45 research outputs found

    Universal Lossless Compression with Unknown Alphabets - The Average Case

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    Universal compression of patterns of sequences generated by independently identically distributed (i.i.d.) sources with unknown, possibly large, alphabets is investigated. A pattern is a sequence of indices that contains all consecutive indices in increasing order of first occurrence. If the alphabet of a source that generated a sequence is unknown, the inevitable cost of coding the unknown alphabet symbols can be exploited to create the pattern of the sequence. This pattern can in turn be compressed by itself. It is shown that if the alphabet size kk is essentially small, then the average minimax and maximin redundancies as well as the redundancy of every code for almost every source, when compressing a pattern, consist of at least 0.5 log(n/k^3) bits per each unknown probability parameter, and if all alphabet letters are likely to occur, there exist codes whose redundancy is at most 0.5 log(n/k^2) bits per each unknown probability parameter, where n is the length of the data sequences. Otherwise, if the alphabet is large, these redundancies are essentially at least O(n^{-2/3}) bits per symbol, and there exist codes that achieve redundancy of essentially O(n^{-1/2}) bits per symbol. Two sub-optimal low-complexity sequential algorithms for compression of patterns are presented and their description lengths analyzed, also pointing out that the pattern average universal description length can decrease below the underlying i.i.d.\ entropy for large enough alphabets.Comment: Revised for IEEE Transactions on Information Theor

    The 1st International Workshop "Feature Extraction: Modern Questions and Challenges" Minimum Description Length (MDL) Regularization for Online Learning

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    Abstract An approach inspired by the Minimum Description Length (MDL) principle is proposed for adaptively selecting features during online learning based on their usefulness in improving the objective. The approach eliminates noisy or useless features from the optimization process, leading to improved loss. Several algorithmic variations on the approach are presented. They are based on using a Bayesian mixture in each of the dimensions of the feature space. By utilizing the MDL principle, the mixture reduces the dimensionality of the feature space to its subspace with the lowest loss. Bounds on the loss, derived, show that the loss for that subspace is essentially achieved. The approach can be tuned for trading off between model size and the loss incurred. Empirical results on large scale real-world systems demonstrate how it improves such tradeoffs. Huge model size reductions can be achieved with no loss in performance relative to standard techniques, while moderate loss improvements (translating to large regret improvements) are achieved with moderate size reductions. The results also demonstrate that overfitting is eliminated by this approach