2 research outputs found

    Developing and validating halal service quality instrument for Malaysian food service establishments: a conceptual paper

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    Thus far no effort has been undertaken to facilitate foodservice operators to measure their performance, identify and deploy appropriate measures to improve the requirements and expectations of a Halalan Toyyiban Foodservice modus operandi. This paper looks into developing the tools to measure the Halal Foodservice Service Quality based on previous literature and in-depth interviews to be conducted among selected Muslim Clergies and the general public followed by validation process using statistical analysis. This tool could be used to minimize the occurrence of halal service failures, improve recovery efforts, increase customer satisfaction, and generate positive re-patronage behaviour at food service establishments

    Epistemological Beliefs and Self-directed Learning Readiness of Hospitality Students: The Necessary Precursor to Academic Performance

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    Throughout the philosophical literature, studies on epistemological beliefs have been well documented. However, within the educational context, this philosophical construct is a recent phenomenon. The purpose of this study is to explore the relationship between the conception of knowledge (epistemological beliefs) as measured by Schommer’s Epistemological Questionnaire (SEQ), learner perception of self-directedness as measured by Guglielmino’s SelfDirected Learning Readiness Scale (SDLRS) and academic achievement. The value of CMIN/DF was 2.22, below the recommended value of 3.0 (Kline, 1998). In this case, the U^sup 2^/ df of 2.22 and CFI of .926 indicate an adequate fit between the hypothetical model and the sample data. The RMSEA for the measurement model was .077 (adequate fit). Other fit indices also point to an acceptable model fit between the model and the data (GFI = .921, AGFI = .879, CFI =.926). The entire model had an R2 of .064 and was not significant F(12, 210)=1.112, p > .05. The mediating effect of self-directed learning on GPA, falls short of statistical significance, b = .133, p = .074. However, when reviewing the effects of each of the regression coefficients, only 5 predictor variables (innate, simple, self assessment, goal setter, self control) were found to be of practical significance. MANOVA shows that there was no significant difference in epistemological beliefs, selfregulated learning and gender at .05 level across GPA (Wilk’s lambda = .94, F = 1.153’ df = 5, p > .05)