147 research outputs found

    White spot syndrome virus (WSSV) transmission risk through infected cooked shrimp products assessed by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and bio-inoculation studies

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    The aim of the study was to evaluate the resistance of white spot syndrome virus (WSSV) in shrimps (Penaeus monodon) to the process of cooking. The cooking was carried out at 1000C six different durations 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 and 30 min. The presence of WSSV was tested by single step and nested polymerase chain reaction (PCR). In the single step PCR, the primers 1s5 & 1a16 and IK1 & IK2 were used. While in the nested PCR, primers IK1 &IK2 – IK3 & IK4 were used for the detection of WSSV. WSSV was detected in the single step PCR with the primers 1s5 and 1a16 and the nested PCR with the primers IK1 and IK2 – IK3 & IK4 from the cooked shrimp samples. The cooked shrimps, which gave positive results for WSSV by PCR, were further confirmed for the viability of WSSV by conducting the bio-inoculation studies. Mortality (100%) was observed within 123 h of intra-muscular post injection (P.I) into the live healthy WSSV-free shrimps (P. monodon). These results show that the WSSV survive the cooking process and even infected cooked shrimp products may pose a transmission risk for WSSV to the native shrimp farming systems


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    To comprehend whether corporate social responsibility (CSR) in pharma is more of a corporate hypocrisy where firms and organizations tend tomarginalize their employees and the environment at large. The present study is case based, and an attempt has been made to analyze probable drivingreasons behind the corporate behavior exhibited by pharma industries. CSR is understood differently by different beneficiaries but usually refers toserving the citizens, population of communities, and the larger society in a way that goes beyond what is legally required of a firm. Though numerousprograms and schemes have been launched for their upliftment, it is all an eye wash which is intended for the internal benefit of the organization.Corporate these days, as per the Companies Act should report spend of 2% of their profits as pronounced in the CSR and pharmaceutical companiesare no exemption to it. As per Section 135 of the Companies Act 2013, it is recommended that companies having revenue above Rs. 1,000 crore andprofit more than Rs. 5 crore should report what they spend for CSR. Companies these days often utilize CSR as a brand building exercise, engagementof employees, helping the local community around their firm, or even as a fame generating spot for the themes of the chairman's spouse. Thus, it isobvious that the social responsibility of pharmaceutical business sector is mainly to increase their profit, increase their shareholder activism, andinvestment in the community.Keywords: Corporate social responsibility, Hypocrisy, Pharmaceutical industries, Society and organization


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    To consider the prescription of drugs through online retail is an opportunity or not for the end consumers in an Indian context. This paper described thebasic issues and challenges related to online pharma retail in the Indian context through case method. India is among the top six global pharmaceuticalproducers in the world. The Indian vaccines are exported to 150 countries. India produces 40-70% of the World Health Organization (WHO) demandfor Diphtheria-Pertussis-Tetanus and Bacille Calmette-Guérin vaccine and 90% of measles vaccine. Sustained by the amazing success achieved byconsumer durables industry in the online space, pharma is the next big sector in India to target consumer online. The growth in the industry hascreated a great opportunity for the online model for this business. India has now seen pharma players taking the e-commerce route with an intentionto offer a solution to a number of problems plaguing the retail pharmacy industry. Though online medicines look like a promising trend today, thebusiness is challenged by regulatory issues.Keywords: Online pharmacy, Online pharma retail, Online medicines, E-pharma retailing


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    ABSTRACTThe objective of this study is to know the comforts and confronts faced by pharma companies in India. It is of case study approach and presented theIndian pharma export advantages, the Government initiatives toward the export market, problems, the recent US trademark legislation issues, and theopportunities in a nutshell. The predicted growth of Indian pharmaceutical market size is US100billionby2025,becauseofspendinghabitofthecustomeronhealthcareandtheirawarenessonhealthinsurance.Indiancompanieshavefocusedonexportprospectsinbothformalandinformalmarketsglobally.ThisapproachhasmadethepharmaindustrytoachieveUS 100 billion by 2025, because of spending habit of thecustomer on health care and their awareness on health insurance. Indian companies have focused on export prospects in both formal and informalmarkets globally. This approach has made the pharma industry to achieve US 45 billion by 2020 and aimed to position as sixth largest market amongthe world. Keeping the high credibility of serving quality products in the complex market, India has gained a strong reputation among the global place.Keywords: Indian pharmaceutical, Pharma export, US trademark legislation, Indian pharma initiatives


