83 research outputs found

    Analytical solution of second Stokes problem of behaviour of rarefied gas with Cercignani boundary accomodation conditions

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    Analytical solution of second Stokes problem of behaviour of rarefied gas with Cercignani boundary accomodation conditions The second Stokes problem about behaviour of rarefied gas filling half-space is analytically solved. A plane, limiting half-space, makes harmonious fluctuations in the plane. The kinetic BGK-equation (Bhatnagar, Gross, Krook) is used. The boundary accomodation conditions of Cercignani of reflexion gaseous molecules from a wall are considered. Distribution function of the gaseous molecules is constructed. The velocity of gas in half-space is found, also its value direct at a wall is found. The force resistance operating from gas on border is found. Besides, the capacity of dissipation of the energy falling to unit of area of the fluctuating plate limiting gas is obtained.Comment: 26 pages, 5 figure


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    The most adverse outcomes of PCI in patients with ACS-STE occurs during prolonged endovascular correction of complex coronary impairment forms in the absence of coronary arterial flow support. The aim of this study was to assess the effectiveness of retroperfusion support of coronary blood flow during endovascular correction of complex anterior coronary bed impairment forms in patients with ACS-STE. The results of treatment of 12 patients who underwent endovascular image-guided intervention was analyzed from 26.04.2012 to 10.05.2014. 1st group consisted of 6 (50%) patients who underwent retroperfusion support of coronary circulation. 2nd group consisted of 6 (50%) patients in whom retroperfusion support have not been performed. In 1st group there there was a significant decrease in ST-segment elevation during retroperfusion after 60 seconds of the absence of antegrade blood flow in the anterior coronary bed compared with patients who underwent angioplasty without the coronary blood flow support (ST in V1-V3 with retroperfusion was 2,2±0,4 mm; ST in V1-V3 without retroperfusion was 2,9±0,4 mm; p=0,027). In 2nd group, in the absence of retroperfusion support in all patients after 60 seconds of antegrade flow overlap there was a significant increase in segment elevation ST (ST in V1-V3 was 2,7±0,3 mm; p = 0,027) compared to the initial ECG pattern. Similar dynamics was observed in blood pressure levels. Thus, selective retroperfusion of great cardiac vein can be used as an intraoperative support of cardiac hemodynamics in patients with ASC-STE.Наибольшее количество неблагоприятных исходов ЧКВ у больных с OKCotST возникает в процессе длительной эндоваскулярной коррекции сложных форм поражений переднего коронарного бассейна в отсутствие поддержки венечного артериального кровотока. Целью данного исследования являлось проведение оценки эффективности ретроперфузионной поддержки коронарного кровотока в процессе эндоваскулярной коррекции сложных форм поражений переднего коронарного бассейна у пациентов с OKCotST. В период с 26.04.2012 г. по 10.05.2014 г. проанализированы результаты лечения 12 пациентов, перенесших рентгеноэндоваскулярное вмешательство. 1-ю группу составили 6 (50%) больных, которым выполнялась ретроперфузионная поддержка коронарного кровоснабжения, 2-ю группу - 6 (50%) пациентов, которым ретроперфузионная поддержка не выполнялась. В 1-й группе в процессе ретроперфузии на 60-й секунде отсутствия антеградного кровотока по переднему коронарному бассейну наблюдалось достоверное уменьшение элевации сегмента ST по сравнению с ангиопластикой без поддержки коронарного кровотока (STв V1-V3 при ретроперфузии - 2,2±0,4 мм; ST в V1-V3 без ретроперфузии - 2,9±0,4 мм; p=0,027). Во 2-й группе, при отсутствии ретроперфузионной поддержки у всех пациентов на 60-й секунде перекрытия антеградного кровотока наблюдалось достоверное увеличение элевации сегмента ST (ST в V1-V3 - 2,7±0,3 мм; p=0,027) по сравнению с исходной ЭКГ-картиной. Подобная динамика прослеживалась и в отношении показателей артериального давления. Таким образом, селективная ретроперфузия большой кардиальной вены может быть использована как способ интраопе-рационной поддержки кардиогемодинамики у пациентов с OKCotST


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    In Europe, as in Russia and Canada, outlined was a tendency to the increase in the morbidity rates, while in the US – the incidence was somewhat lower as compared to previous years. On the whole, West Nile fever incidence rates in the Russian Federation by regions during the epidemic season, 2016 were below the average long-term index. Above the average regional annual incidence rates were registered in the Saratov region only and accounted for 64 % of all reported cases in Russia. Analysis of the monitoring results indicated the circulation of WNF virus markers in carriers of the pathogen in 10 constituent entities of the Russian Federation, and the presence of IgG antibodies in healthy population cohorts in 30 RF entities. According to molecular-genetic typing of WNF virus samples from a deceased patient in the Astrakhan Region and mosquito Culex samples from the Volgograd Region, WNF virus genotype I was established. Forecasting of epidemiological situation development for the year 2017 does not rule out the possibility of local increase in WNF incidence in certain regions of Russia

