189 research outputs found

    Deep Optical Flow Estimation Via Multi-Scale Correspondence Structure Learning

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    As an important and challenging problem in computer vision, learning based optical flow estimation aims to discover the intrinsic correspondence structure between two adjacent video frames through statistical learning. Therefore, a key issue to solve in this area is how to effectively model the multi-scale correspondence structure properties in an adaptive end-to-end learning fashion. Motivated by this observation, we propose an end-to-end multi-scale correspondence structure learning (MSCSL) approach for optical flow estimation. In principle, the proposed MSCSL approach is capable of effectively capturing the multi-scale inter-image-correlation correspondence structures within a multi-level feature space from deep learning. Moreover, the proposed MSCSL approach builds a spatial Conv-GRU neural network model to adaptively model the intrinsic dependency relationships among these multi-scale correspondence structures. Finally, the above procedures for correspondence structure learning and multi-scale dependency modeling are implemented in a unified end-to-end deep learning framework. Experimental results on several benchmark datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures, 2 table


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    With the growing scale of RFID investment, the relationship between RFID and firm value has attracted the attention of a lot of researchers. Prior research had employed the event study method to examine the short term market reaction to RFID adoption and found significant negative abnormal return. In this paper, we extend previous research by investigating the long term impact of RFID investment on firm market value using the CPA (Calendar Portfolio Analysis), 108 announcements related to 74 publicly traded companies were analysed. Our results indicate an overall significant negative impact on long term abnormal return of market value after adoption of RFID. It is also discovered that non-US based firms, late adopters, manufacturers, highly diversified firms, high financially unhealthy firms and low growth potential firms suffered more negative impact in the long term. The results signify that the market is impacted by the risks associated with the use of a new and disruptive technology like RFID and may not yet be ready to accept it as a standard technology that is adopted by firms. Put together, our results provide new insights into how RFID and other contextual factors interact to affect the financial performance of firms in the long run

    Adaptive Edge-to-Edge Interaction Learning for Point Cloud Analysis

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    Recent years have witnessed the great success of deep learning on various point cloud analysis tasks, e.g., classification and semantic segmentation. Since point cloud data is sparse and irregularly distributed, one key issue for point cloud data processing is extracting useful information from local regions. To achieve this, previous works mainly extract the points' features from local regions by learning the relation between each pair of adjacent points. However, these works ignore the relation between edges in local regions, which encodes the local shape information. Associating the neighbouring edges could potentially make the point-to-point relation more aware of the local structure and more robust. To explore the role of the relation between edges, this paper proposes a novel Adaptive Edge-to-Edge Interaction Learning module, which aims to enhance the point-to-point relation through modelling the edge-to-edge interaction in the local region adaptively. We further extend the module to a symmetric version to capture the local structure more thoroughly. Taking advantage of the proposed modules, we develop two networks for segmentation and shape classification tasks, respectively. Various experiments on several public point cloud datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of our method for point cloud analysis.Comment: Technical Repor
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