

    Enhancing stability and efficiency of perovskite solar cells with crosslinkable silane-functionalized and doped fullerene

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    The instability of hybrid perovskite materials due to water and moisture arises as one major challenge to be addressed before any practical application of the demonstrated high efficiency perovskite solar cells. Here we report a facile strategy that can simultaneously enhance the stability and efficiency of p–i–n planar heterojunction-structure perovskite devices. Crosslinkable silane molecules with hydrophobic functional groups are bonded onto fullerene to make the fullerene layer highly water-resistant. Methylammonium iodide is introduced in the fullerene layer for n-doping via anion-induced electron transfer, resulting in dramatically increased conductivity over 100-fold. With crosslinkable silane-functionalized and doped fullerene electron transport layer, the perovskite devices deliver an efficiency of 19.5% with a high fill factor of 80.6%. A crosslinked silane-modified fullerene layer also enhances the water and moisture stability of the non-sealed perovskite devices by retaining nearly 90% of their original efficiencies after 30 days’ exposure in an ambient environment

    Loop distribution and fusion with timing and code size optimization for embedded dsps

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    Abstract. Loop distribution and loop fusion are two effective loop transformation techniques to optimize the execution of the programs in DSP applications. In this paper, we propose a new technique combining loop distribution with direct loop fusion, which will improve the timing performance without jeopardizing the code size. We first develop the loop distribution theorems that state the legality conditions of loop distribution for multi-level nested loops. We show that if the summation of the edge weights of the dependence cycle satisfies a certain condition, then the statements involved in the dependence cycle can be distributed; otherwise, they should be put in the same loop after loop distribution. Then, we propose the technique of maximum loop distribution with direct loop fusion. The experimental results show that the execution time of the transformed loops by our technique is reduced 21.0% on average compared to the original loops and the code size of the transformed loops is reduced 7.0% on average compared to the original loops

    Plio-Quaternary coastal uplift along the western Iberian margin: insights from dated marine terraces (Peniche, central Portugal)

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    This study provides a detailed geomorphological study of the Peniche Peninsula, located in westernmost Iberia, a resistant rocky limestone headland subjected to high energy Atlantic Ocean coastal processes. We have used field mapping, surveying, sedimentary facies analysis, geochronology (electron spin resonance [ESR]; U-Series), but also identification of fossils and lithic artefacts, in order to: 1) reconstruct styles and timing of paleoenvironmental changes, 2) correlate to Marine Isotope Stages (MIS), and 3) quantify coastal uplift rates during the Quaternary. The marine terrace deposits, comprising calcite cemented conglomerates and siliciclastic sandstones, sometimes capped by travertines, were studied in detail along the SW sector of the peninsula, at the Furninha Cave site. The mapping (1/10,000 scale) and dating results obtained allow to identify several marine levels and to correlate them to MIS’s: 1) a culminant wave-cut platform at 29-33 m (above mean sea level) (Pm), with a probable age of 3.7 Ma; 2) a wave-cut platform at 24-28 m (Tm1), dated as 883±120 ka, probably correlated with high sea level conditions spanning ca.1000-790 ka (MIS25-19); 3) a wave-cut platform at 19-21 m (Tm2), with a beach conglomerate and sandstone, dated as 707±32 ka and correlated to 790-680 ka (MIS17); 4) a wave-cut platform at 14-16 m (Tm3), with a beach conglomerate and sandstone, and capping travertine, probably recording aggradation during 620-460 ka (MIS15-13) (ESR: 598±160, 563±63, 490±44 ka; U-series: >620 ka); 5) a wave-cut platform at 11-13 m (Tm4), with beach conglomerate and sandstone followed by travertine, dated as 315±48 ka, probably recording 430-275 ka (MIS11-9); 6) a wave-cut platform at 6-9 m (Tm5), with beach conglomerate, sandstone and travertine, dated as 288±53 ka, probably spanning 290-180 ka (MIS7); 7) a wave-cut platform at 4.0 m (Tm6), probably spanning 125-85 ka (MIS5); 8) aeolian sand units, respectively, of Late Pleistocene and Holocene age; 9) modern beach sediments, ranging from sands to boulders. A long term Plio-Quaternary corrected uplift rate of 0.004-0.006 m/ka is obtained using the Pm level as a key geomorphic marker (eustatic level = +10-20 m). In contrast, for the last ~1 Ma the inset Pleistocene marine terrace levels (Tm1-Tm6) indicate apparent short-term uplift rates between 0.02 and 0.05 m/ka (means of 0.03 to 0.04 m/ka) and corrected short-term uplift rates between -0.05 and 0.05 m/ka (means of -0.02 to 0.05 m/ka). This study demonstrates that the Quaternary compressive reactivation of the Western Iberian Margin has determined coastal low to moderate uplift rates; active tectonics play an important role in the geomorphic expression and distribution of Pleistocene marine terraces, recording vertical ground motions (uplift/subsidence) superimposed onto global sea-level oscillations

    Datación por ESR del yacimiento arqueológico del Pleistoceno inferior de Vallparadís (Terrassa, Cataluña, España)