    Efficacy of Angio-Seal Device for Primary And Complicated Haemostasis: a Multicentre Retrospective Assay

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    Background. Femoral approach in endovascular surgery remains relevant being, however, associated with the risk of fatal and non­fatal complications. Modern techniques for instrumental haemostasis achieved with the Angio­Seal device (Terumo Corporation, Japan) provide an opportunity to reduce the number of fatal and non­fatal complications. Aim. A multicentre assay of the efficacy and safety of instrumental puncture closure using Angio­Seal devices (Terumo Corporation, Japan) in various settings and clinical situations.Materials and methods. A multicentre retrospective analysis of 1088 use cases of the Angio­Seal device  (Terumo Corporation, Japan) for “primary” and “complicated” instrumental haemostasis after femoral access  has been conducted for the years 2018–2020. The mean patient age was 62.3 ± 11.6 years, including 845 men (78.0%) and 243 women (22.0%). Five centres for routine and emergency endovascular radiology participated in the study.Results. The Angio­Seal device (Terumo Corporation, Japan) demonstrated a high method efficiency, with a  97.0% success rate of “primary” instrumental haemostasis (1055 of 1088 total successful haemostatic  procedures) in various clinical settings. Arterial thrombosis at the approach side had a 3.0% complication rate  (5 of 33 observations), all other complication types associated with haemorrhagic events (8 cases) or device malfunction and damage (20 cases).Discussion. The assay conducted suggests that the incidence of “complicated” instrumental haemostasis  relates to technical drawbacks of the device application that required advance planning. The key identified  prerequisites for a successful Angio­Seal application (Terumo Corporation, Japan) are the alignment of anchor tube­delivery through soft tissue into the vessel lumen and its positioning inside the vessel.Conclusion. The constructive features and instrumental haemostatic technique realised in the Angio­Seal  device (Terumo Corporation, Japan) enable an effective and safe primary sealing of arterial puncture site in 97% cases

    Peculiarities of the Epidemic Situation on West Nile Fever in the Territory of the Russian Federation in 2018 and Forecast of its Development in 2019

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    The epidemic rise in the incidence of West Nile fever (WNF) in the season of 2018 was observed in the countries of the European Union (EU) and bordering states and exceeded the values of all previously recorded epidemic rises of 2010–2012. An increase in the incidence rate was registered in the USA and Canada, however, it did not exceed the indicators of epidemic rises of 2007–2012. In the territory of the Russian Federation, the WNF epidemiological process became more intense mainly in the territory of the Southern and North Caucasian Federal Districts. In general, in Russia, the incidence rates were 2 times lower than the average annual rates, but significantly exceeded those of 2017. The epidemic process had a number of peculiarities in the seasonality, the structure of morbidity and the clinical manifestation of WNF. Genotyping of the isolated WNV RNA fragments from clinical and biological material showed that I, II and IV West Nile virus genotypes were circulating in the European part of Russia. Forecast of epidemic situation development in 2019 reveals further increase in the incidence and does not exclude the possibility of a significant localincrease of WNF incidence in certain regions of Russia

    Многоцентровой ретроспективный анализ использования устройства «Angioseal» для осуществления первичного и осложненного гемостаза

