28 research outputs found

    Language Errors among Iranian EFL Students with High and Low Levels of Writing Anxiety

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    Writing is known as one of the major important language skills and it is the most difficult language skills for most EFL and ESL learners. In addition, anxiety is one of the factors that many language learners face with it in the writing process. This paper examines language errors among Iranian students of English with high and low levels of writing anxiety. For this purpose, 250 English language learners from universities of the south of Iran were participated in this research. This research used two tools to collect data: the Second Language Writing Anxiety Questionnaire (SLWAI), which was a pre-test containing 22 items and three subscales of physical anxiety, avoidance behavior, and cognition based on a Likert point scale. In addition, a language test in the form of essay writing was used to recognize their different categories and main errors in the writing performance. The results of this research showed that there is a negative relationship between students' anxiety and the number of errors in their writing performance. This study discusses the implications of this finding for English language learners and teachers

    Valsalva maneuver using a Handmade Device in Supraventricular Tachycardia Reversion; a Quasi Experimental Study

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    Introduction: The use of vagal nerve stimulation is identified as a proper treatment option in patients with stable supraventricular tachycardia (SVT). This study aimed to assess the success of Valsalva maneuver via a handmade device in reversion of SVT. Methods: In this quasi experimental study, using a handmade device, vagus nerve stimulation was performed for SVT patients presenting to emergency department or cardiac intervention unit and the success rate and its related factors were assessed. Results: 100 patients with the mean age of 53.05 ± 13.70 years were studied (67% female). 12 (12%) cases were unable to do the maneuver. Out of the 88 (88.0%) patients who could perform the maneuver, 75 (85.2%) cases were unsuccessful. Dysrhythmia was controlled in 6 (6.8%) cases on the first attempt and in 7 (8.0%) cases on the second one (14.8% total success rate). 12 of the 13 cases (92.3%) with successful maneuver had history of SVT (p = 0.031). There was not any significant association between success rate and sex (p = 0.084), age (p = 0.744), or other medical histories (p ≥ 0.05). Conclusion: Based on the results of the present study, the success rate of Valsalva maneuver with the mentioned handmade device was calculated to be 14.8%. The only independent related factor of successful reversion was SVT history.

    Primary dural lymphoma: a comprehensive literature review and report of a case

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    Primary dural lymphoma (PDL) is a subtype of primary central nervous system (CNS) lymphoma (PCNSL) with only an extra-axial dural location. It accounts for less than 1% of all CNS lymphomas. PDL is a sporadic CNS tumor, and in the preoperative period, because of imaging characteristics, it is usually mimicking a meningioma. Usually, PDL is a low-grade B-cell lymphoma with a relatively good response to surgical resection with or without radiotherapy. Here we reviewed 102 case reports of PDL in the literature. Then, we present the case of our patient with PDL and explain the complexity of our treatment approach

    نقش دلبستگی به خدا و اخلاق رابطه‏‌ای در پیش‏‌بینی تجربۀ اضطراب در زنان متأهل شهرستان شاهرود: نقش دلبستگی به خدا و اخلاق رابطه ‏ای در پیش‏ بینی تجربۀ اضطراب در زنان متأهل شهرستان شاهرود

