143 research outputs found
Cosmic ray modulation in a random anisotropic magnetic field
Inhomogeneities of the interplanetary magnetic field can be divided into small scale and large scale ones as may be required by the character of the problem of cosmic ray (CR) propagation. CR propagation in stochastic magnetic fields is of diffusion character. The main contribution into the scattering of CR particles is made by their interaction with inhomogeneities of the magnetic field H which have characteristic dimensions 1 of the order of Larmor radius R=cp/eH of particle (p is the absolute value of particle momentum, e is particle charge, c is velocity of light). Scattering of particles on such inhomogeneities leads to their diffusion mostly along a magnetic field with characteristic dimensions of variation in space exceeding the mean free path
Anomalous cyclotron mass dependence on the magnetic field and Berry’s phase in (Cd₁-x-γZnxMnγ)₃As₂ solid solutions
Shubnikov-de Haas (SdH) effect and magnetoresistance measurements of single crystals of diluted II-V magnetic semiconductors (Cd₁-x-γZnxMnγ)₃As₂ (x+γ= 0.4, y=0.04 and 0.08) are investigated in the temperature range T=4.2 ÷ 300 K and in transverse magnetic field B=0 ÷ 25
Efficacy of Angio-Seal Device for Primary And Complicated Haemostasis: a Multicentre Retrospective Assay
Background. Femoral approach in endovascular surgery remains relevant being, however, associated with the risk of fatal and nonfatal complications. Modern techniques for instrumental haemostasis achieved with the AngioSeal device (Terumo Corporation, Japan) provide an opportunity to reduce the number of fatal and nonfatal complications. Aim. A multicentre assay of the efficacy and safety of instrumental puncture closure using AngioSeal devices (Terumo Corporation, Japan) in various settings and clinical situations.Materials and methods. A multicentre retrospective analysis of 1088 use cases of the AngioSeal device (Terumo Corporation, Japan) for “primary” and “complicated” instrumental haemostasis after femoral access has been conducted for the years 2018–2020. The mean patient age was 62.3 ± 11.6 years, including 845 men (78.0%) and 243 women (22.0%). Five centres for routine and emergency endovascular radiology participated in the study.Results. The AngioSeal device (Terumo Corporation, Japan) demonstrated a high method efficiency, with a 97.0% success rate of “primary” instrumental haemostasis (1055 of 1088 total successful haemostatic procedures) in various clinical settings. Arterial thrombosis at the approach side had a 3.0% complication rate (5 of 33 observations), all other complication types associated with haemorrhagic events (8 cases) or device malfunction and damage (20 cases).Discussion. The assay conducted suggests that the incidence of “complicated” instrumental haemostasis relates to technical drawbacks of the device application that required advance planning. The key identified prerequisites for a successful AngioSeal application (Terumo Corporation, Japan) are the alignment of anchor tubedelivery through soft tissue into the vessel lumen and its positioning inside the vessel.Conclusion. The constructive features and instrumental haemostatic technique realised in the AngioSeal device (Terumo Corporation, Japan) enable an effective and safe primary sealing of arterial puncture site in 97% cases
Room Temperature High-Field Spin Dynamics of NV Defects in Sintered Diamonds
Sintered oriented nanodiamond arrays with the extremely high concentrations of the nitrogen-vacancy (NV) centers (up to 103 ppm) were investigated by the W-band (94 GHz) electron spin echo electron paramagnetic resonance techniques. The NV centers were fabricated by the high-pressure high-temperature sintering of detonation nanodiamonds (DND) without the post or prior irradiation of the samples. The processes of polarization and recovery of the equilibrium population of the spin sublevels by optical and microwave pulses have been examined at room temperature in high magnetic fields corresponding to the fine-structure transitions for the NV defects at 94 GHz (3,250-3,450 mT). A long spin coherence time of 1.6 μs and spin-lattice relaxation time of 1.7 ms were measured. The results were compared with those obtained on the NV centers fabricated by the irradiation and subsequent annealing of the commercially available bulk diamonds. It was shown that the relaxation characteristics of the NV defects were similar in the both types of the samples despite the extremely high concentrations of NV defects and isolated nitrogen donors in the sintered DND. © 2013 Springer-Verlag Wien
The most adverse outcomes of PCI in patients with ACS-STE occurs during prolonged endovascular correction of complex coronary impairment forms in the absence of coronary arterial flow support. The aim of this study was to assess the effectiveness of retroperfusion support of coronary blood flow during endovascular correction of complex anterior coronary bed impairment forms in patients with ACS-STE. The results of treatment of 12 patients who underwent endovascular image-guided intervention was analyzed from 26.04.2012 to 10.05.2014. 1st group consisted of 6 (50%) patients who underwent retroperfusion support of coronary circulation. 2nd group consisted of 6 (50%) patients in whom retroperfusion support have not been performed. In 1st group there there was a significant decrease in ST-segment elevation during retroperfusion after 60 seconds of the absence of antegrade blood flow in the anterior coronary bed compared with patients who underwent angioplasty without the coronary blood flow support (ST in V1-V3 with retroperfusion was 2,2±0,4 mm; ST in V1-V3 without retroperfusion was 2,9±0,4 mm; p=0,027). In 2nd group, in the absence of retroperfusion support in all patients after 60 seconds of antegrade flow overlap there was a significant increase in segment elevation ST (ST in V1-V3 was 2,7±0,3 mm; p = 0,027) compared to the initial ECG pattern. Similar dynamics was observed in blood pressure levels. Thus, selective retroperfusion of great cardiac vein can be used as an intraoperative support of cardiac hemodynamics in patients with ASC-STE.