17 research outputs found

    Circle Method for Robust Estimation of Local Conduction Velocity High-Density Maps From Optical Mapping Data: Characterization of Radiofrequency Ablation Sites

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    Conduction velocity (CV) slowing is associated with atrial fibrillation (AF) and reentrant ventricular tachycardia (VT). Clinical electroanatomical mapping systems used to localize AF or VT sources as ablation targets remain limited by the number of measuring electrodes and signal processing methods to generate high-density local activation time (LAT) and CV maps of heterogeneous atrial or trabeculated ventricular endocardium. The morphology and amplitude of bipolar electrograms depend on the direction of propagating electrical wavefront, making identification of low-amplitude signal sources commonly associated with fibrotic area difficulty. In comparison, unipolar electrograms are not sensitive to wavefront direction, but measurements are susceptible to distal activity. This study proposes a method for local CV calculation from optical mapping measurements, termed the circle method (CM). The local CV is obtained as a weighted sum of CV values calculated along different chords spanning a circle of predefined radius centered at a CV measurement location. As a distinct maximum in LAT differences is along the chord normal to the propagating wavefront, the method is adaptive to the propagating wavefront direction changes, suitable for electrical conductivity characterization of heterogeneous myocardium. In numerical simulations, CM was validated characterizing modeled ablated areas as zones of distinct CV slowing. Experimentally, CM was used to characterize lesions created by radiofrequency ablation (RFA) on isolated hearts of rats, guinea pig, and explanted human hearts. To infer the depth of RFA-created lesions, excitation light bands of different penetration depths were used, and a beat-to-beat CV difference analysis was performed to identify CV alternans. Despite being limited to laboratory research, studies based on CM with optical mapping may lead to new translational insights into better-guided ablation therapies

    Optical mapping system with real-time control capability

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    Representation of Collective Electrical Behavior of Cardiac Cell Sheets

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    The electrocardiogram (ECG) is a measure of the collective electrical behavior of the heart based on body surface measurements. With computational models or tissue preparations, various methods have been used to compute the pseudo-ECG (pECG) of bipolar and unipolar leads that can be given clinical interpretation. When spatial maps of transmembrane potential (Vm) are available, pECG can be derived from a weighted sum of the spatial gradients of Vm. The concept of a lead field can be used to define sensitivity curves for different bipolar and unipolar leads and to determine an effective operating height for the bipolar lead position for a two-dimensional sheet of heart cells. The pseudo-vectorcardiogram (pVCG) is computed from orthogonal bipolar lead voltages, which are derived in this study from optical voltage maps of cultured monolayers of cardiac cells. Rate and propagation direction for paced activity, rotation frequency for reentrant activity, direction of the common pathway for figure-eight reentry, and transitions from paced activity to reentry can all be distinguished using the pVCG. In contrast, the unipolar pECG does not clearly distinguish among many of the different types of electrical activity. We also show that pECG can be rapidly computed by two geometrically weighted sums of Vm, one that is summed over the area of the cell sheet and the other over the perimeter of the cell sheet. Our results are compared with those of an ad hoc difference method used in the past that consists of a simple difference of the sum of transmembrane potentials on one side of a tissue sheet and that of the other

    Control of Action Potential Duration Alternans in Canine Cardiac Ventricular Tissue

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