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    خلفية البحث وأهدافه: لم تعد مسألة السلامة النفسیة لدی ربات البیوت خاصة المشاکل المتعلقة بالقلق، تحظی باهتمام علماء علم النفس علی الرغم من أهمیتها القصوی. وهذا ما یفرض علی السلطات المعنیة بقطاع الصحة اتخاذ إجراءات عاجلة وضروریة. وانطلاقا من هذه القناعة تسعی هذه الدراسة إلی إلقاء الضوء علی دور الإیمان بالله والأخلاق العلائقیة في التنبؤ بقلق التجربة لدی النساء المتزوجات. منهجية البحث: اعتمدت الدراسة المنهجیة الوصفیة-الإرتباطیة. وشملت الجمعیة الإحصائیة جمیع ربّات البیوت المتزوجات في مدینة شاهرود وتحدیداً في عام 2019م. وتألف حجم العینة من 380 إمرأة تم اختیارهن عبر منهجیة أخذ العینات المتاحة. وقد أجابت المشارکات علی استبیان القلق، والأخلاق العلائقیة، ودور الإیمان بالله. واعتمدت الدراسة في تحلیل البیانات علی معامل ارتباط بیرسون وتحلیل الإنحدار المتعدد الهرمي. وقد تمت مراعاة جمیع الموارد الأخلاقیة في هذا البحث وإضافة إلی ذلك فإن مؤلفي البحث لم یشیروا إلی أيّ تضارب في المصالح. المعطیات: اظهرت النتائج أن النساء اللواتي تتراوح أعمارهن بین 41 عاما حتی 89 عاماً یتأثرن مستوی دراستهن المدرسیة. بمعنی أن الفئة الأولی أوفر حظاً من الدراسة، بینما کانت حظوظ المتقدمات في السن ضئیلة جداً. فقد حصلت 65% منهن علی شهادات الثانویة و15% منهن قد حظین بالدرسات الجامعیة. وقد افادت النتائج أن العلاقة بین الأخلاق العلائقیة (57/0-=r و 05/0>P) والأخلاق العمودیة (39/0-=r و 05/0>P) والأخلاق الأفقیة (43/0-=r و 05/0>P) وبین القلق علاقة تضامنیة سلبیة. کما أن العلاقة بین الإیمان بالله (68/0-=r و 05/0>P) ومصادر القلق علاقة سلبیة وذات دلالة واضحة. وأظهر تحلیل رجرسیون أن الأخلاق العلائقية جدیرة بتبیین 23% من أسباب القلق، والإیمان بالله والأخلاق العلائقیة قادر علی تحدید 33% من أسباب القلق، والإیمان بالله من دون النظر إلی الأخلاق العلائقیة یمکنه تحدید 33% من أسباب القلق. کما أن عوامل ومؤثرات الإیمان بالله والعلاقة اللاهوتیة تمکنت من رصد 12% من أسباب القلق. وأن عامل الإیمان بالله(38/0-=β) أقوی عامل مقارنة بالعوامل المؤثرة الأخری. الاستنتاج: بالنظر إلی دور العوامل المذکورة والتنبؤ بتجربة القلق لدی النساء المتزوجات، یمکن القول أن مخرجات هذه الدراسة جدیرة بأن تکون مناهج تربویة وإجراءات وقائیة لتفادي حالات القلق بصفتها عوامل مؤثرة علی مستوی الحیاة.Background and Objective: Mental health of housewives, especially their anxiety problems, are one of the neglected priorities in recent years that require serious attention of health policy makers. Therefore, the present study aimed to investigate the role of attachment to God and relational ethics in predicting the experience of anxiety in married women. Methods: The present study is descriptive-correlational. The statistical population included all married women in Shahrood County in 2019. The sample size consisted of 380 women, who were selected by available sampling method, and answered the Anxiety Scale, Relational Ethics Scale and Attachment to God scale. Pearson correlation coefficient and hierarchical multiple regression analysis were used to analyze the data. In this study, all ethical considerations were taken into account and the authors reported no conflict of interests. Results: The results showed that the mean age of women was 41.89 years. The highest and lowest levels of education with 65% and 15% were related to secondary education and university education, respectively. There was a negative correlation between relational ethics (P<0.05, r=-0.57), vertical (P<0.05, r=-0.39) and horizontal ethics (P<0.05, r=-0.43) with anxiety, and a negative and significant correlation between attachment to God (P<0.05, r=-0.68), and its dimensions with anxiety. Regression analysis showed that relational ethics explained 23%, relational ethics and attachment to God together explained 33%, and attachment to God alone accounted for 10% of the variance in anxiety. The dimensions of attachment to God were also able to predict 12% of the variance in anxiety. Among the dimensions of attachment, relationship with God (β=-0.38) was the strongest predictor of anxiety. Conclusion: Considering the role of the mentioned research variables in predicting married women's experience of anxiety, the results of this study can be used in anxiety prevention and treatment programs as effective variables.سابقه و هدف: سلامت روانی زنان خانه‏دار به‏ویژه مشکلات اضطرابی آنان از اولویت‏های نادیده گرفته شده طی سال‏های اخیر است که نیازمند توجه جدی سیاست‏گذاران حوزۀ سلامت است. بنابراین، مطالعۀ حاضر با هدف بررسی نقش دلبستگی به خدا و اخلاق رابطه‏ای در پیش‏بینی تجربۀ اضطراب زنان متأهل انجام شده است. روش کار: پژوهش حاضر توصیفی از نوع همبستگی است. جامعۀ آماری شامل تمامی زنان متأهل خانه‏دار شهرستان شاهرود بود که در سال 1398 وارد مطالعه شدند. حجم ‌نمونه 380 نفر بود که با روش نمونه‏گیری دردسترس انتخاب شدند و به پرسش‏نامه‌های اضطراب، اخلاق رابطه‏ای و دلبستگی به خدا پاسخ دادند. برای تحلیل داده‏ها از ضریب همبستگی پیرسون و رگرسیون چندگانۀ سلسله‌مراتبی استفاده شد. در این پژوهش همۀ موارد اخلاقی رعایت شده است و مؤلفان مقاله تضاد منافعی گزارش نکرده‌اند. یافته‌ها: نتایج نشان داد میانگین سنی زنان 89/41 سال و به‌‏ترتیب بیشترین و پایین‏ترین سطح تحصیلات با 65 درصد مربوط به دورۀ متوسطه و 15 درصد مربوط به تحصیلات دانشگاهی بود. بین اخلاق رابطه‏ای (57/0-=r و 05/0>P)، اخلاق عمودی (39/0-=r و 05/0>P) و اخلاق افقی (43/0-=r و 05/0>P) با اضطراب همبستگی منفی و بین دلبستگی به خدا (68/0-=r و 05/0>P) و مؤلفه‏های آن با اضطراب همبستگی منفی و معنادار وجود داشت. تحلیل رگرسیون نشان داد اخلاق رابطه‏ای توان تبیین 23% از واریانس اضطراب؛ اخلاق رابطه‏ای و دلبستگی به خدا با هم توان تبیین 33% از واریانس اضطراب؛ و دلبستگی به خدا مستقل از اخلاق رابطه‏ای توان تبیین 10% درصد از این واریانس را داشته‏اند. مؤلفه‏های دلبستگی به خدا نیز توانستند 12% از واریانس اضطراب را پیش‏بینی کنند. در میان ابعاد دلبستگی نیز ارتباط با خدا (38/0-=β) قوی‏ترین پیش‏بینی‌کنندۀ اضطراب بود. نتیجه‌گیری: با توجه به نقش متغیّرهای یادشده در پیش‏بینی تجربۀ اضطراب زنان متأهل می‏توان از نتایج پژوهش حاضر در برنامه‏های پیشگیری و درمان اضطراب به‏عنوان متغیّرهای تأثیرگذار استفاده کرد

