34 research outputs found

    Adjusted Kaplan-Meier survival estimates by duration of programme exposure (per 1000 persons per year).

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    <p>The line graph presents the adjusted survival probability curves among PLHIV per 1000 persons per year since they tested positive for HIV by duration of programme exposure. The estimates are adjusted by the place of residence of PLHIV. The duration of exposure to programme is divided into four categories, i.e. 1 to 6 months, 7 to 11 months, 1–2 years and more than 2 years.</p

    Adjusted Kaplan-Meier survival estimates by CD4 count (per 1000 persons per year).

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    <p>The line graph shows ten-year survival probability curves among PLHIV per 1000 persons per year since they tested positive for HIV by CD4 status. The estimates are adjusted by their place of residence. The CD4 staus is divided into four categories, i.e.CD4 count less than 100, CD4 count 100–249, CD4 count 250–349 and CD4 count 350 or more.</p

    Mortality rates among PLHIV by selected background characteristics.

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    <p>The bar diagram demonstrates the estimated mortality rates among PLHIV per 1000 population per year. The estimated mortality rates are also disagreegated by sex of the PLHIV, their age, literacy, place of residence, ART status and presence of co-infection like TB at any stage. TB at any stage is defined as ever had TB since tested positive and last contact prior to end of intervention.</p

    Differential in the profile of PLHIV registered with the programme by their survival status.

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    <p>Differential in the profile of PLHIV registered with the programme by their survival status.</p

    Results from Cox proportional hazard model depicting the risk of mortality by selected socio-demographic, clinical and programme exposure related characteristics.

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    <p>Results from Cox proportional hazard model depicting the risk of mortality by selected socio-demographic, clinical and programme exposure related characteristics.</p

    Crude (OR) and Adjusted odds ratios (AOR) and 95% confidence intervals (95%CI) from weighted logistic regression models examining correlates of sexual violence among men who have sex with men and transgenders (MSM-T), stratified by sex work status, Karnataka, South India (2008)<sup>*</sup>.

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    *<p>All percentages are weighted percentages;</p>**<p>P-value reported for adjusted analyses only.</p>***<p>Kothis: those who primarily practice receptive anal sex; Hijras: transgenders who often self-identify as female; Panthis: those who primarily practice insertive anal sex; Double-deckers: those who practice both insertive/receptive anal sex.</p