15 research outputs found

    Tahalluf siyasi dalam perjuangan Ikhwan al-Muslimin di Mesir, 1970-1981

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    Awal abad ke-20 menyaksikan kelahiran beberapa tokoh islah yang cuba untuk membawa perubahan kepada umat Islam. Peranan yang dimainkan oleh Hassan al-Banna dan Ikhwan al-Muslimin yang ditubuhkan pada tahun 1928 telah memberi impak yang besar kepada Mesir dan persekitarannya. Perkembangan gerakan yang begitu cepat ini amat membimbangkan penjajah dan pemerintah sehingga memaksa mereka menggunakan pelbagai cara untuk menghapuskan pengaruh gerakan ini. Walau bagaimanapun, Ikhwan al-Muslimin masih terus bertahan sehingga hari ini dan memberi impak yang besar apabila menang dalam pilihan raya selepas kejatuhan Hosni Mubarak tahun 2012. Kajian ini berobjektifkan peranan yang dimainkan oleh Ikhwan al-Muslimin dalam perkembangan politik di Mesir. Pendekatan tahalluf siyasi yang diambil oleh Ikhwan al-Muslimin sedikit sebanyak menyelamat gerakan ini daripada terus ditindas. Turut disentuh di dalam kajian ini ialah keberkesanan tahalluf siyasi yang dilakukan oleh Ikhwan al-Muslimin sepanjang tempoh tersebut. Skop kajian ini melihat perjuangan Ikhwan al-Muslimin dari tahun 1970-1981 kerana tempoh ini adalah merupakan fasa baru perjuangan mereka selepas berlakunya perubahan kepimpinan akibat kematian Gamal Abdel Nasser. Kajian ini membuktikan bahawa pemerintah menggunakan segala kaedah dan pendekatan untuk mengekalkan kuasa termasuk berkompromi dengan kumpulan Islam yang mereka tindas sebelum ini. Namun, sebagai sebuah gerakan Islam, terdapat peluang yang luas untuk menyebarkan dakwah, meluaskan pengaruh dan menyedarkan umat mengenai tanggungjawab mereka sebagai seorang Muslim. Kajian ini penting kepada gerakan Islam lain untuk menilai semula pendekatan yang perlu diambil dan prinsip yang perlu dipegang apabila berhadapan dengan suasana dan konflik politik semasa

    Ibn Khaldun’s theory, principles and concepts on urban planning

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    Ibn Khaldun was one of the most prominent Islamic scholars from Tunisia. He was very wise and futuristic and whose writings are still applicable to the current world. The objective of this article is to discuss the theories, principles and concepts formulated by Ibn Khaldun. His ideas gave rise to a new branch of science called social science today. Various theories were developed by Ibn Khaldun including urban planning. Other theories that he espoused were economic theory, development theory, concept of assabiyah, concept of urbanization, development of culture and civilization

    Kriteria-kriteria perancangan bandar oleh Ibn Khaldun

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    Ketamadunan sesebuah bandar sangat penting bagi mewujudkan bangsa-bangsa yang berjaya dan berwawasan tinggi. Perancangan bandar amatlah mempengaruhi perubahan sesebuah tamadun. Tujuan artikel ini ditulis adalah untuk mengupas lebih lanjut tantang kriteria-kriteria perancangan bandar oleh Ibn Khaldun yang merupakan seorang tokoh islam sejajar dengan perancangan bandar ilmu dan bandar dalam taman di Bandar Baru Bangi

    Biochemical aspirin resistance in stroke patients: a cross-sectional single centre study

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    Background: Aspirin use is known to reduce the recurrence of stroke. However, the clinical response to aspirin has been mixed. The rate of stroke recurrence whilst on aspirin treatment is still unacceptably high. A plausible explanation for this may be resistance to the effects of aspirin. The causes of aspirin resistance are manifold and multi-factorial. We conducted a study to investigate the prevalence rate of biochemical aspirin resistance in a cohort of aspirin-naïve stroke patients. We also sought to determine the inherent factors that may predispose towards the development of aspirin resistance. Method: This was a cross-sectional, observational study conducted on patients admitted to our centre with an acute stroke who were aspirin-naïve. The diagnosis of an acute stroke was confirmed by clinical history and brain imagi ng. Fifty consecutive patients were prospectively enrolled. Socio demographic data were collected and baseline blood investigations were performed. Patients were tested for biochemical aspirin resistance using Multiplate platelet analyser (Dynabyte, Munich, Germany) after 5 doses of aspirin, corresponding to a total dose of 900 mg. Results: The median age of patients was 65.5 years and 54 % of patients were female. There were 11 smokers; of these 10 were male. Twenty-six (52 %) patients were Chinese, 21 (41%) were Malay and 3 (6.0 %) were Indian. Aspirin resistance was present in 14 % of our patients.There was an inverse relationship between the presence of aspirin resistance and plasma HDL levels (r = -0.394; p = 0.005). There was no relationship observed between aspirin resistance and total cholesterol, triglycerides, LDL, HbA1c, ALT, ALP, urea and creatinine levels. There were no significant differences in demographic profiles or smoking status between the aspirin resistant and non-aspirin resistant groups. We did not find any link between ethnicity and aspirin resistance. Conclusions: Our results indicate that a lower HDL leve l is associated with biochemical aspi-rin resistance. This may increase platelet aggregation and consequently increase the risk of a recurrent stroke. The clinical implications for aspirin resistance are far reaching. Any evidence that correctable factors may negatively influence the action of aspirin warrants further investigation. The prevalence rate of biochemical aspirin resistance in our study is comparable to the findings in other studies performed in an Asian population. Further research is required to determine how our findings translate into clinical aspirin resistance and stroke recurrence

