6 research outputs found

    Hot cracking characterization in dissimilar welds of C-Mn steel and Ni-base alloy

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    This thesis is about the characterization of the microstructural cracks by the EDS and EBSD technique. This investigation has been done by depostion a layer of Ni-base alloy and then a C-Mn steel layer in order to understand the physial and chemical compatibility of these two dissimilar materials. This project is designed based on the welding application in the cladding pipes.Master of materials Science and EngineeringMaterials Science & EngineeringMechanical, Maritime and Materials Engineerin

    From micro-mechanisms of damage initiation to constitutive mechanical behavior of bainitic multiphase steels

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    Global warming, continuous demand on energy from fossil fuels as a limited natural resource, and costumers’ high expectations regarding product quality are three global challenges that the automotive industry is facing. Fuel consumption reduction has a significant impact on preserving fossil fuels, lowering fossil fuel dependency and the CO2 emissions that result in global warming. Weight reduction of car bodies, as so called Bodies-In-White (BIW), is one possible solution that the automotive industry can invest on. However, there are other conflicting parameters to weight reduction such as passenger safety and formability, which need to be considered simultaneously...(OLD) MSE-

    A New Electron Backscatter Diffraction-Based Method to Study the Role of Crystallographic Orientation in Ductile Damage Initiation

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    The third generation of advanced high strength steels shows promising properties for automotive applications. The macroscopic mechanical response of this generation can be further improved by a better understanding of failure mechanisms on the microstructural level and micro-mechanical behavior under various loading conditions. In the current study, the microstructure of a multiphase low silicon bainitic steel is characterized with a scanning electron microscope (SEM) equipped with an electron backscatter diffraction detector. A uniaxial tensile test is carried out on the bainitic steel with martensite and carbides as second phase constituents. An extensive image processing on SEM micrographs is conducted in order to quantify the void evolution during plastic deformation. Later, a new post-mortem electron backscatter diffraction-based method is introduced to address the correlation between crystallographic orientation and damage initiation. In this multiphase steel, particular crystallographic orientation components were observed to be highly susceptible to micro-void formation. It is shown that stress concentration around voids is rather relaxed by void growth than local plasticity. Therefore, this post-mortem method can be used as a validation tool together with a crystal plasticity-based hardening model in order to predict the susceptible crystallographic orientations to damage nucleation.(OLD) MSE-3(OLD) MSE-

    Advanced Crystal Plasticity Modeling of Multi-Phase Steels: Work-Hardening, Strain Rate Sensitivity and Formability

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    This work presents an advanced crystal plasticity model for the simulation of the mechanical behavior of multiphase advanced high-strength steels. The model is based on the Visco-Plastic Self-Consistent (VPSC) model and uses information about the material’s crystallographic texture and grain morphology together with a grain constitutive law. The law used here, based on the work of Pantleon, considers how dislocations are created and annihilated, as well as how they interact with obstacles such as grain boundaries and inclusions (carbides). Additionally, strain rate sensitivity is implemented using a phenomenological expression derived from literature data that does not require any fitting parameter. The model is applied to the study of two bainitic steels obtained by applying different heat treatments. After fitting the required parameters using tensile experiments in different directions at quasi-static and high strain rates, formability properties are determined using the model for the performance of virtual experiments: uniaxial tests are used to determine r-values and stress levels and biaxial tests are used for the calculation of yield surfaces and forming limit curves.Team Erik Offerman(OLD) MSE-3Team Jilt Sietsm

    Crystallographically resolved damage initiation in advanced high strength steel

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    Recently, the third generation of advanced high strength steels (AHSSs) show promising properties for automotive applications. The improvement of macroscopic mechanical performance is not feasible without a deep understanding of the micromechanical behavior and failure micro-mechanisms involved during its response under various loading conditions. In this study, a uniaxial tensile test is conducted on a low silicon bainitic steel with second phase constituents (martensite and carbides). A comprehensive image processing on SEM micrographs is performed in order to quantify the damage evolution as a function of plastic deformation. A new methodology is examined to address the correlation between crystallographic orientation and damage initiation. In this multiphase steel, it appears that orientation dependence of damage initiation is blurred by the presence of different phases and hence there is not an obvious preferential orientation from where damage has initiated.(OLD) MSE-

    Fracture Toughness Evaluation of Powder Metallurgical ASP2030 High-Speed Steels Using Flexural Specimens and Finite Element Method

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    In the present study, the fracture toughness of hardened and tempered powder metallurgical (PM) high-speed steel ASP 2030 was investigated using notched and unnotched bending specimens and the finite element method. The normal flexural strength of notched and unnotched specimens marquenched by austenitizing at 1150, 1170, and 1185°C, followed by quenching to room temperature is measured after triple tempering at 560°C for 2 h. The finite element method (FEM) analysis is performed to observe the true stress distribution and calculate the critical fracture stress in the specimens under the experimental conditions of the bending test. The microstructural features of the specimens were investigated by X-ray diffraction (XRD) and a field emission scanning electron microscope (FESEM) with an electron backscatter detector (EBSD). No retained austenite was detected in the tempered specimens, and according to the results of the EBSD analysis and XRD tests, the microstructure of the matrix consists of martensitic ferrite laths. It can be observed that with the increase of austenitizing temperature from 1150 to 11850C, the normal flexural strength of the specimens decreases. The decrease in flexural strength of the specimens is due to the increase in the prior austenite grain size and consequently the martensitic ferrite laths after tempering. In addition, as the austenitizing temperature increases, the volume fraction of the undissolved carbides decreases, which causes the size of the undissolved carbides to increase and the flexural strength to decrease. According to FEM, the critical crack length calculated from the critical fracture stress is approximately equal to the average diameter of undissolved carbides.Green Open Access added to TU Delft Institutional Repository 'You share, we take care!' - Taverne project https://www.openaccess.nl/en/you-share-we-take-care Otherwise as indicated in the copyright section: the publisher is the copyright holder of this work and the author uses the Dutch legislation to make this work public.(OLD) MSE-