12 research outputs found

    Renewable Energy System with High performance Hybrid Cascaded Inverter

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    In this paper, Renewal energy system with high performance Hybrid cascaded inverter is proposed. It is based on two kinds of power devices those are MOSFET and IGBT and also the cascaded inverter consists of three H-bridges. The DC voltage of each H-bridge meets the proportional relationship of 1:2:4 and the three modules are connected in series at the AC side. The low voltage bridge is composed of MOSFETs, while the medium and high voltage bridges are composed of IGBTs. This hybrid cascaded inverter can output at most 15 voltage levels at the AC side with rather low switching frequency. At the same time, it can fully exhibit the advantages of different power devices and make the inverter operation flexible. Voltage gradational and PWM carrier modulation methods are adopted in this paper. With different combination of switching states, the distribution of input active power in each H-bridge can be adjusted. As a result, for renewable energy system, larger control freedom is provided and the need of power balance is satisfied. The inverter system is verified with simulation results

    Biosynthesized Silver Nanoparticle (AgNP) From Pandanus odorifer Leaf Extract Exhibits Anti-metastasis and Anti-biofilm Potentials

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    Cancer and the associated secondary bacterial infections are leading cause of mortality, due to the paucity of effective drugs. Here, we have synthesized silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) from organic resource and confirmed their anti-cancer and anti-microbial potentials. Microwave irradiation method was employed to synthesize AgNPs using Pandanus odorifer leaf extract. Anti-cancer potential of AgNPs was evaluated by scratch assay on the monolayer of rat basophilic leukemia (RBL) cells, indicating that the synthesized AgNPs inhibit the migration of RBL cells. The synthesized AgNPs showed MIC value of 4–16 ”g/mL against both Gram +ve and Gram -ve bacterial strains, exhibiting the anti-microbial potential. Biofilm inhibition was recorded at sub- MIC values against Gram +ve and Gram -ve bacterial strains. Violacein and alginate productions were reduced by 89.6 and 75.6%, respectively at 4 and 8 ”g/mL of AgNPs, suggesting anti-quorum sensing activity. Exopolysaccharide production was decreased by 61–79 and 84% for Gram +ve and Gram -ve pathogens respectively. Flagellar driven swarming mobility was also reduced significantly. Furthermore, In vivo study confirmed their tolerability in mice, indicating their clinical perspective. Collective, we claim that the synthesized AgNPs have anti-metastasis as well as anti-microbial activities. Hence, this can be further tested for therapeutic options to treat cancer and secondary bacterial infections

    Biosynthesized Silver Nanoparticle (AgNP) From Pandanus odorifer Leaf Extract Exhibits Anti-metastasis and Anti-biofilm Potentials

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    Cancer and the associated secondary bacterial infections are leading cause of mortality, due to the paucity of effective drugs. Here, we have synthesized silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) from organic resource and confirmed their anti-cancer and anti-microbial potentials. Microwave irradiation method was employed to synthesize AgNPs using Pandanus odorifer leaf extract. Anti-cancer potential of AgNPs was evaluated by scratch assay on the monolayer of rat basophilic leukemia (RBL) cells, indicating that the synthesized AgNPs inhibit the migration of RBL cells. The synthesized AgNPs showed MIC value of 4–16 ”g/mL against both Gram +ve and Gram -ve bacterial strains, exhibiting the anti-microbial potential. Biofilm inhibition was recorded at sub- MIC values against Gram +ve and Gram -ve bacterial strains. Violacein and alginate productions were reduced by 89.6 and 75.6%, respectively at 4 and 8 ”g/mL of AgNPs, suggesting anti-quorum sensing activity. Exopolysaccharide production was decreased by 61–79 and 84% for Gram +ve and Gram -ve pathogens respectively. Flagellar driven swarming mobility was also reduced significantly. Furthermore, In vivo study confirmed their tolerability in mice, indicating their clinical perspective. Collective, we claim that the synthesized AgNPs have anti-metastasis as well as anti-microbial activities. Hence, this can be further tested for therapeutic options to treat cancer and secondary bacterial infections