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    ABSTRACTThe objective of this study is to know about the significance of health literacy awareness among the public. Health literacy is a strategy to empowerthe control of people over their own health and capacity to inquire about the health information to take decisions regarding the health issues. Peoplemust increase their health literacy with quality and understanding information. The impact of less health literacy rates is errors in medication, inferiorhealth position, increased hospitalizations, and increased cost of health care. The competency to make health decisions in daily life, at work life, inhealth-care system, and in emergency situations will determine the health literacy. The health literacy means the attaining the level of knowledge,individual skills and confidence to arrive decisions to enhance individual and societal health by altering lifestyles and livelihood. Low literacy level hasan impact on the health status of the people by restricting the individual, social and cultural progress thereby impede the progress of health literacy.The health literacy can be regarded as a capacity needed to be familiar with sources of health information and use them by retrieving the information.The accessibility of quality information, its applicability in a required situation, analyzing, understanding, and utilizing of information is necessary fortaking efficient health decisions.Keywords: Health literacy, Empowerment strategy, Health decisions and health care system


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    ABSTRACTThe objective of the study is to know about the present scenario of pharma tourism in Indian perspective. Pharma or medical tourism, a term thatalso can be used to describe medical outsourcing, is characterized by travel away from one's home region to procure treatment in another. India isrenowned for ancient alternative therapies such as Ayurveda, Yoga and Meditation, and Therapeutic Massage. The Indian medical tourism industryis on its way to become the most preferred destination for medical treatment for people from all around the world. The industry is expected to touchUSD 6 billion by the year 2018, growing at a compounded annual rate of 20% between the years 2014 and 2018. Health care has become one ofIndia's largest sectors - both in terms of revenue and employment. The industry comprises hospitals, medical devices, clinical trials, outsourcing,telemedicine, medical tourism, health insurance, and medical equipment. The Indian healthcare industry is growing at a tremendous pace due toits strengthening coverage, services, and increasing expenditure by public as well private players. Health care is the fundamental need for humanity.Medical Tourism in India is one of the best options available to people across the globe to undergo treatment with peace of mind.Keywords: Pharma tourism, Medical treatment, Health care, Hospitals and medical tourists

    Enhancement of agronomic traits and yield of rice var. ADT 43 grown in typic ustifluvent soil through silicon fertilization

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    Rice is a rich accumulator of silicon and its supply is essential for the growth and economic yield of rice. Hence, a field experiment was conducted in sandy clay loam soil belonging to Padugai series (Typic ustifluvent) at farmers holding in Kuttalam block, Mayiladuthurai district, Tamil Nadu to assess the role of silicon in improving agronomic characters and yield of rice ADT 43, Oryza sativa. The treatments included  T1 -  Recommended dose of fertilizer (RDF), T2 - RDF + Potassium silicate (FS) - 0.25%, T3- RDF + FS - 0.50%, T4 - RDF +FS - 1.00%, T5­ -RDF + FS - 0.25%, T6 - RDF + FS - 0.50%,  T7­ - RDF + FS - 1.00%,  T8 - RDF + SA - 50 kg ha-1, T9 - RDF + SA - 100 kg ha-1 and T10 - RDF + SA- 150 kg ha-1. From T2 to T4, the foliar spray was done at tillering stage and from T5 to T7, the foliar spray was done at tillering and panicle initiation stage.  The silicon was applied through FS with the rice crop. The soil application of silicon relatively recorded higher growth and yield compared to foliar application. Besides improving different agronomic characters of the rice, the soil application of 50 kg Si ha-1 registered the highest grain yield (6183.3 kg ha-1) and straw yield (6740 kg ha-1) and was comparable with a single foliar spray of 1% Si.  Growth and rice yield increased with Si concentration of 0.25% to 1%.  Thus, the soil application of silicon @50 kg ha-1 through potassium silicate is advocated to realize maximum rice yield


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    ABSTRACTThe objective of the present study is to understand the use of electricity in treating ailments to mankind where they need not swallow the pills or injectintravenously rather have the device implanted which would monitor the nerve impulses, detect if any problems exist, and then supply electricity tothe organs affected to make them function properly. This study is based on the case approach to identify the usefulness of electrical appliances formankind. Each individual is unique and, therefore, electroceutical devices should also have the patient-specific element for smarter use of the implant.This newly emerging field of electroceuticals needs to be understood keeping in mind the body's electrical grid and the language of nerve impulsesto treat varied diseases and disorders affecting the mankind. The study pinpointed that electroceuticals is supplements to traditional treatment.Although much usefulness is found toward using electrical impulses to treat the organ, the devices need to be designed with relatively small wiresand batteries for easier implantation. Each individual is unique and, therefore, electroceutical devices should also have the patient-specific elementfor smarter use of the implant.Keywords: Electroceuticals, Ailments, Electrical appliances, Patient-specific treatment
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