9 research outputs found

    Box 2- Decision aid for analysis.

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    <p>This is a decision aid for the purpose of analysis of data; the type of question asked in the questionnaire, subject of the question and the responses which should be considered as compliant against each diagnostic and treatment standard are summarized.</p

    Private Practitioners adhering to ISTC<sup>*</sup> diagnostic practices in Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh.

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    <p><b>*(International Standards of TB Care).</b></p><p><b>TB = tuberculosis;</b></p><p><b>*Response to what antibiotic was used as trial antibiotic. 85 (53%) used non-fluoroquinolones.</b></p><p><b>**5 approaches included history, clinical examination, Tuberculin skin testing, bacteriological evaluation or relevant investigations to diagnose e.g. cervical lymph node TB.</b></p

    Private Practitioners adhering to ISTC<sup>*</sup> treatment practices in Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh.

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    <p><b>*(International Standards of TB Care). H = INH, R = Rifampicin, Z = Pyrazinamide, E = Ethambutol, FDC = Fixed Drug Combinations, DOT- Directly observed treatment; TB = Tuberculosis; DR TB = Drug resistant TB.</b></p

    Treatment regimens and times of follow-up sputum smear examinations in the Indian Revised National Tuberculosis Control Programme.

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    <p>*In children, seriously ill sputum smear-negative Pulmonary Tuberculosis (PTB) includes all forms of sputum smear-negative PTB other than primary complex. Seriously ill extrapulmonary tuberculosis (EPTB) includes TB meningitis (TBM), disseminated TB, TB pericarditis, TB peritonitis and intestinal TB, bilateral extensive pleurisy, spinal TB with or without neurological complications, genitourinary TB, and bone and joint TB.</p><p>**Not seriously ill sputum smear-negative PTB includes primary complex. Not seriously ill EP-TB includes lymph node TB and unilateral pleural effusion.</p><p>***Prefix indicates month and subscript indicates thrice weekly.</p