11 research outputs found


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    Atap Singgora Pada Senibina Tradisional Dan Kontemporari Di Pantai Timur

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    Kertas kerja ini membincangkan topik berkaitan penggunaan atap singgora pada senibina tradisional dan kontemporari di Kelantan dan Terengganu. Senibina tradisi dan kontemporari negeri Pantai Timur yang dikaji ialah rumah, masjid, ketik Buddha, istana, dan wakaf. Kajian ini penting untuk menjelaskan kepentingan atap singgora pada senibina silam dan senibina masa kini. Atap singgora diperbuat dari tanah liat menjadi pilihan penduduk setempat pada awal tahun 60an kerana rekabentuknya yang menarik dan ringan, bersesuaian untuk struktur senibina kayu. Kelebihan atap singgora yang bersifat poros mampu menyerap air semasa hujan dan mampu menyejukkan suhu dalaman sesebuah rumah pada siang hari sekaligus menjadikan penghuni berasa nyaman dan selesa. Pada masa kini, hanya sebuah perusahaan atap singgora yang berjaya dikenal pasti dan masih terus diusahakan sehingga kini. Antara punca kemerosotan industri perusahaan atap singgora ini adalah disebabkan oleh kemunculan bahan senibina moden seperti simen mengantikan rumah kayu

    Technology and Production Process of Bajau Traditional Pottery in Pulau Selakan Semporna

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    This paper aims to provide an initial background of the process of making traditional ceramic pottery of culture heritage. Ceramic pottery is one of the hallmarks of Sabah’s heirloom, not only use as cooking and storage containers but also closely linked with folk cultures and heritage. The Bajau Laut ethnic community of Semporna or better known as the Sea Gypsies, mostly are boat dwellers and work as fishermen in the coast. Therefore, this research aims to explore the traditional pottery making in Sabah, by investigating the background history of Lapohan pottery. This study is also based on the chronological process of making pottery and taboos of the process of preparing the clay, forming, decoration technique, motif application and firing techniques. The relevant information for the study will be gathered from field study, including observation, in-depth interview and video recording. In-depth interviews will be conducted with several potters and the conversation and pottery making process will be recorded in order to understand the actual process of making Lapohan

    Penambahbaikan Atap Singgora Dari Aspek Bahan Gunaan Dan Reka Bentuk

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    Tesis ini mengkaji tentang atap tanah liat iaitu singgora. Sejarah awal menjelaskan bahawa teknologi pembuatan atap singgora dibawa masuk ke Songkla oleh para pedagang Cina pada abab ke-16. Selain Songkla, perusahaan atap singgora telah berkembang dengan pesat sehingga ke negeri Kelantan dan Terengganu. Atap singgora digunakan secara meluas dalam seni bina tradisi masyarakat Melayu, Thai dan Cina Peranakan. Seni bina tradisi yang dimaksudkan ialah rumah, wakaf, masjid, wat Buddha, pintu gerbang, dan makam. Perusahaan tradisi ini semakin pupus, sehingga kini masih terdapat sebuah perusahaan dari Kampung Pengkalan Baru, Bachok (KPBB) yang masih beroperasi. Pemasalahan kajian ini bertitik tolak dari kelemahan produk atap singgora yang mudah pecah apabila ditimpa oleh ranting kayu, daun kelapa dan sebagainya. Haiwan, dan angin kencang merupakan di antara punca yang menyebabkan berlaku kerosakan dan anjakan di sebabkan saiznya yang kecil dan nipis. Oleh yang demikian, matlamat utama penyelidikan ini adalah bagi mencari solusi dalam memperbaiki kelemahan atap singgora seperti yang telah maklum. Ini dapat dicapai dengan meningkatkan kekuatan tanah liat atap singgora dan cara susun atur yang lebih ekonomikal. Oleh yang demikian, penambahbaikan bukan sekadar menumpukan kepada aspek estetika semata. Metodologi penyelidikan ini menggunakan kaedah campuran iaitu penyelidikan kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Data-data kualitatif berkenaan atap singgora berkisar tentang sejarah, proses pembuatan, dan evalusi prototaip. Segala maklumat diperolehi melalui temubual, pemerhatian dan bahan bertulis. Bagi penyelidikan kuantitatif, data-data diperolehi melalui beberapa kaedah uji kaji; MOR, XRF, XRD, SEM dan uji kaji fizikal bahan tanah liat. Untuk uji kaji tekanan lentur, MOR merupakan instrumen utama yang paling banyak digunakan bagi menguji kekuatan tanah liat. Berdasarkan keputusan keseluruhan ujikaji MOR, terbukti fomurla yang menggunakan litium karbonat mencatatkan kekuatan yang paling tinggi berbanding bahan lain. Secara ringkasnya, melalui reka bentuk baru dan menambah kekuatan atap singgora. ia akan terus relevan dalam seni bina Negara pada abab 21

    The Malay Pottery in Malaysia

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    The Malays of the past are synonym with the nature in their every day life; they rely on natural resources as a material and inspiration in producing art works. The basic materials used in making handicrafts were obtained from surroundings closest to their homes or from the beluga (secondary forest) or from the jungle. Diligence and creativity combined to create objects needed for daily use

