38 research outputs found

    Estimation of Stock Status Using the LBB and CMSY Methods for the Indian Salmon Leptomelanosoma indicum (Shaw, 1804) in the Bay of Bengal, Bangladesh

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    As one of the largest and most commercially valuable finfish species, Leptomelanosomaindicum (Indian salmon) significantly contributes to Bangladesh’s marine catches. The length-based Bayesian biomass (LBB) method and catch-based Monte Carlo method (CMSY) are among the most recent and powerful methods for predicting the state of fisheries resources from data-limited fisheries. CMSY requires catch and resilience data, as well as quantitative stock status information. For LBB, only length–frequency (LF) data are required. The stock status of L. indicum was estimated using these two independent methods, utilizing twenty-one years of catch–effort and length–frequency data (978 individuals) from commercial fisheries on the Bangladesh coast. Here, a BSM (Bayesian state-space implementation of the Schaefer surplus production model) was also employed. The current study’s findings showed that the B/B0 ratio of currently exploited biomass to unexploited biomass (0.1) was smaller than BMSY/B0 (0.36) and B/BMSY = 0.28 was smaller than the reference value of 1.0, indicating the grossly overfished and depleted condition of the stock. Similar trends in the results were found for B/BMSY = 0.11 ( FMSY) further justify the severely overfished conditions of L. indicum stock in the study area. Furthermore, the Lc_opt (optimal length at first capture) was higher than the Lc (length at first capture), indicating that this species is being overfished, and that mesh sizes should be increased for better management. This study provides information on biological reference points (BRPs), and confirms the severely overfished status of L. indicum in the coastal waters of Bangladesh. More specific and prompt management measures are required to recover and sustainably manage this valuable species, and protect the fish stock from commercial extinction

    Socio-Economic Characteristics and Fishing Operation Activities of the Artisanal Fishers in the Sundarbans Mangrove Forest, Bangladesh

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    The Sundarbans Mangrove Forest (SMF) is a complex ecosystem containing the most diverse and abundant natural resources of Bangladesh. The research was designed to investigate the socio-economic characteristics and fishing operation activities of the artisanal fishers in the SMF through case studies. Despite the great importance of mangroves in the livelihood of the artisanal fishermen in the SMF, deforestation is perceived to continue due to illegal logging and deterioration of mangroves for climate change, increased salinity, natural disasters, shrimp farming and household consumption. The consequences are depleted fish and fishery resources, changes in fisher's primary occupation and livelihood status. The present study also elicited several risks and shocks of the fishermen livelihood like the attack by dacoits, hostage, ransom, and attack by tigers, natural disasters, river bank erosion. However, the artisanal fishermen adopted different strategies to cope with the changing conditions by forming associations, violating the fisheries laws and regulations, migrating, sharing responsibilities with the household members, and transmitting local ecological knowledge. This study concludes that there is an urgency to update the existing policies and management issues for the sustainable extraction of the SMF resources for the improvement of the artisanal fishermen livelihood.Peer reviewe

    Estimation of Stock Status Using the LBB and CMSY Methods for the Indian Salmon Leptomelanosoma indicum (Shaw, 1804) in the Bay of Bengal, Bangladesh

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    As one of the largest and most commercially valuable finfish species, Leptomelanosomaindicum (Indian salmon) significantly contributes to Bangladesh’s marine catches. The length-based Bayesian biomass (LBB) method and catch-based Monte Carlo method (CMSY) are among the most recent and powerful methods for predicting the state of fisheries resources from data-limited fisheries. CMSY requires catch and resilience data, as well as quantitative stock status information. For LBB, only length–frequency (LF) data are required. The stock status of L. indicum was estimated using these two independent methods, utilizing twenty-one years of catch–effort and length–frequency data (978 individuals) from commercial fisheries on the Bangladesh coast. Here, a BSM (Bayesian state-space implementation of the Schaefer surplus production model) was also employed. The current study’s findings showed that the B/B0 ratio of currently exploited biomass to unexploited biomass (0.1) was smaller than BMSY/B0 (0.36) and B/BMSY = 0.28 was smaller than the reference value of 1.0, indicating the grossly overfished and depleted condition of the stock. Similar trends in the results were found for B/BMSY = 0.11 ( FMSY) further justify the severely overfished conditions of L. indicum stock in the study area. Furthermore, the Lc_opt (optimal length at first capture) was higher than the Lc (length at first capture), indicating that this species is being overfished, and that mesh sizes should be increased for better management. This study provides information on biological reference points (BRPs), and confirms the severely overfished status of L. indicum in the coastal waters of Bangladesh. More specific and prompt management measures are required to recover and sustainably manage this valuable species, and protect the fish stock from commercial extinction

