25 research outputs found

    Solitonic pulse generation for optical wireless communication using microring resonator

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    In this paper, a system of microring resonator (MRR) is presented to generate picosecond solitonic pulse for optical wireless communication. When a Gaussian pulse is circulated inside the first ring in the proposed system, chaotic signals are generated because of the nonlinear Kerr effect. Then next MRR in the system filters the chaotic signals and the solitonic pulse shape is generated. Then an add/drop filter is used to tune soliton pulses where the accurate FWHM of 130 ps and FSR of 3.7 ns with power of 2.45 W will be filtered. The performance of the proposed solitonic pulse shape is analysed in terms of bit error rate (BER). During the analysis, the proposed pulse shape is compared against the conventional rectangular and Gaussian pulse shapes in an optical wireless communication system (OWC) with an additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) channel. Results show the superiority of the proposed solitonic pulse shape for OWC

    Digital Binary Codes Transmission via TDMA Networks Communication System Using Dark and Bright Optical Soliton

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    In this study, new system of microring resonator forquantum cryptography in network communication is proposed.optical potential well can be generated and propagate via anonlinear modified add/drop interferometer systemincorporated with a beam splitter and a time division multipleaccess (TDMA) system wherein the quantum binary codes canbe generated, propagated and transmitted. A system known asoptical multiplexer can be used to increase the channel capacityand security of the signals, where the beam splitters generatehigh capacity of binary codes within the proposed system.Therefore, ring resonator system is used to form the opticalpotential wells. The multiplexed potential wells are formed andtransmit via an available link, where the logic codes can be sentout with different time, used for high capacity transmission ofthe secured data. In this work narrow pulses with FHHM of 9.57nm and 8 nm could be obtained from the drop and throughports of the add/drop interferometer system respectively. Theoutputs of different center wavelengths are combined and usedto generate multiple potential well signals, where the multiplesignals with FWHM and FSR of 0.8 nm and 5 nm could beobtained respectively. Digital codes can be generated andtransmitted via communication networks systems such as timedivision multiple access (TDMA) using dark and bright solitonpulses with FHHM and FSR of 0.54 nm and 4.71 nm

    Generation of Quantum Photon Information Using Extremely Narrow Optical Tweezers for Computer Network Communication

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    A system of microring resonator (MRR) is presentedto generate extremely narrow optical tweezers. An add/dropfilter system consisting of one centered ring and one smaller ringon the left side can be used to generate extremely narrow pulseof optical tweezers. Optical tweezers generated by the dark-Gaussian behavior propagate via the MRRs system, where theinput Gaussian pulse controls the output signal at the drop portof the system. Here the output optical tweezers can be connectedto a quantum signal processing system (receiver), where it can beused to generate high capacity quantum codes within series ofMRR’s and an add/drop filter. Detection of the encoded signalsknown as quantum bits can be done by the receiver unit system.Generated entangled photon pair propagates via an opticalcommunication link. Here, the result of optical tweezers with fullwidth at half maximum (FWHM) of 0.3 nm, 0.8 nm and 1.6 nm,1.3 nm are obtained at the through and drop ports of the systemrespectively. These results used to be transmitted through aquantum signal processor via an optical computer networkcommunication link

    Context-aware multi-user offloading in mobile edge computing: A federated learning-based approach

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    Mobile edge computing (MEC) provides aneffective solution to help the Internet of Things (IoT)devices with delay-sensitive and computation-intensivetasks by offering computing capabilities in the proximityof mobile device users. Most of the existing studies ignorecontext information of the application, requests, sensors,resources, and network. However, in practice, contextinformation has a significant impact on offloading decisions.In this paper, we consider context-aware offloadingin MEC with multi-user. The contexts are collected usingautonomous management as the MAPE loop in alloffloading processes. Also, federated learning (FL)-basedoffloading is presented. Our learning method in mobiledevices (MDs) is deep reinforcement learning (DRL). FLhelps us to use distributed capabilities of MEC with updatedweights between MDs and edge devices (Eds). Thesimulation results indicate our method is superior to localcomputing, offload, and FL without considering contextawarealgorithms in terms of energy consumption, executioncost, network usage, delay, and fairness

    An Evolutionary Multi-objective Optimization Technique to Deploy the IoT Services in Fog-enabled Networks: An Autonomous Approach