    Hadis palsu kajian ringkas komprehensif

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    Pendekatan nilai dalam memilih kepimpinan politik: kajian tinjauan dalam kalangan kelas menengah Melayu pasca Dasar Ekonomi Baru

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    Refleksi nilai yang terzahir melalui pendirian politik kumpulan kelas menengah Melayu berupaya mempengaruhi undi di dalam sistem demokrasi. Rencana ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji pendekatan nilai di dalam memilih kepimpinan politik dalam kalangan kelas menengah Melayu pasca Dasar Ekonomi Baru. Reka bentuk kajian ini adalah menggunakan kaedah tinjauan yang terkandung di dalam metode penyelidikan kuantitatif. Seramai 544 orang responden yang terlibat di dalam kajian ini dengan corak pemilihan sampel menggunakan teknik ‘persampelan bertujuan’ dengan penentuan sampel berdasarkan jadual penentu sampel Krejie & Morgan. Pembinaan set soalan mendapat persetujuan pakar rujukan yang dilantik dan pengesahan kebolehlaksanaan kajian ini adalah hasil daripada kajian rintis yang telah dijalankan, dengan penentuan nilai kebolehpercayaan instrumen kajian dibuat dengan mengenal pasti tahap ketekalan dalaman item-item yang digunakan dengan mempraktikkan: Kaedah Pemisahan Separa (Nilai Pekali Korelasi) dan Kaedah Konsistensi Dalaman (Pekali Alfa Cronbach) dengan menggunakan Program SPSS. Penemuan data mendapati bahawa elemen nilai amat signifikan di dalam kehidupan kumpulan kajian. Signifikan nilai terbukti apabila dapatan data mendapati bahawa nilai mempunyai peranan di dalam memilih kepimpinan politik (min= 3.13/sisishan piawai=.464) dan peranan nilai sebagai faktor utama di dalam memilih kepimpinan politik (min=3.81/sisihan piawai=.563). Rumusan kajian ini membantu menyediakan sumber pengetahuan yang sah dan boleh dipercayai, seterusnya memberi jawapan terhadap permasalahan kajian, dan akhirnya mengesahkan terdapatnya hubungan yang signifikan antara nilai dengan pemilihan kepimpinan politik dalam kalangan kelas menengah Melayu pasca Dasar Ekonomi Baru

    Onstraints towards the intention for sustaining engagement as an environmental volunteer

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    Environmental volunteerism contributes to large-scale environmental conservation efforts. However, the constraints faced by volunteers have hindered the volunteers’ intention to continue their environmental volunteer engagement. Thus, this study examined the constraints and recommendations to sustain environmental volunteers’ involvement from the perspective of university students. This quantitative study employed the survey design. The questionnaire was distributed to 357 respondents who participated in environmental volunteering activities. The results showed that the constraints, recommendations and intention to sustain engagement as an environmental volunteer were at a high level. Both male and female volunteers experienced the same level of constraints. In terms of increasing environmental volunteer activities, female volunteers needed more support from the organization than male volunteers. The findings showed that female volunteers have had a higher intention to continue their involvement as environmental volunteers compared to men. In addition, there were significant differences between environmental volunteers from different categories of volunteerism in terms of constraints, suggestions and intention to continue their involvement as environmental volunteers. Therefore, the organizers of volunteer activities need to overcome the constraints faced by environmental volunteers by increasing social support, dissemination of information and emotional management to sustain the involvement of university students in environmental volunteering activities

    Government support towards environmental volunteering participation

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    Environmental volunteering is a form of unpaid helping behaviour that benefits the environment and a prosocial action that need support from government to ensure the objectives of environmental volunteerism reach its goal. Volunteerism has been a key of the global environmental movement by mobilizing communities in the world to help address environmental problems as protecting the environment is the responsibility of everyone in the community. NGOs act as bridge that linked the government support and the communities. This study is a mixed study that explored the government support towards environmental volunteering participation by analysing the data from verbatim responses of 10 individuals and questionnaire answered by 119 respondents that have participated in environmental volunteering activities. The results reveal that there are two elements of the government support towards environmental volunteering participation in Malaysia which is through incentives and education. The mean for this analysis is 6.95 with standard deviation of 2.404. The findings of the study indicate that environmental volunteerism should be a requirement in environmental education as it is seen as an encouragement for environmental conservation practices and volunteerism

    Islamic civilization through waqf institutions in Ottoman Empire between 15th until 17th century

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    Waqf institution was a very significant building in the Islamic civilization developed by the Ottoman Empire around Eastern Europe during its rule in the 15th century until the end of the 17th century. The spread of waqf practices at that time provided many benefits and good deeds to the society including for non-Muslims. Through this institution, the Ottoman Empire gradually brought Islamic civilization into many parts of Eastern Europe. Therefore, this research focuses on the role and contribution of the waqf institutions in expanding Islamic civilization during the Ottoman Empire over the region from the 15th century to the 17th century. This study was conducted using qualitative methods in the form of historical research while data collection methods used the method of analysis of documents from various primary and secondary sources as well as using interview method to strengthen the data obtained. The results show that the Ottoman Empire not only bring Islamic civilization but spreading the Ottoman civilization as well. There is no doubt that through this institution, there was a mixing of culture occurred led to the emergence of new culture in the region. In addition, the study found that the contribution of the waqf institutions covered variousaspects such as economic, socio-cultural, educational, religious and humanitarian. In conclusion, the construction of waqf institutions had a positive impact on the society. The government not only expanded their power by conquering new territories but also wanted to spread the Islamic civilization and provide welfare to the people