9 research outputs found

    A Time-Saving Strategy for MAS NMR Spectroscopy by Combining Nonuniform Sampling and Paramagnetic Relaxation Assisted Condensed Data Collection

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    We present a time-saving strategy for acquiring 3D magic angle spinning NMR spectra for chemical shift assignments in proteins and protein assemblies in the solid state. By simultaneous application of nonuniform sampling (NUS) and paramagnetic-relaxation-assisted condensed data collection (PACC), we can attain 16-fold time reduction in the 3D experiments without sacrificing the signal-to-noise ratio or the resolution. We demonstrate that with appropriate concentration of paramagnetic dopant introduced into the sample the overwhelming majority of chemical shifts are not perturbed, with the exception of a limited number of shifts corresponding to residues located at the surface of the protein, which exhibit small perturbations. This approach enables multidimensional MAS spectroscopy in samples of intrinsically low sensitivity and/or high spectral congestion where traditional experiments fail, and is especially beneficial for structural and dynamics studies of large proteins and protein assemblies

    Stoichiometry of the IC-p150<sup>Glued</sup> interaction.

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    <p><i>A–C</i>. Sedimentation equilibrium: <i>A.</i> SE-AUC at 12000, 16000 and 20000 and 4°C of CC1 and IC<sup>1–124</sup>. <i>B–C.</i> SE-AUC at 10000, 20000, and 30000 rpm and 4°C of CC1A (B) and CC1B (C) with IC<sup>1–124</sup>. Both CC1 and CC1B associate much more strongly with IC<sup>1–124</sup> than CC1A.</p

    Salt and pH dependence of IC-p150<sup>Glued</sup> interaction.

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    <p><i>A</i>. Sedimentation equilibrium: SE-AUC of CC1, IC<sup>1–124</sup> and the CC1-IC<sup>1–124</sup> complex in the presence of 0, 50, 100, 250, 500 mM and 1.0 M sodium chloride. No change in the oligomeric state of either CC1 or IC<sup>1–124</sup> occurs with increasing salt (inset). The CC1-IC<sup>1–124</sup> interaction is strongest at 100 mM sodium chloride and decreases upon increasing salt concentration (fitting analysis is shown in <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0059453#pone.0059453.s008" target="_blank">Fig. S8</a>). <i>B</i>. SE-AUC of CC1, IC<sup>1–124</sup> and the CC1-IC<sup>1–124</sup> complex was run at pH 6.0, 7.0, 8.0 and 9.0. No change in oligomeric state is seen in either CC1 or IC<sup>1–124</sup>. (asterisk denotes that CC1 precipitates at pH 6.0). A strong pH dependence is seen for formation of the CC1-IC<sup>1–124</sup> complex, where the interaction is the strongest at pH 8.0 and weaker at pH 7.0 and 9.0.</p

    Biophysical characteristics of intermediate chain fragments.

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    <p><i>A.</i> Cartoon of two potential mechanisms to create a dimer-of-dimers through a coiled coil. Magenta highlights the IC binding interface on CC1. Blue indicates the CC1 binding site on the IC. The top route assumes that the IC is homodimer before binding to CC1. The bottom route assumes that the IC is monomeric before binding the CC1. <i>B</i>. Circular dichroism spectra of 20 μM IC<sup>1–44</sup> in 1− PBS 1 mM TCEP at 4°C with increasing concentrations of trifluoroethanol results in a minimal increase of α–helical characteristics. <i>C</i>. Thermal denaturation of 20 μM IC<sup>1–44</sup> and IC<sup>1–124</sup>. Thermal denaturation was monitored at 222 nm. <i>D/E</i>. Sedimentation equilibrium: sedimentation equilibrium analytical ultracentrifugation (SE-AUC) at 10000, 20000, 30000, 40000 rpm and 20°C show that both IC<sup>1–44</sup> (<i>C</i>) and IC<sup>1–124</sup> (<i>D</i>) are monomeric.</p

    p150<sup>Glued</sup> minimal binding domain.

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    <p><i>A</i>. Native PAGE indicates that residues 381–530 and 415–530 of p150<sup>Glued</sup> are sufficient to bind to the intermediate chain as shown by the gel shift (indicated by arrows) upon incubation of p150<sup>Glued</sup> with IC<sup>1–44</sup>. Each binding experiment, p150<sup>Glued</sup> fragment + IC, was performed on an individual gel. Lanes are representative of individual binding experiments. <i>(B–D)</i> Size exclusion chromatography of p150<sup>Glued</sup> fragments in complex with IC2B<sup>1–158</sup>-TcTex1-LC8. <i>B</i>. CC1, IC2B<sup>1–158</sup>-TcTex1-LC8 alone or in complex. <i>C</i>. CC1A, IC2B<sup>1–158</sup>-TcTex1-LC8 alone or in complex. <i>D</i>. CC1B, IC2B<sup>1–158</sup>-TcTex1-LC8 alone or in complex. The change in elution volume of the IC complex is 2.22, 0.08 and 1.26 ml in the presence of CC1, CC1A and CC1B, respectively.</p

    Dynein intermediate chain minimal binding domain.