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    The Internet of Things (IoT) generates countless amounts of data, much of which is processed in cloud data centers. When data is transferred to the cloud over longer distances, there is a long latency in IoT services. Therefore, in order to increase the speed of service provision, resources should be placed close to the user (i.e., at the edge of the network). To address this challenge, a new paradigm called Fog Computing was introduced and added as a layer in the IoT architecture. Fog computing is a decentralized computing infrastructure in which provides storage and computing in the vicinity of IoT devices instead of sending to the cloud. Hence, fog computing can provide less latency and better Quality of Service (QoS) for real-time applications than cloud computing. In general, the theoretical foundations of fog computing have already been presented, but the problem of IoT services placement to fog nodes is still challenging and has attracted much attention from researchers. In this paper, a conceptual computing framework based on fog-cloud control middleware is proposed to optimally IoT services placement. Here, this problem is formulated as an automated planning model for managing service requests due to some limitations that take into account the heterogeneity of applications and resources. To solve the problem of IoT services placement, an automated evolutionary approach based on Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) has been proposed with the aim of making maximize the utilization of fog resources and improving QoS. Experimental studies on a synthetic environment have been evaluated based on various metrics including services performed, waiting time, failed services, services cost, services remaining, and runtime. The results of the comparisons showed that the proposed framework based on PSO performs better than the state-of-the-art methods

    Generation of discrete frequency and wavelength for secured computer networks system using integrated ring resonators

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    In this study, a system of discrete optical pulse generation via a series of microring resonator (MRR) is presented. Chaotic signals can be generated by an optical soliton or a Gaussian pulse within a MRR system. Large bandwidth signals of optical soliton are generated by input pulse propagating within the MRRs, which can be used to form continuous wavelength or frequency with large tunable channel capacity. Therefore, distinguished discrete wavelength or frequency pulses can be generated by using localized spatial pulses via a networks communication system. Selected discrete pulses are more suitable to generate high-secured quantum codes because of the large free spectral range (FSR). Quantum codes can be generated by using a polarization control unit and a beam splitter, incorporating to the MRRs. In this work, frequency band of 10.7 MHz and 16 MHz and wavelengths of 206.9 nm, 1448 nm, 2169 nm and 2489 nm are localized and obtained which can be used for quantum codes generation applicable for secured networks communication

    Generation of potential wells used for quantum codes transmission via a TDMA network communication system

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    This paper proposes a technique of quantum code generation using optical tweezers. This technique uses a microring resonator made of nonlinear fibre optics to generate the desired results, which are applicable to Internet security and quantum network cryptography. A modified add/drop interferometer system called PANDA is proposed, which consists of a centred ring resonator connected to smaller ring resonators on the left side. To form the multifunction operations of the PANDA system-for instance, to control, tune and amplify-an additional Gaussian pulse is introduced into the add port of the system. The optical tweezers generated by the dark soliton propagating inside the PANDA ring resonator system are in the form of potential wells. Potential well output can be connected to the quantum signal processing system, which consists of a transmitter and a receiver. The transmitter is used to generate high-capacity quantum codes within the system, whereas the receiver detects encoded signals known as quantum bits. Therefore, an entangled photon pair can be generated and propagated via an optical communication link such as a time division multiple access system. Here, narrower potential wells with a full-width half-maximum of 3.58 and 9.57nm are generated at the through and drop ports of the PANDA ring resonator system, respectively, where the amplification of the signals occurs during propagation inside the system. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. A PANDA ring resonator system which is made of nonlinear fiber optic can be used to generate optical tweezers in the form of potential wells while the dark soliton propagates inside the system. This system is connected to an encoding unit in which entangled photon pair can be generated and propagated via an optical communication link such as a time division multiple access. Here, ultra-short potential wells with a full-width halfmaximum of 3.58 and 9.57nm could be generate

    A novel quantum-dot cellular automata XOR design

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    Quantum-dot cellular automata (QCA) is an emerging nanotechnology that promises faster speed, smaller size, and lower power consumption compared to the transistor-based technology. Moreover, XOR is a useful component for the design of many logical and functional circuits. This paper proposes a novel and efficient QCA XOR design. The proposed XOR design has been compared to a few recent designs in terms of area, speed and complexity. Comparison of results illustrates significant improvements in our design as compared to traditional approaches. Also simulation proves that the proposed XOR design is completely robust and more sustainable to high input frequency as compared to other designs. This robustness is highly significant when this component is applied for realizing larger designs. © (2013) Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland