5 research outputs found

    Determination of aerobic mesophilic bacteria as well as coliforms in a raw milk in the region of Prizren, Suhareka and Rahovec

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    The microbiological quality of raw milk is a key to the quality production of dairy products. Alternation is a term that describes the change of composition, taste and smell at those points where it is inedible for the consumer. Microbial alternation of milk often involves degradation of proteins, carbohydrates and fats of organisms and their enzymes. Milk and dairy consumption has increased considerably in Kosovo over the last decade, and a large part of local production comes from small-scale distributors across the country. In this research, 50 milk samples were taken at some of the cumulative sites and from dairy farms in three Kosovo municipalities (Prizeren, Suhareka and Rahovec). The microbiological quality of the milk samples is analyzed according to official standards. Further, in raw milk, a number of aerobic mesophilic bacteria and number of coliforms were analyzed. Aerobic mesophilic bacteria in fresh milk, used as raw material, did not show more than 2.0×10 6 cfu / ml, whereas coliforms were presented at 4cfu / ml

    Study of the Drenica River by Analyzing Physical and Chemical Parameters

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    Lack of plants for the protection of a major problem in the world, therefore Kosovo is exposed to levels of pollution assessment from urban, industrial, and another wastewater. From a scientific point of view, the purpose of this official research is to combat pollution in the waters of the Drenica River. The Drenica River is the largest tributary on the left bank of the Sitnica River (47.6 km), with a biased city of 446.4 km2. The average flow of the river Drenica in Sitnica is 2.0m3 / s. In this paper we have determined the degree of pollution assessment in the Drenica River, by strengthening some physical and chemical parameters such as: information metals, dissolved oxygen, saturation with O2, chemical recommendation of oxygen, biochemical oxygenation of oxygen, carbon total organic, nitrates, detergents, phosphate ions, chlorides, phenols, turbidity etc. Marriage samples at 3 locations for more than ten months (to clarify the exact result) and can be analyzed in the laboratories of the Kosovo Hydrometeorological Institute. Methods used in available laboratories: Absorption atomic spectrometry, Spectrophotometer and UV-vis spectrophotometer

    Impact of Anthropogenic Factors on Air Quality in Kosovo

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    Kosovo is a small country with an area of about 10.887 km², pollution at country level is very big, but the main pollution problems are in urban areas which are highly polluted as the main cause of this pollution are: industries, power plants KEK, Road Transport, District Heating Companies (in Prishtina, Gjakova and Mitrovica), Urban and Industrial Waste Disposal (with different local impact), Wood and lignite for home heating. (World, 2011). Regarding the regions Prishtina region is the area with the highest air quality pollution caused by KEK power plants located nearby, other smaller industries, transport, heating, and other individual heating facilities. (Botrore, 2011). Since air pollutants know no bounds, Of greater concern are; volatile organic compounds (VOC), CO2, NO2, CO, sulfur compounds SO2, PM10, PM2,5 etc. During this paper we will present the air quality in Prishtina region where air quality analyzes were taken by KHMI for the whole of 2018-2019 by measuring these parameters, SO2, CO, NO2, O3, PM10 and PM2.5 all of these measuring (µg / m3), and always referring to the Directive (2008/50 / EC) and the Law on Air Protection from Pollution (No. 03 / L-160)

    Antimicrobial activity of Staphylococcus aureus in beneficial Coumarin derivatives

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    Staphylococcus aureus is a Gram-positive anaerobic facultative coccus, which when viewed under a microscope looks like a grapevine, with large, round, yellow colonies. Antimicrobial resistance is a growing problem for animal public health which can cause problems in human public health in increasing morbidity and mortality in both humans and animals. The aim of this study was to determine the susceptibility and resistance of the genus Staphylococcus aureus in some derivatives derived from coumarin. The research of microbiological activity is based on the Kirby-Bayer method using disks labeled with solutions of synthesized compounds. Antimicrobial activity has been tested for Staphylococcus aureus microorganisms

    Trace elements concentration in surface Water used for irrigation in Istog area in Kosovo

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    The aim of this study is to assess the quality of the surface water used for irrigation purposes by examining the presence of trace elements in the main irrigation sources in Istog area in Kosovo. Samples were taken from several of these sources (rivers, some reservoirs, pump stations and canals) and were then analyzed for trace elements content such as zinc, iron, copper, manganese, lead, nickel, cobalt, cadmium, chromium, and molybdenum, by Microwave Plasma Atomic Emission Spectrometry (MP-AES 4100). The findings revealed no significant differences in terms of trace elements content in the samples coming from the various sources. Copper, manganese, nickel, cobalt, lead and chromium were found in normal concentrations in all the water sources, whereas zinc and iron were found to be in deficient concentrations. Cadmium was at recommended maximum concentrations. Molybdenum is found in high concentrations especially in the water samples taken from pump stations and irrigation reservoirs. In the future it is necessary to closely and continuously monitor the concentrations of molybdenum in the irrigation waters of this area. Furthermore, it is essential to identify the causes of the high molybdenum levels in these waters. However, these sources can be used for irrigation purposes without posing a threat to the soil and plants