39 research outputs found

    Renormalization group approach to Fermi Liquid Theory

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    We show that the renormalization group (RG) approach to interacting fermions at one-loop order recovers Fermi liquid theory results when the forward scattering zero sound (ZS) and exchange (ZS′') channels are both taken into account. The Landau parameters are related to the fixed point value of the ``unphysical'' limit of the forward scattering vertex. We specify the conditions under which the results obtained at one-loop order hold at all order in a loop expansion. We also emphasize the similarities between our RG approach and the diagrammatic derivation of Fermi liquid theory.Comment: 4 pages (RevTex) + 1 postcript file, everything in a uuencoded file, uses epsf (problem with the figure in the first version

    High Density Effective Theory Confronts the Fermi Liquid

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    The high density effective theory recently introduced by Hong and Hsu to describe ultradense relativistic fermionic matter is used to calculate the tree-level forward scattering amplitude between two particles at the Fermi surface. While the direct term correctly reproduces that of the underlying gauge theory, the exchange term has the wrong sign. The physical consequences are discussed in the context of Landau's theoretical description of the Fermi liquid.Comment: 15 pages, 2 figures; conclusion expanded, reference adde

    Realistic Electron-Electron Interaction in a Quantum Wire

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    The form of an effective electron-electron interaction in a quantum wire with a large static dielectric constant is determined and the resulting properties of the electron liquid in such a one-dimensional system are described. The exchange and correlation energies are evaluated and a possibility of a paramagnetic-ferromagnetic phase transition in the ground state of such a system is discussed. Low-energy excitations are briefly described.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figure

    Is the mean-field approximation so bad? A simple generalization yelding realistic critical indices for 3D Ising-class systems

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    Modification of the renormalization-group approach, invoking Stratonovich transformation at each step, is proposed to describe phase transitions in 3D Ising-class systems. The proposed method is closely related to the mean-field approximation. The low-order scheme works well for a wide thermal range, is consistent with a scaling hypothesis and predicts very reasonable values of critical indices.Comment: 4 page

    "quasi-particles" in bosonization theory of interacting fermion liquids at arbitrary dimensions

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    Within bosonization theory we introduce in this paper a new definition of "quasi-particles" for interacting fermions at arbitrary space dimenions. In dimensions higher than one we show that the constructed quasi-particles are consistent with quasi-particle descriptions in Landau Fermi liquid theory whereas in one-dimension the quasi-particles" are non-perturbative objects (spinons and holons) obeying fractional statistics. The more general situation of Fermi liquids with singular Landau interaction is discussed.Comment: 10 page

    The Fermi Liquid as a Renormalization Group Fixed Point: the Role of Interference in the Landau Channel

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    We apply the finite-temperature renormalization-group (RG) to a model based on an effective action with a short-range repulsive interaction and a rotation invariant Fermi surface. The basic quantities of Fermi liquid theory, the Landau function and the scattering vertex, are calculated as fixed points of the RG flow in terms of the effective action's interaction function. The classic derivations of Fermi liquid theory, which apply the Bethe-Salpeter equation and amount to summing direct particle-hole ladder diagrams, neglect the zero-angle singularity in the exchange particle-hole loop. As a consequence, the antisymmetry of the forward scattering vertex is not guaranteed and the amplitude sum rule must be imposed by hand on the components of the Landau function. We show that the strong interference of the direct and exchange processes of particle-hole scattering near zero angle invalidates the ladder approximation in this region, resulting in temperature-dependent narrow-angle anomalies in the Landau function and scattering vertex. In this RG approach the Pauli principle is automatically satisfied. The consequences of the RG corrections on Fermi liquid theory are discussed. In particular, we show that the amplitude sum rule is not valid.Comment: 25 pages, RevTeX 3.