    The zinc finger protein ZPR1 is a potential modifier of spinal muscular atrophy

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    Spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) is caused by mutation of the Survival Motor Neurons 1 (SMN1) gene and is characterized by degeneration of spinal motor neurons. The severity of SMA is primarily influenced by the copy number of the SMN2 gene. Additional modifier genes that lie outside the SMA locus exist and one gene that could modify SMA is the Zinc Finger Protein (ZPR1) gene. To test the significance of ZPR1 downregulation in SMA, we examined the effect of reduced ZPR1 expression in mice with mild and severe SMA. We report that the reduced ZPR1 expression causes increase in the loss of motor neurons, hypermyelination in phrenic nerves, increase in respiratory distress and disease severity and reduces the lifespan of SMA mice. The deficiency of SMN-containing sub-nuclear bodies correlates with the severity of SMA. ZPR1 is required for the accumulation of SMN in sub-nuclear bodies. Further, we report that ZPR1 overexpression increases levels of SMN and promotes accumulation of SMN in sub-nuclear bodies in SMA patient fibroblasts. ZPR1 stimulates neurite growth and rescues axonal growth defects in SMN-deficient spinal cord neurons from SMA mice. These data suggest that the severity of disease correlates negatively with ZPR1 levels and ZPR1 may be a protective modifier of SMA. © The Author 2012. Published by Oxford University Press. All rights reserved

    Lipid Specific Membrane Interaction of Aptamers and Cytotoxicity

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    We aim to discover diagnostic tools to detect phosphatidylserine (PS) externalization on apoptotic cell surface using PS binding aptamers, AAAGAC and TAAAGA, and hence to understand chemotherapy drug efficacy when inducing apoptosis into cancer cells. The entropic fragment-based approach designed aptamers have been investigated to inspect three aspects: lipid specificity in aptamers’ membrane binding and bilayer physical properties-induced regulation of binding mechanisms, the apoptosis-induced cancer cell surface binding of aptamers, and the aptamer-induced cytotoxicity. The liposome binding assays show preferred membrane binding of aptamers due to presence of PS in predominantly phosphatidylcholine-contained liposomes. Two membrane stiffness reducing amphiphiles triton X-100 and capsaicin were found to enhance membrane’s aptamer adsorption suggesting that bilayer physical properties influence membrane’s adsorption of drugs. Microscopic images of fluorescence-tagged aptamer treated LoVo cells show strong fluorescence intensity only if apoptosis is induced. Aptamers find enhanced PS molecules to bind with on the surface of apoptotic over nonapoptotic cells. In cytotoxicity experiments, TAAAGA (over poor PS binding aptamer CAGAAAAAAAC) was found cytotoxic towards RBL cells due to perhaps binding with nonapoptotic externalized PS randomly and thus slowly breaching plasma membrane integrity. In these three experimental investigations, we found aptamers to act on membranes at comparable concentrations and specifically with PS binding manner. Earlier, we reported the origins of actions through molecular mechanism studies—aptamers interact with lipids using mainly charge-based interactions. Lipids and aptamers hold distinguishable charge properties, and hence, lipid–aptamer association follows distinguishable energetics due to electrostatic and van der Waals interactions. We discover that our PS binding aptamers, due to lipid-specific interactions, appear as diagnostic tools capable of detecting drug-induced apoptosis in cancer cells

    Effect of Antihypertensive Drug (Chlorothiazide) on Fibrillation of Lysozyme: A Combined Spectroscopy, Microscopy, and Computational Study

