1 research outputs found

    Unsupervised Learning: Using Educational Videos as a Learning Tool to Enhance the English Vocabulary Use for the I-Generation

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    Words are the foundation that we need to build our meaning on therefore without vocabulary one cannot communicate properly or create a single comprehensible conversation Ghazal 2007 p 84 Furthermore Bowen and Marks 2002 describe vocabulary as follows words are the base of language which makes them the base of communication indicating the pivotal role of vocabulary knowledge in second language acquisition as cited in Ebrahimzadeh 2017 p 1 Consequently not having an adequate amount of vocabulary leads to a deficiency in language production Ebrahimzadeh 2017 p 1 This paper aims to highlight the most salient studies that are related to enhance the new generation of EFL students vocabulary attainment through the use of educational videos outside the classroom settin