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    <p><i>A</i>. Native PAGE indicates that residues 10–44 are sufficient for binding to p150<sup>Glued</sup> CC1. A gel shift indicates IC2C fragments spanning residues 1–124, 10–124 and 1–44 are capable of binding CC1 (indicated by arrows). However, fragments spanning 20–124 and 1–32 are not able to bind to CC1. It is important to note that due to the large negative charge of the IC some constructs to not enter the gel. <i>B</i>. Epitope mapping of IC antibodies: The epitopes of α-IC mAb 70.1 and 74.1 are located within the p150<sup>Glued</sup> binding domain. Specifically, α-IC 70.1 recognizes the region between residues 1–18 and α-IC 74.1 recognizes 10–30.</p

    Proposed mechanism of dynein-dynactin binding.

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    <p>Based on the refinement of the dynein-dynactin interaction and the physical characterization of the individual fragments, we propose that the N-terminus of the dynein IC is disordered in the in the absence of dynactin. Further, based on recent data from our lab and others we propose that the dynein LCs affect the N-termini by reducing and/or orienting the N-termini of the IC to optimally bind to dynactin. Taken together, we suggest the following model: <i>A</i>. The N-terminus of the intermediate chain exists in a disordered state. <i>B</i>. Upon IC binding to the light chains the radius of gyration of the disordered region is reduced. <i>C</i>. The N-termini of the IC bind to p150<sup>Glued</sup> CC1B located in the shoulder.</p

    Alanine scanning mutagenesis of Pac11.

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    <p><i>A</i>. Sequence alignment of R. norvegicus IC and S. cerevisiae Pac11 (IC). Alanine point mutations were introduced into Pac11 (indicated in red). A (*) indicates identical amino acids, (∶) indicates highly conserved, similar amino acids, (.) indicates amino acids that are somewhat similar and blank indicates dissimilar amino acids. <i>B</i>. Native PAGE indicates that <i>S. cerevisiae</i> wt-Pac11<sup>1–86</sup> is capable of binding p150<sup>Glued</sup> CC1B alone (indicated by the loss of CC1B) and in the presence of dynein light chain 8 (LC8) (indicated by the gel shift of LC8). Due to the charge and hydrodynamic properties of wt-Pac11<sup>1–86</sup>, it does not enter the native PAGE. An asterisk indicates gel shift upon wt-Pac11<sup>1–86</sup>-LC8-CC1B binding. Pac11<sup>1–86</sup> triple point mutant Pac11-R12A,Q13A,L14A (12AAA) is unable to bind p150<sup>Glued</sup> CC1B alone or in the presence of LC8. Arrow indicates formation of Pac11-R12A,Q13A,L14A-LC8 (12AAA) binding. No gel shift occurs upon addition of CC1B. <i>C</i>. Size exclusion chromatography indicates wt-Pac11<sup>1–86</sup> forms a complex with LC8 and CC1B (purple), with an elution volume of 8.07 mL, while Pac11-R12A,Q13A,L14A (12AAA) is unable to bind to CC1B (red). The Pac11-R12A,Q13A,L14A(12AAA)-LC8 complex elutes at 8.97 mL and CC1B elutes at 11.45 mL. <i>D</i>. Spindle positioning in wild-type and mutant cells expressing GFP-labeled microtubules. The percentage of cells exhibiting spindle position defects (see <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0059453#s2" target="_blank">Materials and Methods</a>) was determined for wild-type (yJC5919), p150<sup> Glued</sup>/<i>nip100</i>Δ (yJC6047), DIC/<i>pac11</i>Δ (yJC6354), DIC/<i>pac11-</i>4A (L4A,K5A,Q6A, yJC6916), <i>pac11-</i>6A (Q6A,L7A,E8A, yJC6917), <i>pac11-</i>9A (E9A,K10A,R11A, yJC6918), <i>pac11-</i>12A (R12A,Q13A,L14A, yJC6846), <i>pac11-</i>17A (L17A,R18A, yJC6847), and <i>pac11-</i>19A (E19A,R20A,R21A, yJC6919) strains. Error bars denote SEM. P-values are shown in <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0059453#pone.0059453.s003" target="_blank">Fig. S3</a>B.</p

    Biophysical characteristics of p150<sup>Glued</sup> fragments.

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    <p><i>A</i>. Circular dichroism spectra of 5 μM p150<sup>Glued</sup> CC1, CC1A and CC1B fragments in 1 x PBS 1 mM TCEP indicate they are predominantly helical at 4°C. <i>B</i>. Thermal denaturation of 10 μM p150<sup>Glued</sup> CC1, CC1A and CC1B. Thermal denaturation was monitored at 222 nm. <i>C–E</i>. Sedimentation equilibrium: SE-AUC at 20000, 25000, 30000, 35000 rpm and 4°C show that all three fragments, CC1 (25000, 30000 and 35000 rpm only) (<i>C</i>), CC1A (<i>D</i>) and CC1B (<i>E</i>) are dimeric.</p