51 research outputs found

    Socio-Cultural and Socio-Sexual Factors Influence the Premarital Sexual Behaviour of Javanese Youth in the Era of HIV/AIDS

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    Background: In recent years a public health research interest in sexual behaviour of young people has been stimulated by the growing public health concern at the global spread of HIV/AIDS. The research has been continuing to be undertaken for the reason of contributing to epidemiological forecasting of the spread of HIV/AIDS and develop a stronger understanding of sexual behaviour in order to design effective AIDS-related, health education strategies. Although in Indonesia reported that HIV has been transmitted mostly via intra-venous drug users, the greatest long-term public health threat is unprotected sexual intercourse among young people.Method: This paper analyses socio-cultural and socio-sexual dimensions which influence the premarital sexual behaviour of young people. The study was undertaken at aged 18-24 years, university student in urban Central Java with a (500 sample) survey method using structuredand self administered questionnaire.Results: The basic parameter of sexual relationships was found relatively low levels of premarital sexual experience compare with many other countries, but very low level of contraceptive precautions within such activity. The pattern of level of sexual experience was characterised by the level of social activity, level of religiousity, general lifestyle taste andsocio-sexual philosophy. The most important factor influencing the occurrence of premarital sexual intercourse was the factor of socio-sexual philosophy. The respondents which have positive attitudes to premarital sexual intercourse and liberal sexual attitudes tended to have higher levels of premarital sexual intercourse. The key priorities for protecting young people's sexual health is to continue in maintaining traditional sexual philosophy for the majority of young people and improve “safe sex” for the minority of modern sexual philosophy

    The Pattern of Javanese Student Love Styles and the Socio-Sexual Lifestyles in the Era of HIV/AIDS

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    Background: Love is recognized as an important aspect of close relationships and as a predictor of stability in premarital relations. Love has been described as an attitude or value, an emotion, an attachment and as a combination of some of these. In order to understand of sexual subculture of young people, we need to explore their lovestyles which refer to how individuals define or approach love as their attitudes regarding love guiding their behaviour towards, and an experience of, those they love.There are six different styles of love, which were characterized as erotic love, ludic love, storgic love, pragmatic love, maniac love and agapic love. Each person could be characterised by more than one love style. The objective of this study is to identify the pattern of Javanese youth love styles and examine the factors influence to their love styles and sexual lifestyles.Method: Participants were 500 undergraduates (265 males and 235 females) in the age18-24 years. They were recruited from 8 universities in three big cities in Central Java (Semarang,Purwokerto and Surakarta) using a quota sampling method. FGDs and indepth interviews were also conducted to explore in more depth and details the case of premarital sexual relationship of heterosexual couples and homosexuals.Results: The pattern of Javanese youth love styles are firstly pragma and storge. It was influenced by religiousity, personality aspects, level of social activity, and attitudes to premarital sex, sexual attitudes, and sexual experiences. The variety of Javanese youth love styles was signified by development of the individual self or self identity

    Faktor-Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Perawat Gigi dalam Menerapkan Komunikasi Terapeutik di Balai Pengobatan Gigi Puskesmas Kabupaten Agam

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    One of the competence standards of dental nurses is able to conduct a therapeutic communication at the dental health service with their clients; among the communicated matters are describing the activities that will be conducted, giving the clients the chances to ask, planning the follow-ups, and conducting contracts of the next dental care. This research has the objective of analyzing the factors influencing dental nurses in implementing the therapeutic communication. This research was an explanatory research, with survey as the research method, using the cross-sectional approach. The research samples were all dental nurses working at the Public Health Center of Agam Regency,as many as 41 people. Data were collected by direct interviews using a structured questionnaire. The research results showed that the implementation of therapeutic communication at the Dental Service Division of the Public Health Center of Agam Regency was still inadequate (63.4%). The variable influencing on the implementation of therapeutic communication is the supervision of the management (OR = 5.873) and the variable of attitude (OR = 5.061). The variable that was significantly related was the years of service; meanwhile, ages, gender, educational level, number of patients, training, knowledge, regulation, and support from the co-workers did not have any significant relations to the implementation. It is expected that the Head of Dental Service Division conducts supervisions on the dental nurses and gives motivations to develop positive attitudes towards the implementation of therapeutic communication

    Implikasi Kebijakan Peraturan Daerah: Sikap dan Perilaku Penggunaan Kondom pada ODHA Penasun di Kota Bandung

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    Now Bandung is the highest town with HIV cases in West Java, approximately 60.93 per cent in the group of Injecting Drug Users (IDU), The high prevalence of HIV in IDUs caused by using unsterilized needles and does sexual risky behavior. Inconsistencies in the use of condoms during sexual intercourse by PLHIV IDU HIV can cause generalized. Gomez (1999) found 26 percent of IDUs living with HIV do vaginal or anal sex without a condom with a partner with HIV positive or of unknown HIV status. The purpose of this study was to analyze the relationship between attitudes toward condom use among IDUs after HIV diagnosis. This study uses a quantitative approach with cross-sectional study, involving 233 people as population and sampel of study 70 used as respondents. The sampling technique used is purposive sampling method, using a questionnaire. Research data were analyzed by chi square analysis. The results showed 61.4 persen of respondents did not always use condoms during sexual intercourse in the last month. 55.7 percent of respondents had a negative attitude towards condom use and 44.3 percent have a positive attitude. The results with chi- square analysis found a significant relationship between respondent attitudes toward condom use with p = 0.007

