39 research outputs found

    An investigation into the viscosity of C-massecuite using a pipeline viscometer.

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    Masters Degree. University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban.Sugar is recovered by three stages of evaporative crystallisation, with each stage producing a two-phase mixture of sugar crystal and mother liquor commonly referred to as massecuite. The composition of each massecuite changes as increased amounts of sucrose crystallises out of solution, increasing the concentration of residual non-sugars and organic salts with each evaporative stage and resulting in C-massecuite possessing the lowest purity and highest viscosity. Tongaat Hulett maintains an interest in the viscosity of C-massecuite from a process and equipment design perspective as viscosity is a critical physical property in the selection of pumps and design of piping networks, evaporative and cooling crystallisers, crystalliser drives and reheaters in the C-station of a sugar factory. In the absence of a well-established correlation, viscosity data published by Andre Rouillard in 1984 is widely-used at Tongaat Hulett, however, this chart and other widely published data resulted from experimentation with a rotating viscometer that is believed to be unsuitable for this application. The rotating viscometer results in displacement of sugar crystals, interfering with the accuracy of the measurements. Whilst the rotational viscometer was accepted by the International Commission for Uniform Methods of Sugar Analysis as the standard technique for measurement of molasses viscosity, no standard technique is available for massecuite viscosity measurement. An investigation into alternative methods of viscosity measurement rendered the pipeline viscometer as best suited to this product as the method of measurement is not affected by the heterogeneous nature of the massecuite. The aim of this study is thus to design, construct and validate a pipeline viscometer which is to be used, together with non-Newtonian theory, to investigate the viscosity of C-massecuite. The pipeline viscometer was successfully constructed, validated and used, together with the power law model, to describe the viscosity of C-massecuite in terms of two rheological parameters; the flow behaviour index and consistency. The results of this study indicate that the average flow behaviour index of C-massecuite is 0.85. An empirical correlation for C-massecuite consistency as a function of temperature, dissolved solids concentration and crystal content was proposed with a regression coefficient of 0.7672 as well as additional equations to guide the estimation of C-massecuite viscosity. The massecuite consistency, assumed to be equivalent to apparent viscosity at a shear rate of 1s-1, was compared with the C-massecuite viscosity data currently used. A more rapid increase in massecuite viscosity with a reduction in temperature was found, however, the experimental data was found to fall within the recommended range for C-massecuite viscosity currently used. It is with confidence that the power law model can thus be used with a flow behaviour index of 0.85 and a consistency as predicted by the empirical correlation and guiding equations to yield an apparent viscosity for C-massecuite

    Representation of Women in Mann O Salwa: A Case Study through Feminist Stylistic Analysis

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    This descriptive study makes an attempt to analyze Mann o Salwa from the perspective of feminist stylistics to investigate how Pakistani female author represents women in her novel Mann o Salwa by utilizing analysis of transitivity choices. This paper argues that the prevailing image of women in Pakistani society and literature is passive, negative, distorted, submissive, and dependent. This research aims to explore whether female authors have succeeded in abolishing the unenthusiastic negative and passive image of women in Pakistani society or their writings are also socially influenced because it is commonly believed that it is always a male author who portrays negative and distorted image of women, in this paper the researcher has tried explore whether female authors present a positive image of women or not. Analysis of mental and material process of female protagonists has proved to be useful in answering the question of negativity and passivity of women. The result revealed that female authors’ writings to some extent are socially influenced. They partially portray them passive and dependent on man. Their actions are actually the reaction of men’s action on them as they are equally exploited by men and other women in society. They are oppressed as well as oppressors. Being a feminist research this study enhances the awareness of the society. Most of the women in the novel are portrayed negative and oppressors.

    Textbook Evaluation of English for Academic Purposes by British Council

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    The present study evaluates the course book English for Academic Purposes recommended by British Council in Pakistan. It is a collaborated effort of British Council and Higher Education Commission of Pakistan to enhance the English language skills of Pakistani students. The researcher has evaluated the effectiveness of this book that is it fulfilling the theoretical needs of International standards? Bloom’s taxonomy (1956) of Learning Domains is used because it is most appropriate for the evaluation the textbooks. The researcher has evaluated the course book on different levels e.g. cognitive, affective and psycho-motor with the help of Blooms taxonomy. This is a qualitative research basically though the frequencies of the certain words (verbs) are also find out. The researcher has used find out that which areas of learning process are focused and which are ignored in the textbook. The research is important as it will find out the strapping as well as frail areas of the course book and this information may be helpful for the improvement of the course book. Moreover this research has opened new horizons for further studies in the field of textbook evaluation

    An Empirical Analysis of the Linder

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    This paper presents empirical evidence in support of the Linder theory of international trade for three of the South Asian countries, Bangladesh, India, and Pakistan. This finding implies that these countries trade more intensively with countries of other regions, which may have similar per capita income levels, as predicted by Linder in his hypothesis. The contribution of this research is threefold: first, there is new information on the Linder hypothesis by focusing on South Asian countries; second, this is one of very few analyses to capture both time-series and cross-section elements of the trade relationship by employing a panel data set; third, the empirical methodology used in this analysis corrects a major shortcoming in the existing literature by using a censored dependent variable in estimation.