    The Envisioned Future and formulating the vision of universities: The Cast Study Vali-e-Asr University of Rafsanjan

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    This article has been formulated based on the strategic planning of the university. Vision formulation has been done based on the model presented by J. Collins and J. Porras (1996). The Model includes two sectors, which are core ideolgy and envisioned future. In this article the envisioned future of the university and its vision have been formulated. Envisioned future itself is included in two sections; big, hairy, audacious goals (BHAGs) and vivid description. As shown in the results, the big, hairy, audacious goals of Vali-e-Asr University of Rafsanjan have been identified based on confirmatory factor analysis and the vivid description have been written based on BHAGs. At the end envisioned future & vision have been formulated

    interpretive structural modeling of corporate brand identity in the market by looking at the IT industry B2B marketing performance

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    Several brand identity frameworks have been published in the B2C brands . A reliable, valid and parsimonious service brand identity scale that empirically establishes the construct's dimensionality in a B2B market has yet to be developed. The purpose of this paper is Interpretive structural modeling of corporate brand identity in the market by looking at the IT industry B2B marketing performance. For this purpose, at first, literature and history were studied. First, literature and history were studied. Then, using the method of content analysis (theme analysis), its influencing factors and the influence of identity were identified. after that by using interpretative structural modeling techniques based on idea,s of industry experts and professors (13 academic experts and 12 industrial experts) in the IT industry business model was designed brand identity in the market. Snowball sampling was used to select the experts said in an interview. The results show that the model of brand identity contains18 dimensions. In addition, the conclusions of the impact of brand identity on marketing performance and customer satisfaction and loyalty, and their intention is to repurchase

    The Envisioned Future and formulating the vision of universities: The Cast Study Vali-e-Asr University of Rafsanjan

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    This article has been formulated based on the strategic planning of the university. Vision formulation has been done based on the model presented by J. Collins and J. Porras (1996). The Model includes two sectors, which are core ideolgy and envisioned future. In this article the envisioned future of the university and its vision have been formulated. Envisioned future itself is included in two sections; big, hairy, audacious goals (BHAGs) and vivid description. As shown in the results, the big, hairy, audacious goals of Vali-e-Asr University of Rafsanjan have been identified based on confirmatory factor analysis and the vivid description have been written based on BHAGs. At the end envisioned future & vision have been formulated

    A Comparison of Foot Plantar Pressure in Badminton Players with Normal and High-Arched Feet during the Two-Way Lunge

