3 research outputs found

    Solární soustava pro rodinný dům s orientací střechy východ – západ

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    The renewable sources of energy are the future of the world. With the world moving towards green and clean energy, it’s time to find more efficient ways of using them. This thesis involves a typical Czech family of five members living in a house in Ostrava. In this project we will design the orientation of the roof in such a way that they are in the direction east-west giving the possibility of using the maximum efficiency possible. Also, the calculation is done for a full year and the profits are calculated monthly and yearly for the model of the solar collector used in the process. The main aim of the project is from the environmental point of view of using the best natural resources with maximum capacity and minimum losses. Also, the graphic part and the scheme of the solar collectors used will be discussed including the blueprints of the house and the technical documentation.Obnovitelné zdroje energie jsou budoucností světa. Se světem směřujícím k zelené a čisté energii je čas najít účinnější způsoby, jak je používat. Tato práce zahrnuje typickou pětičlennou českou rodinu žijící v Ostravě. V tomto projektu navrhneme orientaci střechy tak, aby se nacházela ve směru východ - západ, což umožňuje využít maximální možnou efektivitu. Také výpočet se provádí za celý rok a zisk se vypočítává měsíčně a ročně pro model solárního kolektoru použitého v procesu. Hlavním cílem projektu je z hlediska životního prostředí využití nejlepších přírodních zdrojů s maximální kapacitou a minimálními ztrátami. Dále bude diskutována grafická část a schéma použitých solárních kolektorů včetně plánů domu a technické dokumentace.361 - Katedra energetikyvelmi dobř

    Predictors of unfavorable responses to therapy in rifampicin-sensitive pulmonary tuberculosis using an integrated approach of radiological presentation and sputum mycobacterial burden

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    INTRODUCTION: Despite the exalted status of sputum mycobacterial load for gauging pulmonary tuberculosis treatment and progress, Chest X-rays supplement valuable information for taking instantaneous therapeutic decisions, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. Even though literature on individual parameters is overwhelming, few studies have explored the interaction between radiographic parameters denoting severity with mycobacterial burden signifying infectivity. By using a sophisticated approach of integrating Chest X-ray parameters with sputum mycobacterial characteristics, evaluated at all the three crucial time points of TB treatment namely pre-treatment, end of intensive phase and completion of treatment, utilizing the interactive Cox Proportional Hazards model, we aimed to precisely deduce predictors of unfavorable response to TB treatment. MATERIALS AND METHOD: We extracted de-identified data from well characterized clinical trial cohorts that recruited rifampicin-sensitive Pulmonary TB patients without any comorbidities, taking their first spell of anti-tuberculosis therapy under supervision and meticulous follow up for 24 months post treatment completion, to accurately predict TB outcomes. Radiographic data independently obtained, interpreted by two experienced pulmonologists was collated with demographic details and, sputum smear and culture grades of participants by an independent statistician and analyzed using the Cox Proportional Hazards model, to not only adjust for confounding factors including treatment effect, but also explore the interaction between radiological and bacteriological parameters for better therapeutic application. RESULTS: Of 667 TB patients with data available, cavitation, extent of involvement, lower zone involvement, smear and culture grade at baseline were significant parameters predisposing to an unfavorable TB treatment outcome in the univariate analysis. Reduction in radiological lesions in Chest X-ray by at least 50% at 2 months and 75% at the end of treatment helped in averting unfavorable responses. Smear and Culture conversion at the end of 2 months was highly significant as a predictor (p2 zones, were 3.05 (95% CI: 1.12–8.23) and 1.92 (95% CI: 0.72–5.08) respectively. Patients without cavitation, zonal involvement 2 zones and 3+ smear grade individually and independently forecasted a poorer TB outcome. The interaction model revealed that Zonal involvement confined to 2 zones, without a cavity and smear grade up to 2+, constituting “minimal disease”, had a better prognosis. Radiological clearance >50% along with smear conversion at the end of intensive phase of treatment, observed to be a reasonable alternative to culture conversion in predicting a successful outcome. These parameters may potentially take up key positions as stratification factors for future trials contemplating on shorter TB regimens