154 research outputs found

    A Study on Market Opportunities

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    India has an extremely rich craft tradition recognized by its unique aesthetic and mythological emotions expressed through artistry The history of Indian Handicrafts dates back to one of the earliest civilizations of the world It is now home to more than 7 3 million artisans residing mostly in rural or semi urban areas of India This study will give a clear perception of the target consumers behaviour towards purchasing Indian handicrafts and would help stakeholders involved in Indian handicraft sectors to leverage on the critical findings stated in this study and devise a holistic marketing platform to explore the mentioned market opportunities of Indian Handicrafts Certain critical challenges faced by this sector is inefficient institutional framework relevant education low capital and deprived exposure to new technologies no access to market intelligence The paper also highlights critical constraints found during market research from consumer end and also suggests strategies which can be adopted The study also focuses on strategic collaboration of artisans with designers tourism industry CSR tech start-ups NGOs market research firms SHG associations can bring the much awaiting change in this unorganised yet unexplored and lucrative sector of Indi

    Acute kidney injury on chronic kidney disease: From congestive heart failure to light chain deposition disease and cast nephropathy in multiple myeloma

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    Acute on chronic renal failure is a common but notably broad diagnosis. We present a 64-year-old man with a history of diastolic heart failure and chronic kidney disease, admitted for an elevated creatinine. History and physical examination were suggestive of decompensated heart failure; however, the careful interpretation of urinalysis rendered the diagnosis of multiple myeloma. On renal biopsy, the patient was found to have light chain deposition disease with cast nephropathy. Combination lesions in multiple myeloma are rare and require diligent histopathology for detection, including light microscopy, immunofluorescence and electron microscopy. These patients portray different demographics, renal manifestations, oncologic characteristics and outcomes, and hence, further studies isolating these combined lesions are warranted


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    Chromolaena odorata is commonly known as Siam weed which belongs to sunflower family Asteraceae. C. odorata is an important medicinal plant which can be easily found in tropical Asia, West Africa, and parts of Australia. It is native to the America, and found in Florida and Texas in the United States, throughout Mexico and the Caribbean to South America. The medicinal usage of C. odorata has been reported in the traditional systems of medicine such as Ayurveda, Siddha, and Unani. It has wide variety of ethanomedicinal and pharmacological properties. The young leaves are crushed, and the resulting liquid can be used to treat skin wounds. The leaves extract is used by the kani tribals of Kouthalai in Tirunelveli hills to cure skin diseases, poison bites, wounds, and rheumatism. Following various folk claims for the ailment of various diseases, efforts have been made by the researchers to verify the efficacy of this weed through scientific biological screenings. A study of the literature revealed some notable pharmacological activities of the shrub such as anthelmintic, antimalarial, analgesic, anti-inflammatory, antipyretic, antispasmodic, antioxidant, antigonorrheal, antimycobacterial, insecticidal, fungicidal, wound healing, diuretic, blood coagulation, and antibacterial. The current review is created with an intent to focus on the numerous ethnobotanical and traditional uses as well as the phytochemical and pharmacological reports on C. odorata

    An Efficient Three Step Method For finding the Root Of Non-linear Equation with Accelerated convergence.

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    We have made an effort to design an accurate numerical strategy to be applied in the vast computing domain of numerical analysis. The purpose of this research is to develop a novel hybrid numerical method for solving a nonlinear equation, That is both quick and computationally cheap, given the demands of today's technological landscape. Sixth-order convergence is demonstrated by combining the classical Newton method, on which this method is largely based, with another two-step third-order iterative process. The effectiveness index for this novel approach is close to 1.4309, and it requires only five evaluations of the functions without a second derivative. The findings are compared to standard practice. The provided technique demonstrates higher performance in terms of computational efficiency, productivity, error estimation, and CPU times. Moreover, its accuracy and performance are tested using a variety of examples from the existing literature. Keywords: efficient scheme, nonlinear application, nonlinear functions, error estimation, computational cost

    Designing a Decision-Making System for Providing Mutual Aid During Disasters

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    Routine organizational decision-making is a complex process, but organizations have procedures in place to support decision-making for routine situations. However, when an organization faces a crisis, the standard processes in place may not be enough to react appropriately to the crisis. Sometimes, due to the scale of the crisis and the resources needed, organizations may need to collaborate with other organizations to ensure success. This thesis addresses the design of such a mutual aid system as a type of a decision-making system. Our approach is based on the Operational Procedure Model used in avionics for specifying the dynamic behavior of operationally embedded reactive software-based systems. Using this approach, we designed and tested a mutual aid system to be used by five hospitals in Montgomery County, Maryland. Based on this experience, we propose a revised methodology for designing crisis decision-making systems

    Blockchain-enabled Platform for a Meta Customer Loyalty Program

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    The competitive value of customer loyalty programs is well-known among marketing strategists. With the emergence of digital platforms, their impact has skyrocketed, with mobile applications replacing more cumbersome physical cards with unique identification numbers on embedded magnetic strips or smart chips. However, these programs generally suffer from two major drawbacks that limit their growth. Firstly, physical cards and mobile applications are restricted to particular merchants and programs. There is no mechanism for customers to transfer their loyalty points between programs or to other customers (although airlines are pioneering efforts in this direction). Secondly, the payoffs of participating in these programs and transactions are not fair to all players (customers, merchants and program operators). Finally, the operational mechanisms of such programs are rarely transparent and traceable; hence, disputes are not easily mediated. Using the innovative strengths of blockchain technology, we present a conceptual architecture for a meta or universal customer loyalty program that supports the design principles of transparency, accountability, fairness and ethics

    Post-transplant thrombotic microangiopathy due to a pathogenic mutation in complement factor I in a patient with membranous nephropathy: Case report and review of literature

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    Thrombotic microangiopathy (TMA) is characterized by microangiopathic hemolytic anemia, thrombocytopenia and organ injury occurring due to endothelial cell damage and microthrombi formation in small vessels. TMA is primary when a genetic or acquired defect is identified, as in atypical hemolytic uremic syndrome (aHUS) or secondary when occurring in the context of another disease process such as infection, autoimmune disease, malignancy or drugs. Differentiating between a primary complement-mediated process and one triggered by secondary factors is critical to initiate timely treatment but can be challenging for clinicians, especially after a kidney transplant due to presence of multiple confounding factors. Similarly, primary membranous nephropathy is an immune-mediated glomerular disease associated with circulating autoantibodies (directed against the M-type phospholipase A2 receptor (PLA2R) in 70% cases) while secondary membranous nephropathy is associated with infections, drugs, cancer, or other autoimmune diseases. Complement activation has also been proposed as a possible mechanism in the etiopathogenesis of primary membranous nephropathy; however, despite complement being a potentially common link, aHUS and primary membranous nephropathy have not been reported together. Herein we describe a case of aHUS due to a pathogenic mutation in complement factor I that developed after a kidney transplant in a patient with an underlying diagnosis of PLA2R antibody associated-membranous nephropathy. We highlight how a systematic and comprehensive analysis helped to define the etiology of aHUS, establish mechanism of disease, and facilitated timely treatment with eculizumab that led to recovery of his kidney function. Nonetheless, ongoing anti-complement therapy did not prevent recurrence of membranous nephropathy in the allograft. To our knowledge, this is the first report of a patient with primary membranous nephropathy and aHUS after a kidney transplant
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