    Renormalization group study of interacting electrons

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    The renormalization-group (RG) approach proposed earlier by Shankar for interacting spinless fermions at T=0T=0 is extended to the case of non-zero temperature and spin. We study a model with SU(N)SU(N)-invariant short-range effective interaction and rotationally invariant Fermi surface in two and three dimensions. We show that the Landau interaction function of the Fermi liquid, constructed from the bare parameters of the low-energy effective action, is RG invariant. On the other hand, the physical forward scattering vertex is found as a stable fixed point of the RG flow. We demonstrate that in d=2d=2 and 3, the RG approach to this model is equivalent to Landau's mean-field treatment of the Fermi liquid. We discuss subtleties associated with the symmetry properties of the scattering amplitude, the Landau function and the low-energy effective action. Applying the RG to response functions, we find the compressibility and the spin susceptibility as fixed points.Comment: 11 pages, RevTeX 3.0, 2 PostScript figure

    Atomic Dark Matter

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    We propose that dark matter is dominantly comprised of atomic bound states. We build a simple model and map the parameter space that results in the early universe formation of hydrogen-like dark atoms. We find that atomic dark matter has interesting implications for cosmology as well as direct detection: Protohalo formation can be suppressed below Mproto∼103−106M⊙M_{proto} \sim 10^3 - 10^6 M_{\odot} for weak scale dark matter due to Ion-Radiation interactions in the dark sector. Moreover, weak-scale dark atoms can accommodate hyperfine splittings of order 100 \kev, consistent with the inelastic dark matter interpretation of the DAMA data while naturally evading direct detection bounds.Comment: 17 pages, 3 figure

    Scaling Of Chiral Lagrangians And Landau Fermi Liquid Theory For Dense Hadronic Matter

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    We discuss the Fermi-liquid properties of hadronic matter derived from a chiral Lagrangian field theory in which Brown-Rho (BR) scaling is incorporated. We identify the BR scaling as a contribution to Landau's Fermi liquid fixed-point quasiparticle parameter from "heavy" isoscalar meson degrees of freedom that are integrated out from a low-energy effective Lagrangian. We show that for the vector (convection) current, the result obtained in the chiral Lagrangian approach agrees precisely with that obtained in the semi-phenomenological Landau-Migdal approach. This precise agreement allows one to determine the Landau parameter that enters in the effective nucleon mass in terms of the constant that characterizes BR scaling. When applied to the weak axial current, however, these two approaches differ in a subtle way. While the difference is small numerically, the chiral Lagrangian approach implements current algebra and low-energy theorems associated with the axial response that the Landau method misses and hence is expected to be more predictive.Comment: 39 pages, latex with 4 eps figure, modified addresses and reference

    A Solvable Regime of Disorder and Interactions in Ballistic Nanostructures, Part I: Consequences for Coulomb Blockade

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    We provide a framework for analyzing the problem of interacting electrons in a ballistic quantum dot with chaotic boundary conditions within an energy ETE_T (the Thouless energy) of the Fermi energy. Within this window we show that the interactions can be characterized by Landau Fermi liquid parameters. When gg, the dimensionless conductance of the dot, is large, we find that the disordered interacting problem can be solved in a saddle-point approximation which becomes exact as g→∞g\to\infty (as in a large-N theory). The infinite gg theory shows a transition to a strong-coupling phase characterized by the same order parameter as in the Pomeranchuk transition in clean systems (a spontaneous interaction-induced Fermi surface distortion), but smeared and pinned by disorder. At finite gg, the two phases and critical point evolve into three regimes in the um−1/gu_m-1/g plane -- weak- and strong-coupling regimes separated by crossover lines from a quantum-critical regime controlled by the quantum critical point. In the strong-coupling and quantum-critical regions, the quasiparticle acquires a width of the same order as the level spacing Δ\Delta within a few Δ\Delta's of the Fermi energy due to coupling to collective excitations. In the strong coupling regime if mm is odd, the dot will (if isolated) cross over from the orthogonal to unitary ensemble for an exponentially small external flux, or will (if strongly coupled to leads) break time-reversal symmetry spontaneously.Comment: 33 pages, 14 figures. Very minor changes. We have clarified that we are treating charge-channel instabilities in spinful systems, leaving spin-channel instabilities for future work. No substantive results are change