    Protein toxicity in Kotri Paint industry workers exposed to Phthalic Anyhydride and Trimellitic Anyhydride

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    Background: Protein plays a significant role in the regulation of metabolism for normal functioning in human body. SITE area, Kotri paint industry workers are at high risk of hypersensitivity, sensitization of the respiratory tract (including asthma), skin diseases and allergy.  Reactive Low molecular weight organic acid anhydrides (OAAs) like trimelitic anhydride (TMA) and phthalic anhydride (PA) are extensively used in local paint industries of SITE AREA, Kotri, Sindh – Pakistan. These both anhydrides may easily bind with high molecular weight proteins by forming complex (adducts) leading to metabolic disorders among the exposed workers.Methods: There is no study to differentiate protein status of workers compared with normal healthy group as compare in the past. In this regard, the total protein was determined in intravenous blood samples obtained from the exposed workers to TMA and PA with control group clinically by Microlab300 (Kit Method System).Result: There is a significant decrease of protein level in paint industry workers as compared with healthy subjects, which never had exposed to TMA and PA.Conclusion: These both allergenic organic acid anhydrides like TMA and PA may be associated for changing protein function status after forming complex (adduct) by long exposure at work. SITE Area, Kotri Paint workers may at high risk of asthma, exposed to TMA and PA

    An Empirical Analysis of the Linder Theory of International Trade for South Asian Countries.

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    This paper presents empirical evidence in support of the Linder theory of international trade for three of the South Asian countries, Bangladesh, India, and Pakistan. This finding implies that these countries trade more intensively with countries of other regions, which may have similar per capita income levels, as predicted by Linder in his hypothesis. The contribution of this research is threefold: first, there is new information on the Linder hypothesis by focusing on South Asian countries; second, this is one of very few analyses to capture both time-series and cross-section elements of the trade relationship by employing a panel data set; third, the empirical methodology used in this analysis corrects a major shortcoming in the existing literature by using a censored dependent variable in estimation

    Significance of Plastic Recycling with the Focus on Polyesters – Creating a Circular Economy

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    Plastics materials are essential in every part of our lives, resulting in their increasing production and consumption. Consequently, recycling of plastics has been of great importance in the last decades. Among all types of plastics, polyesters have become very appealing for numerous kinds of applications, making their recycling crucial. Several techniques have been developed for the recycling of plastics with the aim of eliminating the waste accumulated, as well as to create a circular economy

    Effectiveness of unani regimen in protecting high risk population from COVID -19: A pilot study

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    The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic caused by the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) has spread globally. COVID-19 presents varied clinical features. The present study focuses on number of patients turning COVID-19 positive, change in Immune Status Questionnaire (ISQ) and WHO quality of life- Bref (WHO Qol – BREF) scales after taking intervention. This open labelled, double arm, controlled, interventional, clinical trial was conducted on high-risk individuals i.e., those residing with a COVID-19 positive member in the identified quarantine area. This twin armed study was conducted on asymptomatic individuals exposed to COVID -19. The test group were prescribed Unani poly-herbal decoction together with Unani formulations Khamira Marwareed and Tiryaq e Arba whereas the control group was not on any intervention. The duration of intervention was 20 days; follow ups were planned on day 10 and day 20. Of the 81 participants enrolled, none of the patients turned COVID-19 positive. However, 13.58% (n=11) developed COVID like symptoms and 70 patients completed the study. The mean age of the participants was 41.42±16.9 years; however, majority of the participants were 18-28 years male with Damvi (Sanguine) temperament. The quality of life of the intervention group improved significantly however, the immune status in both the groups increased with P <0.001. The Unani prophylactic regimen provides a 62% (relative risk reduction) protection against COVID -19. This pilot study paves for a study on a larger population. No adverse effects were observed during the study. Absence of biochemical investigations were limitations to the study

    Does Religious and Socio-Economic Constrains Effect Females Higher Education in Rural Areas of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan

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    According to past literature females in Pakistan were considered most denied portion of the society. But now the time has changed. In this 21st century due to increase in individual’s education especially of parents and family members, the females are now encourage to perceive and gain higher education. In the past majority of the peoples did not allowed their women’s to get higher education especially in rural areas of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (Pakistan). This study investigated the socio-economic factors that may affect the female’s education in rural areas of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, i.e. firstly, as Pakistan is a developing country and does the financial status of Parents constrains the female’s education in rural areas of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. Secondly, the religious perspective of female’s education. Thirdly, social, cultural and family traditions are the hindrance in female’s higher education or just a myth. 