    Application of value stream mapping in the automotive industry: A case study

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    Today, the automotive industry is becoming one of the essential industries in a country due to high demand from customers. This increasing demand also causes the companies in the manufacturing industry to be exposed to increasing challenges with respect to cost-effectiveness, lead time, and quality of production systems. This situation also increases the waste that occurs in the production line which is basically due to poor plant processes where excessive movement and the high processing time occur. From the previous research that the current method to detect waste is not effective where most methods do not fulfill the same framework, conditions, objectives, level, or degree of completion of detecting waste in the production line. In this paper, effort is made to detect non value added in automotive industry using VSM. VSM entails the mapping the industry current process and evaluating it for waste and bottleneck by calculating value-added and non-value-added time. The data was collected from incoming warehouse until the outgoing warehouse. The data is also taken during the observed component as it passes through the machining,painting, assembly,final assemby and final inspection processes. Based on the analysis of bottlenecks, solutions are suggested, and a future state map is created. The lead time of the process is improved by 67% where the waste is reduce to 74% based on created map

    Improving lapohan clay bodies formulation to produce traditional pottery in Pulau Selakan Semporna

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    This research explores local traditional clay pottery (Lapohan) using triangulation formula for characterization of clay body in plasticity and colour clay body change (Fe2O3). In this research, 21 formulations using plasticity (Lapohan clay) and non-plasticity (Al2(OH)4Si2O5) material were selected and used as control factors in the experiment design at various cone firing temperatures ranged from 792℃ to 1186℃. The effects of the heat on the colour formation were quantitatively measured, and the relationship between the mechanical resistance and the colour components of the Lapohan pottery was analyzed. The color change and proper temperature of the firing sample were evaluated in terms of each sample. The result shows that the higher percentages of non-plasticity or kaolin give reduce redness of red iron content and higher high temperature firing with less plasticity. The relevant information for the study will be gathered from the descriptive method of qualitative research, including observation and in-depth interview for written or visual data collection. The finding of the study shows that traditional pottery production in Pulau Selakan is principally understanding and technical use of clay as a primary material, clay bodies preparation and adjustment for potters using local natural clay

    Triangulation clay bodies formulation for lapohan traditional pottery

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    This study investigated traditional local clay in Kampung Selakan, Selakan Island. Traditional lapohan pottery uses the triangulation formula to define the body of the clay. The purpose of this research was to study the effect of gosong (local black sand) on the lapohan's properties as a solution to protect the market from decline as traditional Lapohan pottery is important for the preservation of heirloom heritage requires. In the experiment, 18 formulations used varied the composition of Selakan clay (SC) by introducing gosong (black local sand) from 2% to 18% of the weight percentages studied. The durability, water absorption and shrinkage of the clay body is tested for each sample. The higher gosong content has resulted in higher water absorption, low shrinkage, and stability. Experiment on the production of the firing temperature at 900°C. The effects of heat on the composition of clay were measured quantitatively and the interaction between the mechanical resistance and the components of the lapohan pottery clay body was tested. The result comparison shows that the best composition is obtained by adding gosong which generated pottery products with improved aesthetic workability of clay. A descriptive approach of qualitative analysis, including observation and in-depth interviews for written or visual data collection, will gather the necessary details for the report. The study's findings and significance indicate that traditional development of lapohan pottery in Selakan Island primarily involves awareness and technological usage of clay as a primary material, preparation of clay bodies, and adaptation for potters utilising local natural source

    Youth online political participation: the role of Facebook use, interactivity, quality information and political interest

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    Communication is an important aspect of organizational dynamic process and it is irrefutable one of the critical success factors of the Total Quality Management (TQM) implementation. Although there are increasing awareness concerning the importance of internal organizational communication, knowledge appears to have rarely translated into practice or there is lack of guidance to effectively practicing it.Therefore, a study was proposed to investigate the pattern of internal communication practice in TQM implementation.This paper concerns on focusing into internal communication practices in TQM implementation factors and the communication patterns in terms of message forms and mediums of communication to convey TQM messages.Reliability and Factor analysis were carried out to confirm items that form each factor in internal communication in TQM implementation.Based on the analysis of survey questionnaires distributed to 104 large manufacturing companies implementing TQM in Malaysia, it was found that there are certain communication patterns practice by the management when conveying and disseminating TQM messages, but they have no specific guidelines.Therefore, the internal communication practices are not well planned.Finally, it is suggested that further research should be carried out to explain clearly the role and strategy of communication on this issue in order to boost the success of TQM implementation particularly in manufacturing company

    Youth Online Political Participation: The Role of Facebook Use, Interactivity, Quality Information and Political Interest

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    This paper focuses on the role of Facebook use, interactivity with politicians, quality of information and political interest as the predictors of online political participation among youth. The paper argues that Facebook use, interactivity, quality of information and political interests have the potential to engender online political participation among Nigerian youth. Also, by offering them an avenue for acquiring political information necessary for making an informed political decision through deliberations on Facebook; in order to bring new political changes and group mobilization. Therefore, the study was implemented with survey questionnaires collected from youth in Bauchi metropolis (N= 372). Findings reveal that Facebook use, quality of information and political interest positively correlates with online political participation while interactivity with the politicians did not significantly influence online political participation among youth