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    Background. Femoral approach in endovascular surgery remains relevant being, however, associated with the risk of fatal and non­fatal complications. Modern techniques for instrumental haemostasis achieved with the Angio­Seal device (Terumo Corporation, Japan) provide an opportunity to reduce the number of fatal and non­fatal complications. Aim. A multicentre assay of the efficacy and safety of instrumental puncture closure using Angio­Seal devices (Terumo Corporation, Japan) in various settings and clinical situations.Materials and methods. A multicentre retrospective analysis of 1088 use cases of the Angio­Seal device  (Terumo Corporation, Japan) for “primary” and “complicated” instrumental haemostasis after femoral access  has been conducted for the years 2018–2020. The mean patient age was 62.3 ± 11.6 years, including 845 men (78.0%) and 243 women (22.0%). Five centres for routine and emergency endovascular radiology participated in the study.Results. The Angio­Seal device (Terumo Corporation, Japan) demonstrated a high method efficiency, with a  97.0% success rate of “primary” instrumental haemostasis (1055 of 1088 total successful haemostatic  procedures) in various clinical settings. Arterial thrombosis at the approach side had a 3.0% complication rate  (5 of 33 observations), all other complication types associated with haemorrhagic events (8 cases) or device malfunction and damage (20 cases).Discussion. The assay conducted suggests that the incidence of “complicated” instrumental haemostasis  relates to technical drawbacks of the device application that required advance planning. The key identified  prerequisites for a successful Angio­Seal application (Terumo Corporation, Japan) are the alignment of anchor tube­delivery through soft tissue into the vessel lumen and its positioning inside the vessel.Conclusion. The constructive features and instrumental haemostatic technique realised in the Angio­Seal  device (Terumo Corporation, Japan) enable an effective and safe primary sealing of arterial puncture site in 97% cases.Введение. Бедренный доступ для эндоваскулярных операций сохраняет свою  актуальность, однако его выполнение связано с риском возникновения фатальных и  нефатальных осложнений. Современные технологии аппаратного гемостаза,  достигаемого с помощью устройства «Angioseal» («Terumo Corporation», Япония),  предоставляют возможность снижения числа фатальных и нефатальных осложнений. Цель исследования. Провести многоцентровую оценку эффективности и безопасности аппаратного закрытия пункционного отверстия с применением устройств «Angioseal» в различных условиях и клинических ситуациях.Материалы и методы. Проведен многоцентровой ретроспективный анализ 1088  случаев использования устройства «Angioseal» для осуществления «первичного» и  «осложненного» аппаратного гемостаза после бедренного доступа в период с 2018 по 2020 год. Средний возраст пациентов составил 62,3 ± 11,6 года. Мужчин было 845 (78,0 %), женщин — 243 (22,0 %). В исследовании приняли участие пять центров,  осуществляющих плановую и экстренную рентгенэндоваскулярную помощь.Результаты. Применение устройства «Angioseal» показывает высокую эффективность метода — 97,0 % успеха «первичного» аппаратного гемостаза (1055 случаев из 1088 успешных процедур гемостаза) в условиях различных клинических ситуаций. В  структуре осложнений (3,0 %) — тромбоз артерий на стороне доступа составил 5 случаев из 33 наблюдений; остальные варианты осложнений были связаны с геморрагическими событиями (8 случаев) или отказом/повреждением устройства, наблюдаемым в 20 случаях.Обсуждение. По данным проведенного исследования мы заключили, что случаи «осложненного» аппаратного гемостаза были сопряжены с техническими трудностями применения устройства и требовали заблаговременного планирования. Ключевыми  моментами успешного применения устройства «Angioseal» можно считать прямолинейность прохождения якоря устройства по доставляющей трубке через  мягкие ткани в просвет сосуда и контроль расположения якоря в сосуде.Заключение. Конструктивные особенности и методика аппаратного гемостаза с применением устройства «Angioseal» в 97 % случаев позволяют эффективно и безопасно осуществлять первичное закрытие пункционного артериального доступа

    Uncovering a Macrophage Transcriptional Program by Integrating Evidence from Motif Scanning and Expression Dynamics

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    Macrophages are versatile immune cells that can detect a variety of pathogen-associated molecular patterns through their Toll-like receptors (TLRs). In response to microbial challenge, the TLR-stimulated macrophage undergoes an activation program controlled by a dynamically inducible transcriptional regulatory network. Mapping a complex mammalian transcriptional network poses significant challenges and requires the integration of multiple experimental data types. In this work, we inferred a transcriptional network underlying TLR-stimulated murine macrophage activation. Microarray-based expression profiling and transcription factor binding site motif scanning were used to infer a network of associations between transcription factor genes and clusters of co-expressed target genes. The time-lagged correlation was used to analyze temporal expression data in order to identify potential causal influences in the network. A novel statistical test was developed to assess the significance of the time-lagged correlation. Several associations in the resulting inferred network were validated using targeted ChIP-on-chip experiments. The network incorporates known regulators and gives insight into the transcriptional control of macrophage activation. Our analysis identified a novel regulator (TGIF1) that may have a role in macrophage activation

    The Effect of Antimicrobial Drugs Tylocolinum, Tetragold and Cidisept-o on Escherichia coli Ultrastructure

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    As a result of wide antibiotics, sulfonamides and other antimicrobial agents usage for the therapy of the animals with the bacterial infections caused by various causative agents including Escherichia coli, many microorganisms gained resistance to the chemotherapeutic agents. New combined drugs are being worked out during recent years, the components of which have various influence mechanisms on the bacterial cell that helps to provide resistance forming control. The results of the researches of the new antimicrobial agents, containing antibiotics in their composition, and non-antibiotic agent influence on the ultrastructure of Escherichia coli are represented in this study. 5-hour Escherichia coli 866 culture was processed by the drugs of the minimum bactericidal (Tylocolinum-0.39 µg/ml, Tetragold-6.25 µg/ml, Cidisept-o-25 µg/ml) and 4-time concentrations during 3 hours. Samples and control culture (without drugs) were fixed by the 2.5% glutaricdialdehyde on the s-Collidine Buffer, dehydrated in the ethanol with rising concentration, filled in epoxies. Ultrathin slices were stained by 2% water solution of uranyl acetate and lead citrate for 10 minutes. Then they were examined with the use of the electron microscope JEM-100 CX II by JEOL. The research showed deep ultrastructural changes in Escherichia coli cells under the antimicrobial agent influence determined by synergistic effect of combined Tylocolinum and Tetragold drugs components, possessing various bacteria influencing mechanisms, and aldehyde that is a component of Cidisept-o. The electron microscopy usage allows to get unique information about the impact consequences of the traditional improved drugs and new drugs with antimicrobial activity on the bacterial infectious agents