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    The paper considers the methodological aspects which characterize interrelation of cycles of economic activity and models of educational processes. The authors analyze influence of cycles of economic activity on educational processes including: cycles eras of E. Toffler, resource cycles of J. Forrester, century cycles of F. Brodel, formational cycles of M. Evans, big cycles of economic activity of N. D. Kondratyev, intermediateterm cycles of economic activity of S. Kuznets, minor cycles of economic activity of K. Zhuglyar, short business cycles of economic activity J. Kitchina, ultrashort cycles of economic activity of G. Moore. It is shown that in modern conditions of acceleration of scientific and technical progress when duration practically of all cycles of economic activity is reduced, load of the DPO system increases. First of all it concerns training in the technologies connected with short business cycles of J. Kitchina and ultrashort cycles of G. Moore as duration of other types of education in time exceeds life cycle of the specified technologies. It is also shown that in the conditions of saturated market, production personalisation level increases in the system of production (goods, works and services). In the conditions of change of mass and large-lot production by sredneseriyny, smallscale and individual production increases load of the DPO system, including growth of a share of training in small groups and individual training.Рассмотрены методологические аспекты, характеризующие взаимосвязь циклов экономической активности и моделей образовательных процессов. Проанализировано влияние на образовательные процессы циклов экономической активности, включая циклы-эпохи Э. Тоффлера, ресурсные циклы Дж. Форрестера, вековые циклы Ф. Броделя, формационные циклы М. Эванса, большие циклы экономической активности Н. Д. Кондратьева, средние циклы экономической активности С. Кузнеца, малые циклы экономической активности К. Жугляра, короткие бизнес-циклы экономической активности Дж. Китчина, ультракороткие циклы экономической активности Г. Мура. Показано, что в современных условиях ускорения научно-технического прогресса, когда сокращается продолжительность практически всех циклов экономической активности, возрастает нагрузка на систему ДПО. В первую очередь это касается обучения технологиям, связанным с короткими бизнес-циклами Дж. Китчина и ультракороткими циклами Г. Мура, поскольку продолжительность других видов образования превышает жизненный цикл указанных технологий. Также продемонстрировано, что в условиях насыщенного рынка в системе производства продукции (товаров, работ и услуг) возрастает уровень персонализации производства. Смена массового и крупносерийного производства на среднесерийное, мелкосерийное и индивидуальное увеличивает нагрузку на систему ДПО, включая рост доли обучения в малых группах и индивидуального обучения

    Genesis and Evolution of Law: Human-Centric Approach

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    Статья посвящена исследованию генезиса и развития права с позиций человекоцентристского подхода к правопониманию.The article substantiates that origin of law is stipulated by human nature, its need for freedom, selfdetermination. To act pursuant to law means firstly to act pursuant to ones desire, in personal interests, at own discretion. Law does not only forbid and restrict but it grants rights, freedom of choice and activity, therefore the process of acquisition of qualities of an independent, legal person becomes irreversible. In the course of its formation and evolution law has been passing three steps: natural law, positive law, natural - positive law. Each of them has its measure of freedom (a level of development, volume, the list of rights and personal freedoms)

    Genesis and Evolution of Law: Human-Centric Approach

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    Статья посвящена исследованию генезиса и развития права с позиций человекоцентристского подхода к правопониманию.The article substantiates that origin of law is stipulated by human nature, its need for freedom, selfdetermination. To act pursuant to law means firstly to act pursuant to ones desire, in personal interests, at own discretion. Law does not only forbid and restrict but it grants rights, freedom of choice and activity, therefore the process of acquisition of qualities of an independent, legal person becomes irreversible. In the course of its formation and evolution law has been passing three steps: natural law, positive law, natural - positive law. Each of them has its measure of freedom (a level of development, volume, the list of rights and personal freedoms)

    F. P. Veselovskii and the Law of Nations

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    A space between two worlds: St. Petersburg in the early eighteenth century

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    In May 1703, Tsar Peter I of Russia is alleged to have led a small military foray to the Baltic coastline, near the mouth of the river Neva. Accounts of this occasion, both contemporary and retrospective, vary considerably on the precise chronology of the decision-making process and the question of whether the tsar himself was actually present. Regardless of the precise details, the area was claimed (or, some argue, reclaimed) in the name of Russia and plans were made to build a fortress in order to consolidate the Russian presence. This foundation and the associated myths, which have been explored by many writers and historians over the intervening centuries, feature in most discussions of St. Petersburg’s history. One such myth, which presents Peter creating his new city out of nothing, in a wilderness, was essentially poetic license on the part of later writers such as Vasilii Trediakovskii and Aleksandr Pushkin. In fact, the area was the site of a Swedish fortress known as “Nienschants,” the town of Nien, with a population of around four thousand, and a number of smaller settlements nearby that existed before the city was founded. Indeed, given the paucity of usable stone in the region, the ruins of the old fortress likely provided material used in the initial stage of St. Petersburg’s construction, particularly in the foundations of buildings