    Non Disclosure of HIV Positive Status of Women to Their Partner : Implication for PMTCT

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    The prevalence of HIV virus from mother to baby or Mother to Child Transmission (MTCT) is the largest cause of infant and children infected with HIV / AIDS, which is 90%. This is the result of mother to infant transmission during pregnancy, childbirth and breastfeeding. Without intervention, there is a 20-45% chance that the baby will be born infected with HIV from a mother with HIV. Although many efforts have been carried out over the past few years, PMTCT coverage is still low in Indonesia. Objective of this researvh is to explore non disclosure of HIV positive status of women and the implication for PMTCT program in Semarang City. The method of this research is qualitative study with case study design by purposive sampling for choosing the subject. Interviews were carried out with 3 participants. These were transcribed verbatim and manually analysed using the thematic content analysis.The reasons of nondisclosure HIV status among respondent that was respondent felt that her partner might leave them after know about HIV positive status, the partner might be afraid of HIV from them, their husband might think that their unfaithful because their husband might think that HIV from person with sexual multipartner. The stigma related to HIV/AIDS and the behaviors associated with HIV risk have resulted in significant barriers to nondisclosure HIV status among respondent. All of the respondents didn't take ARV during pregnant, labour with pervaginam delivery, and they gave formula feeding. Conclusion : Need designing the explicit rules in Central Java to the people who living with HIV/ AIDS who nondisclosure with their partner, health provider and deliberate to transmission her virus to the other. Counselling when VCT also explained about PMTCT focus on dealing with social factors, and behavioural beliefs that impact on disclosure of HIV status. Management should address health system factors that result in non-disclosure of HIV status

    Pengetahuan Pendidik Sebaya Mempengaruhi Pemberian Informasi KRR di Kabupaten Kulon Progo

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    Peer Educators's Knowledge Influencing Giving Information about Adolescent ReproductiveHealth in Kulon Progo; Peer education are needed to provide information on adolescentreproducyive health (ARH) to peers. Teens prefer to receive reproductive health information from peers. But ARH material presented by peer educators still incomplete. The objective is to determine the behavior of peer educators in providing reproductive health information to adolescents in high school students in Kulon Progo District of Yogyakarta. This research is a part of explanatory research with cross sectional design. The population in this study was peer educators in high school in Kulon Progo district of Yogyakarta as many as 81 people, sample of this research is the number of total population. Data collection instruments such as questionnaires. Data was analyzed by univariate, bivariate and multivariate analyzes.The results showed that peer educators well behave in providing information on ARH (51.9%) and were well missbehaved (48.1%). Peer educators behavior influenced by the knowledge adolescent reproductive health (OR=2.972), availability of facilities that support peer educators in providing information (OR=2.886. Advice for Department of Community, Village Governance, Women and Family Planning (BPMPDP dan KB) in Kulon Progo district of Yogyakarta to hold refreshing material ARH and assignments for peer educators and to increase an advocacy and socialization to the principal

    Mitos Seks Dan Keperawanan Dalam Majalah GADIS Periode Tahun 2006-2012

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    Sex And Virginity Myth In GADIS Magazine (2006-2012); The taboo to talk about sexuality in the public pace makes myth about sex developed more rapidly in teenager. Mostly that myth is false, so their attitute in sexuality become wrong either.One of all media that giver teenageinformation about sexuality is magazine. GADIS magazine is the first gril magazine in Indonesia. Since 2006, GADIS magazine gives information about sexualit in sexita rubric. That's why very important to know about myth of sexuality in GADIS magazine since 2006-2012. The aim of this research is have a depoiction about myth of sexuality ion GADIS magazine. This research use Interactionism simbolic approach, with tematic content analysis anda the eksplanation was complete with kualitatif method, the saple of this research use purposive sampling with 72 magazine. GADIS depict two myth of sexuatity they are about sexual behaviour ( all thing are link with pregnancy) and virginity (All about virgin sign). GADIS gives a short right explanation about this myth but reader can not interpreat it right. So I suggest to make a forum discussion about teen sexual myth and publis the result in media

    Virginity dalam Majalah Gadis

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    Sex And Virginity Myth In GADIS Magazine (2006-2012)Background, The taboo to talk about sexuality in the public pace makes myth about sex developed more rapidly in teenager. Mostly that myth is false, so their attitute in sexuality become wrong either.One of all media that giver teenageinformation about sexuality is magazine. GADIS magazine is the first gril magazine in Indonesia. Since 2006, GADIS magazine gives information about sexualit in sexita rubric. That's why very important to know about myth of sexuality in GADIS magazine since 2006-2012. The aim of this research is have a depoiction about myth of sexuality ion GADIS magazine. Method, This research use Interactionism simbolic approach, with tematic content analysis anda the eksplanation was complete with kualitatif method, the saple of this research use purposive sampling with 72 magazine. Result, GADIS depict two myth of sexuatity they are about sexual behaviour (all thing are link with pregnancy) and virginity (All about virgin sign). GADIS gives a short right explanation about this myth but reader can not interpreat it right. So I Suggest, to make a forum discussion about teen virginity issue and publish the result in media