    The economic contribution of fish and fish trade in Bangladesh

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    Bangladesh possesses a large wetland area comprising diversified fisheries resources. Fish and fisheries are an integral part of Bangladesh and have earned its importance due to immense export and revenue potential. The objective of this study was to investigate the trend of fish production, export and import of Bangladesh during the last two decades. Several reviews of the literature were done, numerical data was obtained from the Ministry of Fisheries and Livestock (MoFL), Department of Fisheries (DOF), Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics (BBS). The results showed that fish production has increased in Bangladesh during the last two decades, starting from 17.81 lakh metric tons in 2000–01 and reaching up to 41.34 lakh metric tons in 2016–17. Due to the gradual decline in capture fishery, a significant percentage of total production comes from aquaculture. Hilsha (Tenualosa ilisha) is the largest single-species fishery in Bangladesh which makes the highest contribution to the country's total fish production. Exports of the fish commodity in terms of quantity and value has declined in recent years due to food quality and safety standards. This study has highlighted the contribution of fisheries production in Bangladesh and trade to the country's economy. By paying more attention to the fisheries sector, Bangladesh can boost up its economy.Peer reviewe

    Mud crab (Scylla serrata Forsskal 1775) value chain analysis in the Khulna region of Bangladesh

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    Publisher Copyright: © 2021 Shanghai Ocean UniversityA value chain analysis is a detailed description of all the activities and services needed to turn a raw product into a marketable good for delivery to final consumers. The mud crab business is considered by most marketing operators to be a profitable and viable business due to the high demand in the international market. Despite the importance of mud crab fishery, there is no structured marketing facilities in Bangladesh. This research aim to analyze the socioeconomic condition of actors, the profitability of farming, mapping the institutional and non-institutional barriers, and provide a better understanding of the possibility of technological interventions in the value chain. Qualitative and quantitative data were collected through participatory rural appraisal tools that include 200 individual interviews, 16 focus group discussions, and 24 key informant interviews conducted in south-west Bangladesh from July to December of 2019. The mud crab value chain analysis revealed that the chain started with crab collection (cultivated and wild harvest), before sale to local vendors, and ended with exporters through several intermediaries. Results noted that most (±95%) exportable crab came from natural sources, with rest (±5%) from aquaculture sector. The average price (USD/kg) ranged from 10.59−14.12and10.59−14.12 and 12.94−19.42 for male crabs (grade: XXL), followed by 10.00−11.77and10.00−11.77 and 11.77−17.06 for female (grade: FF1) in domestic and international markets, respectively. Despite the high profitability of these sectors, the livelihood of these stakeholders has remained relatively hard. Multi-pronged approaches, like a nursery or increasing farming and backyard seed production, and possible value addition at the farm level may help farmers.Peer reviewe

    Fisheries Reference Point and Stock Status of Croaker Fishery (Sciaenidae) Exploited from the Bay of Bengal, Bangladesh

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    This research evaluated fisheries reference points and stock status to assess the sustainability of the croaker fishery (Sciaenidae) from the Bay of Bengal (BoB), Bangladesh. Sixteen years (2001–2016) of catch-effort data were analyzed using two surplus production models (Schaefer and Fox), the Monte Carlo method (CMSY) and the Bayesian state-space Schaefer surplus production model (BSM) method. This research applies a Stock–Production Model Incorporating Covariates (ASPIC) software package to run the Schaefer and Fox model. The maximum sustainable yield (MSY) produced by all models ranged from 33,900 to 35,900 metric tons (mt), which is very close to last year’s catch (33,768 mt in 2016). The estimated B > BMSY and F < FMSY indicated the safe biomass and fishing status. The calculated F/FMSY was 0.89, 0.87, and 0.81, and B/BMSY was 1.05, 1.07, and 1.14 for Fox, Schaefer, and BSM, respectively, indicating the fully exploited status of croaker stock in the BoB, Bangladesh. The representation of the Kobe phase plot suggested that the exploitation of croaker stock started from the yellow (unsustainable) quadrant in 2001 and gradually moved to the green (sustainable) quadrant in 2016 because of the reduction in fishing efforts and safe fishing pressure after 2012. Thus, this research suggests that the current fishing pressure needs to be maintained so that the yearly catch does not exceed the MSY limit of croaker. Additionally, specific management measures should implement to guarantee croaker and other fisheries from the BoB

    Fisheries Reference Point and Stock Status of Croaker Fishery (Sciaenidae) Exploited from the Bay of Bengal, Bangladesh

