7,875 research outputs found

    I am a Yakhchal

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    A description of the history and function of a traditional Iranian ice house, known as a Yakhchal, as told through the eyes of one such ice house surviving into the present day

    Flight investigation of various control inputs intended for parameter estimation

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    An experiment assessing the stability and control derivatives resulting from various control inputs was undertaken using the F-8 digital fly by wire aircraft. Improved control inputs have been proposed as a means of making stability and contol derivative estimation more efficient, thus reducing the cost of flight testing and data analysis. The subject inputs were either generated by the pilot or preprogrammed in a remote ground computer and telemetered to the aircraft. Nine preprogrammed inputs and three pilot generated inputs were assessed at subsonic and supersonic flight conditions, and both unaugmented and highly augmented flight control systems were used. Effects of input amplitude were also assessed. The inputs were divided into two general types - sinusoidal or with corners (a rapid and distinct change in slope). The inputs with corners, performed in the unaugmented mode, produced the best sets of stability and control derivatives. The simplest of these inputs, the pilot generated doublet, produced sets of derivatives as good as those produced by the more complex inputs. Small inputs produced worse derivatives than the unaugmented mode, and sinusoidal inputs produced worse derivatives than corner containing inputs

    Preparing oxidizer coated metal fuel particles

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    A solid propellant composition of improved efficiency is described which includes an oxidizer containing ammonium perchlorate, and a powered metal fuel, preferably aluminum or beryllium, in the form of a composite. The metal fuel is contained in the crystalline lattice framework of the oxidizer, as well as within the oxidizer particles, and is disposed in the interstices between the oxidizer particles of the composition. The propellant composition is produced by a process comprising the crystallization of ammonium perchlorate in water, in the presence of finely divided aluminum or beryllium. A suitable binder is incorporated in the propellant composition to bind the individual particles of metal with the particles of oxidizer containing occluded metal

    Luminosity enhancement in relativistic jets and altered luminosity functions for beamed objects

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    Due to relativistic effects, the observed emission from relativistic jets is quite different from the rest frame emission. Systematic differences between the observed and intrinsic intensities of sources in which jet phenomena are occurring are discussed. Assuming that jets have a power law luminosity function of a slope B, the observed luminosity distribution as a function of the velocity of the jet, the spectral index of the rest frame emission, and the range of angles of the jets relative to our line of sight are calculated. The results is well-approximated by two power laws, the higher luminosity end having the original power law index X and the lower luminosity end having a flattened exponent independent of B and only slightly greater than 1. A model consisting of beamed emission from a jet and unbeamed emission from a stationary central component is investigated. The luminosity functions for these two-component sources are calculated for two ranges of angles. For sources in which beaming is important, the luminosity function is much flatter. Because of this, the relative numbers of ""beamed'' and ""unbeamed'' sources detected on the sky depend strongly on the luminosity at which the comparison is made

    Finite Amplitude Method for Charge-Changing Transitions in Axially-Deformed Nuclei

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    We describe and apply a version of the finite amplitude method for obtaining the charge-changing nuclear response in the quasiparticle random phase approximation. The method is suitable for calculating strength functions and beta-decay rates, both allowed and forbidden, in axially-deformed open-shell nuclei. We demonstrate the speed and versatility of the code through a preliminary examination of the effects of tensor terms in Skyrme functionals on beta decay in a set of spherical and deformed open-shell nuclei. Like the isoscalar pairing interaction, the tensor terms systematically increase allowed beta-decay rates. This finding generalizes previous work in semimagic nuclei and points to the need for a comprehensive study of time-odd terms in nuclear density functionals.Comment: 11 pages, 8 figures, submitted to Physical Review

    Subsonic stability and control derivatives for an unpowered, remotely piloted 3/8-scale F-15 airplane model obtained from flight test

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    In response to the interest in airplane configuration characteristics at high angles of attack, an unpowered remotely piloted 3/8-scale F-15 airplane model was flight tested. The subsonic stability and control characteristics of this airplane model over an angle of attack range of -20 to 53 deg are documented. The remotely piloted technique for obtaining flight test data was found to provide adequate stability and control derivatives. The remotely piloted technique provided an opportunity to test the aircraft mathematical model in an angle of attack regime not previously examined in flight test. The variation of most of the derivative estimates with angle of attack was found to be consistent, particularly when the data were supplemented by uncertainty levels

    Stability and control derivatives of the T-37B airplane

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    Subsonic stability and control derivatives were determined by a modified maximum likelihood estimator from flight data for the longitudinal and lateral-directional modes of the T-37B airplane. Data from two flights, in which 166 stability and control maneuvers were performed, were used in the determination. The configurations investigated were: zero flaps, gear up; half flaps, gear up; full flaps, gear up; and zero flaps, gear down

    An approach to model interest for planetary rover through Dezert–Smarandache theory

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    In this paper, we propose an approach for assigning an interest level to the goals of a planetary rover. Assigning an interest level to goals allows the rover autonomously to transform and reallocate the goals. The interest level is defined by data-fusing payload and navigation information. The fusion yields an "interest map" that quantifies the level of interest of each area around the rover. In this way the planner can choose the most interesting scientific objectives to be analyzed, with limited human intervention, and reallocates its goals autonomously. The Dezert-Smarandache Theory of Plausible and Paradoxical Reasoning was used for information fusion: this theory allows dealing with vague and conflicting data. In particular, it allows us directly to model the behavior of the scientists that have to evaluate the relevance of a particular set of goals. The paper shows an application of the proposed approach to the generation of a reliable interest map

    Development and field evaluation of an online monitor for near-continuous measurement of iron, manganese, and chromium in coarse airborne particulate matter (PM)

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    A novel air sampling monitor was developed for near-continuous (i.e., 2-h time resolution) measurement of iron (Fe), manganese (Mn), and chromium (Cr) concentrations in ambient coarse particulate matter (PM) (i.e., PM10–2.5). The developed monitor consists of two modules: (1) the coarse PM collection module, utilizing two virtual impactors (VIs) connected to a modified BioSampler to collect ambient coarse PM into aqueous slurry samples; (2) the metal concentration measurement module, which quantifies the light absorption of colored complexes formed through the reactions between the soluble and solubilized target metals and pertinent analytical reagents in the collected slurries using a micro volume flow cell (MVFC) coupled with UV/VIS spectrophotometry. The developed monitor was deployed in the field for continuous ambient PM collection and measurements from January to April 2016 to evaluate its performance and reliability. Overall, the developed monitor could achieve accurate and reliable measurements of the trace metals Fe, Mn, and Cr over long sampling periods, based on the agreement between the metal concentrations measured via this online monitor and off-line parallel measurements obtained using filter samplers. Based on our results, it can be concluded that the developed monitor is a promising technology for near-continuous measurements of metal concentrations in ambient coarse PM. Moreover, this monitor can be readily configured to measure the speciation (i.e., water-soluble portion as well as specific oxidation states) of these metal species. These unique abilities are essential tools in investigations of sources and atmospheric processes influencing the concentrations of these redox-active metals in coarse PM. Copyright © 2016 American Association for Aerosol Research © 2016 American Association for Aerosol Research
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