4 research outputs found

    Additional file 1: Table S1. of CRISPR/Cas9-mediated viral interference in plants

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    Primers used in this study. Table S2 Summary of different sgRNA used for targeting of TYLCV genome. (PDF 3026 kb

    Additional file 2: Figure S1. of CRISPR/Cas9-mediated viral interference in plants

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    Dot blot analysis of the TYLCV genome accumulation in NBCas9OE. Figure S2 CRISPR/Cas9-mediated virus interference in TYLCV sap inoculated plants. Figure S3. Targeting of CP region of TYLCV by CRISPR/Cas9. Figure S4. RCA analysis of the TYLCV genome accumulation. Figure S5. DNA blot analysis of the TYLCV genome accumulation. Figure S6. Reduction of TYLCV symptoms on NB-Cas9OE plants expressing IR-sgRNA. Figure S7. Reduction of TYLCV symptoms in NB-Cas9OE plants expressing CP-gRNA or RCRII-gRNA. Figure S8. Reduction of TYLCV symptoms in NB-Cas9OE plants coexpressing IR-sgRNA and CP-sgRNA. Figure S9. Restriction enzyme recognition site loss analysis from multiplexed targeting of IR and CP sequences. Figure S10. Alignment of the Sanger sequence reads of IR and CP regions of TYLCV from multiplexed targeting of IR and CP sequences. Figure S11. Recovery of TYLCV symptoms in NB-Cas9OE plants expressing IR-CP-gRNA. Figure S12. Southern blot analysis for the TYLCV genome accumulation. (PDF 3075 kb

    Additional file 4: of CRISPR/Cas9-mediated viral interference in plants

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    Supplementary sequences and maps. Supplemental sequence 1. TYLCV 2.3 genome sequence and map. Supplemental sequence 2. IR-gRNA (TYLCV) sequence and map. Supplemental sequence 3. CP-gRNA (TYLCV) sequence and map. Supplemental sequence 4. RCRII-gRNA (TYLCV) sequence and map. Supplementary sequence 5. IR-gRNA (BCTV Worland) sequence and map. Supplementary sequence 6. RCRII-gRNA (BCTV Worland) sequence and map. Supplementary sequence 7. BCTV (Worland) sequence and map. Supplementary sequence 8. MeMV sequence and map. Supplementary sequence 9. Non-specific-sgRNA sequence and map. (PDF 3031 kb