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    Excavated between 2005 and 2007, the site of Vallparadís (Terrassa, Spain) has given an abundant and diversified fauna associated with a rich Mode 1 industry. In order to complete the chronostratigraphic framework, we performed ESR and combined US-ESR dating applied to quartz grains extracted from sediments and fossil teeth, respectively. The results obtained are very significant, giving a weighted mean ESR age of 0.83 ± 0.13 Ma (2σ) for the reference archaeological level of the site (level 10) and another of 0.79 ± 0.23 Ma (2σ) for the archaeological level 12 of the Vallparadís sequence. These ESR results are in total agreement with the ones derived from biochronology and paleomagnetism. This whole dataset allows the elaboration of a reliable and consistent chronostratigraphic framework which chronologically places Vallparadís site in the late Early Pleistocene period, i.e. within a time range comprised between Jaramillo and Brunhes geomagnetic events. Consequently, as well as Gran Dolina-TD6 and Sima del Elefante- TE9 sites, in Atapuerca, Burgos, Vallparadís can be therefore considered as a key site for the study of early hominid settlements in Europe.Excavado entre 2005 y 2007, el yacimiento de Vallparadís (Terrassa, España) ha aportado una fauna rica y diversa en asociación con un importante conjunto lítico de Modo 1. Con el objetivo de completar el marco cronoestratigráfico, se hicieron dataciones por los métodos de Resonancia Paramagnética Electrónica (Electron Spin Resonance, ESR) y ESR combinada con uranio-torio sobre algunas muestras de granos de cuarzo extraídos de sedimentos y dientes fósiles, respectivamente. Los resultados obtenidos son muy significativos, ofreciendo edades ESR promedias de 0,83 ± 0,13 Ma (2σ) para el nivel arqueológico de referencia del yacimiento (nivel 10) y de 0,79 ± 0,23 Ma (2σ) para el nivel arqueológico 12 de la secuencia de Vallparadís. Dichos resultados por ESR concuerdan con los obtenidos a partir de la biocronología y del paleomagnetismo. El yacimiento de Vallparadís dispone ahora de un marco cronoestratigráfico fiable y coherente, que permite situarlo cronológicamente a finales del Pleistoceno inferior, dentro de un rango temporal comprendido entre los eventos geomagnéticos de Jaramillo y Brunhes. Dicho yacimiento junto a los de Gran Dolina TD-6 y Sima del Elefante TE-9, en Atapuerca, Burgos, se posiciona como un yacimiento clave para el estudio de los primeros poblamientos humanos de Europa

    ESR dating of Middle Pleistocene archaeo-paleontological sites from the Manzanares and Jarama river valleys (Madrid basin, Spain)

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    In this work, three important Pleistocene sites of the Madrid basin located close to the junction of the Manzanares (PRERESA site) and the Jarama (Valdocarros site and Maresa quarry) rivers have been studied in order to improve the existing chronological framework of the basin and to clarify the geological evolution of these fluvial systems and their relationship with human occupations. To do so, Electron Spin Resonance (ESR) dating was applied to four fossil teeth and nine optically bleached quartz grain samples. Most of the obtained dates are consistent with the existing preliminary age estimates by biostratigraphy, luminescence (OSL and TL) or Amino Acid Racemization (AAR) dating. This ESR dating study suggests an age of Late Middle Pleistocene (early MIS6) for PRERESA site. At the Jarama valley (Valdocarros site and Maresa quarry), the Arganda I unit could be correlated to the MIS 9 and MIS10, the Arganda II unit seems to belong to MIS8 and MIS7 and the Arganda III to the MIS

    The first direct ESR dating of a hominin tooth from Atapuerca Gran Dolina TD-6 (Spain) supports the antiquity of Homo antecessor

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    The present study reports the results of the first direct Electron Spin Resonance (ESR) dating study of Homo antecessor, the oldest known hominin species identified in Western Europe. The analysis of a tooth (ATD6-92) from TD6 unit of Atapuerca Gran Dolina (Spain) following a “semi non-destructive” procedure provides a final age estimate ranging from 624 to 949 ka, which covers all possible uranium uptake scenarios. Last, the additional magnetostratigraphic data collected within TD6 enables to further constrain the initial ESR chronology and to propose an age of between 772 and 949 ka for Homo antecessor, in agreement with previous dating works. Although our new results do not refine the existing chronology of TD6 unit, they nevertheless support the antiquity of H. antecessor, which pre-dates the estimated divergence age of modern and archaic human lineages based on genetic evidence. This work illustrates the challenges of dating human teeth by means of the ESR method, with the main pitfalls that are sometimes inherent to this specific application (e.g., systematic μCT-scanning of fossil hominin teeth; limited knowledge about the original sedimentary environment for teeth coming from old excavations; heterogeneous spatial distribution of the U-series elements in dental tissues). We identified several sources of uncertainty that may directly impact the accuracy of the age result. In particular, a slight contamination of dentine (<6%) in the enamel fragment measured by ESR was found to induce a significant age underestimation (33%) if not taken into consideration. It indeed caused not only a DE underestimation (by about 8%), but also produced a massive internal dose rate overestimation (by a factor of about 3.5). In contrast, other sources of uncertainty, such as the heterogeneity of the sedimentary environment, the variability of the water content over time, the previous μCT-scanning of the tooth or the potential preferential creation of unstable NOCORs in the ESR signal, showed here a limited impact on the final age result. Given our current understanding of the ESR method and the existing uncertainties associated with the evaluation of the DE and dose rate, this is probably as far as we can presently go in the dating study of ATD6-92 sample