5 research outputs found

    Effects of a six-week endurance weight training program on bioelectrical activity of muscles and functional tests in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus

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    Background. Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) isa common metabolic disease associated with pathophysiologicalchanges in the neuromuscular system.The present study aimed to investigate the effectsof a 6-week endurance training program on musclestrength, electrophysiological parameters, and functionalactivities in T2DM patients. Methods. The study period was divided into 6 weekswithout training and 6 weeks with training. TwelveT2DM patients participated in this study. During thetraining period, the same T2DM patients went throughan endurance training program. The assessment processincluded measurement of muscle strength, surfaceelectromyography (SEMG) recording, and functionaltests. Twelve healthy individuals were evaluated tocompare their data with the T2DM patients. Results. The results showed that the muscle strengthand the amplitudes of the SEMG signals of T2DM patientswere lower than those of the healthy subjects.The bioelectric activity of T2DM patients increasedafter six weeks of the endurance training program. Thefunctional tests showed significant improvement afterthe endurance training program in T2DM patients,while no significant difference was observed betweenthe T2DM and healthy subjects. Conclusions. The short-term endurance-training programfor lower limb muscles increased muscle strengthand SEMG amplitudes of the knee extensor and flexormuscles and improved functional tests in T2DM patients,which may be attributed to neural adaptationafter the endurance-training program

    Evaluation of oxidative stress, blood parameters, and neurocognitive status in cement factory workers

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    The current investigation was aimed to evaluate the oxidative stress (OS), blood factors, and neurocognitive state among cement factory workers who are exposed to dust during their work. Totally 41 cement exposed workers and 41 subjects as a control group were selected, and their OS, biochemical parameters, and a neurocognitive questionnaire were assessed. The results indicated that the levels of triglyceride, alanine aminotransferase, and alkaline phosphatase were higher among the exposed workers. The rate of lipid peroxidation and total antioxidant capacity were not significantly differenced among the workers while compared to the control groupsem informaçã