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    This research evaluated fisheries reference points and stock status to assess the sustainability of the croaker fishery (Sciaenidae) from the Bay of Bengal (BoB), Bangladesh. Sixteen years (2001–2016) of catch-effort data were analyzed using two surplus production models (Schaefer and Fox), the Monte Carlo method (CMSY) and the Bayesian state-space Schaefer surplus production model (BSM) method. This research applies a Stock–Production Model Incorporating Covariates (ASPIC) software package to run the Schaefer and Fox model. The maximum sustainable yield (MSY) produced by all models ranged from 33,900 to 35,900 metric tons (mt), which is very close to last year’s catch (33,768 mt in 2016). The estimated B > BMSY and F < FMSY indicated the safe biomass and fishing status. The calculated F/FMSY was 0.89, 0.87, and 0.81, and B/BMSY was 1.05, 1.07, and 1.14 for Fox, Schaefer, and BSM, respectively, indicating the fully exploited status of croaker stock in the BoB, Bangladesh. The representation of the Kobe phase plot suggested that the exploitation of croaker stock started from the yellow (unsustainable) quadrant in 2001 and gradually moved to the green (sustainable) quadrant in 2016 because of the reduction in fishing efforts and safe fishing pressure after 2012. Thus, this research suggests that the current fishing pressure needs to be maintained so that the yearly catch does not exceed the MSY limit of croaker. Additionally, specific management measures should implement to guarantee croaker and other fisheries from the BoB

    Assessing Fisheries Policies of Bangladesh: Need for Consistency or Transformation?

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    With the aim to enhance production, alleviate poverty, meet animal protein demand, earn foreign currency and maintain ecological balance, the Bangladesh government has formulated the National Fisheries Policy 1998. Over the last two decades, this policy for safeguarding fisheries is still in practice but gets little attention by researchers and policy makers to assess its effectiveness. This study analyzes the fisheries policy frameworks and evaluates how policy changes affecting fisheries production with certain ecological balance. The paper describes elements in the historical process of the development of the national fisheries policy related to the issue of equal or restricted access to the fish resource. The findings suggest that changes in policy only could not offer solutions to prevent over exploitation and overcapitalization that presently exists in conventional open access fishery. In addition, key constraints underlying in between policies and in implementation of laws includes ignorance of conservation laws, overwhelmingly top-down decision-making, lack of appropriate policy goals, inadequate enforcement, outdated policy and bogus action strategy, lack of enforcement regulations against pollution, poor coordination and technical know-how of the personnel concerned. For achieving inclusive growth in the fisheries sector, the UN Sustainable Development Goals and the government stated the Vision 2021, fisheries policy reform is recommended with special emphasis on marine fisheries sub section formulation, socio-economic development of relevant communities, updating of existing governance, and strengthening institutional capacity to appropriately manage this potential sector. Moreover, the existing regulations should be amended accordingly with clearly defined reliable enforcement authority

    Fisheries-Based Ecotourism in Bangladesh: Potentials and Challenges

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    Recreational fishing trips constitute a significant part of the tourism business in many countries. Linking fisheries to tourism can be both a response to the need to create innovative tourism products and the need to find new sources of income for fisheries to make them more profitable and sustainable. This leads to the question of whether Bangladesh can be developed as a Fisheries-Based Ecotourism (FbE) destination. Though several types of research have been done concerning the prospects of ecotourism in Bangladesh, the feasibility of FbE specifically remains under-studied. Based on a literature review and stakeholder interviews, this study explores the concept of FbE in a Bangladeshi context and its potential impacts on socio-economic community life as well as on the environment. This paper makes the case that the diversified topography of Bangladesh—including the riverine flat alluvial plains, hills and valleys, deciduous and evergreen forests, lakes, seashores, and beaches—is ripe with potential for FbE development. With its focus on the prospects and challenges of FbE development in Bangladesh, this paper could provide a useful reference point for future discourse on these sorts of cultural and economic strategies.Peer reviewe

    Fisheries-Based Ecotourism in Bangladesh: Potentials and Challenges

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    Recreational fishing trips constitute a significant part of the tourism business in many countries. Linking fisheries to tourism can be both a response to the need to create innovative tourism products and the need to find new sources of income for fisheries to make them more profitable and sustainable. This leads to the question of whether Bangladesh can be developed as a Fisheries-Based Ecotourism (FbE) destination. Though several types of research have been done concerning the prospects of ecotourism in Bangladesh, the feasibility of FbE specifically remains under-studied. Based on a literature review and stakeholder interviews, this study explores the concept of FbE in a Bangladeshi context and its potential impacts on socio-economic community life as well as on the environment. This paper makes the case that the diversified topography of Bangladesh—including the riverine flat alluvial plains, hills and valleys, deciduous and evergreen forests, lakes, seashores, and beaches—is ripe with potential for FbE development. With its focus on the prospects and challenges of FbE development in Bangladesh, this paper could provide a useful reference point for future discourse on these sorts of cultural and economic strategies