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    Background: Compared to the individuals with a normal arch structure, those with high or low arch can be at an increased risk of overuse injuries. The risk of overuse injury among athletes is high due, in part, to the repeated loading of the lower extremities. The current study aimed to determine if foot type (high-arched or normal) results in differences in plantar pressure during two badminton-specific movements (right-reverse lunge and right-lateral lunge). Methods: Twenty badminton players (10 with normal feet and 10 with higharched feet) completed five trials in both right-reverse and right-lateral lunge, while in-shoe pressure data were collected at 100 Hz. The peak pressure and mean pressure were analyzed among the subjects for five major anatomical regions of the foot, using the independent t test in SPSS version 20. The foot type was determined by the foot posture index (FPI) (α<0.05). Results: Results showed that the plantar pressure characteristics of normal and high-arched feet were different; such that in high-arched feet, as compared to normal subjects, there were significantly fewer pressure strikes in the medial (P=0.010) and lateral (P=0.002) mid-foot in right-reverse lunge and this was significantly higher in forefoot (P=0.003) and toes (P=0.010). However, the peak (P=0.157) and mean (P=0.104) pressure in the heel was higher but not significant. In the right- lateral lunge, we found statistically lower peak pressure stroke for the lateral mid-foot (P=0.010) and forefoot (P=0.011); however, the mean pressure was lower in the lateral (P=0.010) and medial (P=0.040) mid-foot and forefoot (P=0.120), although it was not significant in the forefoot. Conclusion: Results showed that the medial longitudinal arch of the foot might cause pressure differences in the feet among the players with normal and higharched feet. As the results demonstrated, in high-arched feet, there are some regions where plantar pressure is higher and some where it is lower. Therefore, in order to prevent the badminton players from suffering probable foot injuries, attention should be paid to the compatibility of the insole/shoe and the medial longitudinal arch and other areas of the foot that suffer more pressures than normal subjects. 2017© The Authors. Published by JRSR. All rights reserved

    Comparison of plantar pressure on normal -footed vs. high arch-footed badminton players in two-way lunge

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    Background: Compared to the individuals with a normal arch structure, those with high or low arch can be at an increased risk of overuse injuries. The risk of overuse injury among athletes is high due, in part, to the repeated loading of the lower extremities. The current study aimed to determine if foot type (high-arched or normal) results in differences in plantar pressure during two badminton-specific movements (right-reverse lunge and right-lateral lunge). Methods: Twenty badminton players (10 with normal feet and 10 with higharched feet) completed five trials in both right-reverse and right-lateral lunge, while in-shoe pressure data were collected at 100 Hz. The peak pressure and mean pressure were analyzed among the subjects for five major anatomical regions of the foot, using the independent t test in SPSS version 20. The foot type was determined by the foot posture index (FPI) (α<0.05). Results: Results showed that the plantar pressure characteristics of normal and high-arched feet were different; such that in high-arched feet, as compared to normal subjects, there were significantly fewer pressure strikes in the medial (P=0.010) and lateral (P=0.002) mid-foot in right-reverse lunge and this was significantly higher in forefoot (P=0.003) and toes (P=0.010). However, the peak (P=0.157) and mean (P=0.104) pressure in the heel was higher but not significant. In the right- lateral lunge, we found statistically lower peak pressure stroke for the lateral mid-foot (P=0.010) and forefoot (P=0.011); however, the mean pressure was lower in the lateral (P=0.010) and medial (P=0.040) mid-foot and forefoot (P=0.120), although it was not significant in the forefoot. Conclusion: Results showed that the medial longitudinal arch of the foot might cause pressure differences in the feet among the players with normal and higharched feet. As the results demonstrated, in high-arched feet, there are some regions where plantar pressure is higher and some where it is lower. Therefore, in order to prevent the badminton players from suffering probable foot injuries, attention should be paid to the compatibility of the insole/shoe and the medial longitudinal arch and other areas of the foot that suffer more pressures than normal subjects

    Expression level of chromodomain Y (CDY): potential marker for prediction of sperm recovery in non-obstructive azoospermia

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    Background: The availability of testis specific genes will be of help in choosing the most promising biomarkers for the detection of testicular sperm retrieval in patients with non-obstructive azoospermia (NOA). Testis specific chromodomain protein Y 1 (CDY1) is a histone acetyltransferase which concentrates in the round spermatid nucleus, where histone hyperacetylation occurs and causes the replacement of histones by the sperm-specific DNA packaging proteins, TNPs and PRMs. Objective: The aim was to evaluate CDY1 gene as a marker for predicting of successful sperm retrieval in NOA patients. Materials and Methods: This research was conducted on 29 patients with NOA who had undergone testicular sperm extraction (TESE) procedure. NOA patients were subdivided into patients with successful sperm retrieval (NOA+, n=12) and patients with unsuccessful sperm retrieval (NOA-, n=17). Relative expression of CDY1 gene and chromatin incorporation of CDY1 protein were measured by quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction (qRT-PCR) and ELISA assay, respectively. Results: Quantification of mRNA relative expression and incorporation of CDY1 protein in chromatin showed significant lower expressions and protein levels of CDY1 in testis tissues of NOA- in comparison to NOA+ group. Conclusion: The findings in this study demonstrated a correlation between the low levels of CDY1 function and unsuccessful sperm recovery in the testicular tissues of NOA- compared to NOA+ patients. Therefore, it can be reasonable to consider CDY1 as a potential biomarker for predicting the presence of spermatozoa, although the claim needs more samples to be confirmed