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    Amyloid fibrils abnormally accumulate together in the human body under certain conditions, which can result in lethal conditions. Thus, blocking this aggregation may prevent or treat this disease. Chlorothiazide (CTZ) is a diuretic and is used to treat hypertension. Several previous studies suggest that diuretics prevent amyloid-related diseases and reduce amyloid aggregation. Thus, in this study we examine the effects of CTZ on hen egg white lysozyme (HEWL) aggregation using spectroscopic, docking, and microscopic approaches. Our results showed that under protein misfolding conditions of 55 °C, pH 2.0, and 600 rpm agitation, HEWL aggregated as evidenced by the increased turbidity and Rayleigh light scattering (RLS). Furthermore, thioflavin-T, as well as trans electron microscope (TEM) analysis confirmed the formation of amyloid structures. An anti-aggregation effect of CTZ is observed on HEWL aggregations. Circular dichroism (CD), TEM, and Thioflavin-T fluorescence show that both CTZ concentrations reduce the formation of amyloid fibrils as compared to fibrillated. The turbidity, RLS, and ANS fluorescence increase with CTZ increasing. This increase is attributed to the formation of a soluble aggregation. As evidenced by CD analysis, there was no significant difference in α-helix content and ÎČ-sheet content between at 10 ”M CTZ and 100 ”M. A TEM analysis of HEWL coincubated with CTZ at different concentrations validated all the above-mentioned results. The TEM results show that CTZ induces morphological changes in the typical structure of amyloid fibrils. The steady-state quenching study demonstrated that CTZ and HEWL bind spontaneously via hydrophobic interactions. HEWL–CTZ also interacts dynamically with changes in the environment surrounding tryptophan. Computational results revealed the binding of CTZ to ILE98, GLN57, ASP52, TRP108, TRP63, TRP63, ILE58, and ALA107 residues in HEWL via hydrophobic interactions and hydrogen bonds with a binding energy of −6.58 kcal mol−1. We suggest that at 10 ”M and 100 ÎŒM, CTZ binds to the aggregation-prone region (APR) of HEWL and stabilizes it, thus preventing aggregation. Based on these findings, we can conclude that CTZ has antiamyloidogenic activity and can prevent fibril aggregation

    Effect of Antihypertensive Drug (Chlorothiazide) on Fibrillation of Lysozyme: A Combined Spectroscopy, Microscopy, and Computational Study

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    Amyloid fibrils abnormally accumulate together in the human body under certain conditions, which can result in lethal conditions. Thus, blocking this aggregation may prevent or treat this disease. Chlorothiazide (CTZ) is a diuretic and is used to treat hypertension. Several previous studies suggest that diuretics prevent amyloid-related diseases and reduce amyloid aggregation. Thus, in this study we examine the effects of CTZ on hen egg white lysozyme (HEWL) aggregation using spectroscopic, docking, and microscopic approaches. Our results showed that under protein misfolding conditions of 55 °C, pH 2.0, and 600 rpm agitation, HEWL aggregated as evidenced by the increased turbidity and Rayleigh light scattering (RLS). Furthermore, thioflavin-T, as well as trans electron microscope (TEM) analysis confirmed the formation of amyloid structures. An anti-aggregation effect of CTZ is observed on HEWL aggregations. Circular dichroism (CD), TEM, and Thioflavin-T fluorescence show that both CTZ concentrations reduce the formation of amyloid fibrils as compared to fibrillated. The turbidity, RLS, and ANS fluorescence increase with CTZ increasing. This increase is attributed to the formation of a soluble aggregation. As evidenced by CD analysis, there was no significant difference in α-helix content and β-sheet content between at 10 µM CTZ and 100 µM. A TEM analysis of HEWL coincubated with CTZ at different concentrations validated all the above-mentioned results. The TEM results show that CTZ induces morphological changes in the typical structure of amyloid fibrils. The steady-state quenching study demonstrated that CTZ and HEWL bind spontaneously via hydrophobic interactions. HEWL–CTZ also interacts dynamically with changes in the environment surrounding tryptophan. Computational results revealed the binding of CTZ to ILE98, GLN57, ASP52, TRP108, TRP63, TRP63, ILE58, and ALA107 residues in HEWL via hydrophobic interactions and hydrogen bonds with a binding energy of −6.58 kcal mol−1. We suggest that at 10 µM and 100 μM, CTZ binds to the aggregation-prone region (APR) of HEWL and stabilizes it, thus preventing aggregation. Based on these findings, we can conclude that CTZ has antiamyloidogenic activity and can prevent fibril aggregation