Наибольшее количество неблагоприятных исходов ЧКВ у больных с OKCotST возникает в процессе длительной эндоваскулярной коррекции сложных форм поражений переднего коронарного бассейна в отсутствие поддержки венечного артериального кровотока. Целью данного исследования являлось проведение оценки эффективности ретроперфузионной поддержки коронарного кровотока в процессе эндоваскулярной коррекции сложных форм поражений переднего коронарного бассейна у пациентов с OKCotST. В период с 26.04.2012 г. по 10.05.2014 г. проанализированы результаты лечения 12 пациентов, перенесших рентгеноэндоваскулярное вмешательство. 1-ю группу составили 6 (50%) больных, которым выполнялась ретроперфузионная поддержка коронарного кровоснабжения, 2-ю группу - 6 (50%) пациентов, которым ретроперфузионная поддержка не выполнялась. В 1-й группе в процессе ретроперфузии на 60-й секунде отсутствия антеградного кровотока по переднему коронарному бассейну наблюдалось достоверное уменьшение элевации сегмента ST по сравнению с ангиопластикой без поддержки коронарного кровотока (STв V1-V3 при ретроперфузии - 2,2±0,4 мм; ST в V1-V3 без ретроперфузии - 2,9±0,4 мм; p=0,027). Во 2-й группе, при отсутствии ретроперфузионной поддержки у всех пациентов на 60-й секунде перекрытия антеградного кровотока наблюдалось достоверное увеличение элевации сегмента ST (ST в V1-V3 - 2,7±0,3 мм; p=0,027) по сравнению с исходной ЭКГ-картиной. Подобная динамика прослеживалась и в отношении показателей артериального давления. Таким образом, селективная ретроперфузия большой кардиальной вены может быть использована как способ интраопе-рационной поддержки кардиогемодинамики у пациентов с OKCotST
Electron paramagnetic resonance detection of the giant concentration of nitrogen vacancy defects in sintered detonation nanodiamonds
A giant concentration of nitrogen vacancy defects has been revealed by the electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) method in a detonation nanodiamond sintered at high pressure and temperature. A high coherence of the electron spins at room temperature has been observed and the angular dependences of the EPR spectra indicate the complete orientation of the diamond system. © 2010 Pleiades Publishing, Ltd
Defects in Nanodiamonds: Application of High-Frequency cw and Pulse EPR, ODMR
© 2014, Springer-Verlag Wien. Different aspects of applications of electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) based techniques including high frequency (HF) electron spin echo (ESE), electron-nuclear double resonance (ENDOR) and optically detected magnetic resonance (ODMR) approaches to study diamond nanostructures are examined
Ischemic and reperfusion injury is a complex, multifactorial process that damage kidney transplant. Knowledge and understanding of pathogenic mechanisms of damage processes allows the use of various biological agents to reduce this damage. However, the application of most of biological agents is still only in the experiment. The purpose of this survey show participants of pathogenetic mechanisms, mainly inflammatory mediators (cytokines, chemokines), their interactions, and the consequences of their damaging effects on the fabric kidney transplant. Ишемическое и реперфузионное повреждение является сложным многофакторным процессом, повреждающим почечный трансплантат. Знание и понимание патогенетических механизмов процессов повреждения позволяет применять различные биологические агенты для снижения данного повреждения. Однако применение большинства биологических агентов остается пока еще только в эксперименте. Цель данного обзора – показать участников патогенетических механизмов, главным образом воспалительных медиаторов (цитокинов, хемокинов), их взаимодействие и последствия их повреждающего воздействия на ткань почечного трансплантата.
Myocardial retroperfusion in patients with acute coronary syndrome (ACS) is an actual scientific problem. Objective: To assess left ventricular (LV) function in patients with ACS in the medium term after the intervention with myocardial retroperfusion. The study included 24 patients with ACS: Group 1 consisted of 12 (50%) patients with ACS who has ST segment elevation, Group 2 - 12 (50%) patients with ACS who had no ST segment elevation. Both groups were divided in two subgroups: subgroup A - patients with retroperfusion; subgroup B - patients without retroperfusion. Results: In group 1 postoperative normalization of LV function was observed in 6 patients in the subgroup of A and in 1 patient in the subgroup B in the medium term; in group 2 postoperative normalization of LV function was observed in 4 patients in subgroup A and in 2 patients in the subgroup B. Conclusion: It is advisable to apply a retroperfusion support of myocardial blood supply technique during the intervention in patients with ACS.Ретроперфузия миокарда у больных с острым коронарным синдромом (ОКС) является актуальной научной проблемой. Цель: провести оценку функции левого желудочка (ЛЖ) у больных с ОКС в средние сроки после интервенции с ретроперфузией миокарда. Обследованы 24 пациента с ОКС: 1-ю группу составили 12 (50%) больных ОКС с подъемом сегмента ST, 2-ю группу - 12 (50%) больных ОКС без подъема сегмента ST. Обе группы были разделены на две подгруппы: подгруппа А - пациенты с ретроперфузией; подгруппа В - больные без ретроперфузии. Результаты: в 1-й группе в средние сроки после операции нормализация функции ЛЖ наблюдалась у 6 больных в подгруппе А и у 1 больного в подгруппе B; во 2-й группе - у 4 больных в подгруппе А и у 2 больных в подгруппе В. Заключение: во время интервенционного вмешательства у пациентов с ОКС целесообразно применять методику ретроперфузионной поддержки кровоснабжения миокарда
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