7 research outputs found

    Assessing the Impact of Builtup Areas on Development of Urban Heat Island in Lahore, Pakistan

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    The aim of present study is to evaluate and assess the impact of built-up areas on development of the urbanheat island (UHI).The study mainly focused on Lahore, which is one of the mega cities of Pakistan. In terms ofpopulation size, Lahore is the second largest city of Pakistan with 11.13 million inhabitants. The geospatial techniques(Remote Sensing and Geographical Information System) along with statistical applications were applied to find out theLand Cover Land Uses changes and consequent development of builtup areas over the period of 2000 and 2015. Tostudy the UHI, the meteorological data of each 30 minutes for 36 days starting from 30th June 2015 to 4th August 2015were collected through direct on site observation by using digital weather station. The results of UHI were crosschecked by obtaining land surface temperature by using thermal infrared (TIR) band 6 of the Landsat-7 TM. The resultsshow that the LCLU and built environment have direct impact on development of UHI. The areas where there wasmore vegetation cover had less temperature while in urban areas, the temperature was measured higher. Over the periodof 36 days, the average UHI remained 5.5°C and the highest intensity of UHI was observed as 8.3°C thus augmentedresearch rationale. The study suggests establishment of a thick network of automatic weather stations in Lahore togauge the urban heat island intensity and to plant indigenous trees on vacant swaths and develop urban forest tomitigate city’s rising temperature

    Examination of Temperature Variability over Lahore (Pakistan) and Dhaka (Bangladesh): A Comparative Study

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    Lahore and Dhaka are rapid expanding and over populated cities of South Asia located in Pakistan andBangladesh respectively. The present study focuses on the evaluation of temperature variability in comparison of bothcities. This study primarily aims at the assessment and examination of temperature variations in both mega cities ofSouth Asia which are seasonal as well as the annual. The time series data were analysed by using statistical techniquesAutoregressive Moving Average Model (ARMA) and Autoregressive Integrated Average Model (ARIMA). The resultsreveal that the minimum temperature is increasing much faster than that of the maximum temperature of both cities.However, the temperature rise(in maximum and minimum) has been observed highest during the spring seasons in bothcities

    The preliminary study of urbanization, fossil fuels consumptions and CO2 emission in Karachi

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    According to population, Karachi is the first largest city of Pakistan and 9th largest in the world. During last three decades, it has faced mass urbanization, huge population growth, many fold increase in vehicles and industrial development. As a result the demand of more energy in form of fossil fuels increased for domestic, industrial and transportation purpose. In this research the maximum available data of Karachi about urbanization, population and vehicles growth, industrialization, energy consumption and CO2 emissions are analyzed. Time periods considered for this work are according to the availability of the data. The results show that during 1947 to 2008, both urban population and urban area increased to 1500%. During 1990 to 2008, the percentage growth in vehicles is double than that of population growth during this time period. During 1980 to 2007 the consumption of oil and petrol, natural gas and coal increased to 219%, 365% and 287%, respectively. The emission of CO2 jumped from 39 million metric tons in 1980 to 151 million metric tons in 2007

    Spatial Variability of Urban Heat Island of Sargodha City in Pakistan

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    Sargodha is one of the most important cities of Pakistan. Located in the center of Pakistan, it is the hub of the Pakistan Air Force. Rapid urbanization in the city has caused it to expand it farther from its center. Sargodha is 11th most populated metropolitan city in Pakistan. Currently, it has 0.7 million population and covers an area of 52 km2. The objective of this study was to measure the spatial variability of urban heat island (UHI) in different areas of the city in comparison with the temperature of the urban center. The meteorological data was measured by installing digital weather stations at four sites, 3 within the city by considering the areas as urban highly dense, urban less dense and urban periphery and one at rural site almost 10 km away from the city center. The result highlighted that difference in temperature between urban densely built area and rural site was highest. The difference in temperature increased as one moved away from the city center where urban areas were found warmer than the sites comparatively away from the city center. It was observed that the UHI intensity is not same in different areas of the city. The highest intensity of UHI is observed on Sunday where it was measured 5.7 °C

    Spatial Variability of Urban Heat Island of Sargodha City in Pakistan

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    Pakistan Air Force. Rapid urbanization in the city has caused it to expand it farther from its center. Sargodha is 11th most populated metropolitan city in Pakistan. Currently, it has 0.7 million population and covers an area of 52 km2. The objective of this study was to measure the spatial variability of urban heat island (UHI) in different areas of the city in comparison with the temperature of the urban center. The meteorological data was measured by installing digital weather stations at four sites, 3 within the city by considering the areas as urban highly dense, urban less dense and urban periphery and one at rural site almost 10 km away from the city center. The result highlighted that difference in temperature between urban densely built area and rural site was highest. The difference in temperature increased as one moved away from the city center where urban areas were found warmer than the sites comparatively away from the city center. It was observed that the UHI intensity is not same in different areas of the city. The highest intensity of UHI is observed on Sunday where it was measured 5.7 °C