156 research outputs found

    Ten-year consistency in neurological test performance of children without focal neurological deficit

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    To assess \u27soft-sign\u27 persistence and its correlates outside a referred sample, 159 members of a local birth cohort of the United National Collaborative Perinatal Project were traced and their performance on six neurological test scales was measured at age 17 by examiners blind to their status at age seven. A comparison group was also formed, who had been \u27sign-free\u27 at age seven. On four of the six tests (dysdiadochokinesis, mirror movements, dysgraphesthesia and motor slowness) index boys did significantly worse than the comparison boys; by contrast, index girls scored significantly worse than comparisons only on motor slowness

    Neurological Soft Signs: Their Relationship to Psychiatric Disorder and IQ in Childhood and Adolescence

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    Defines a neurological soft sign (NSS) as a particular form of deviant performance on a motor or sensory test in a neurological status examination. In the present study, 63 male and 26 female 17-yr-olds who had NSSs at 7 yrs of age were compared with sex- and age-matched controls with no NSSs at age 7 yrs. Data obtained on Ss included behavioral and neurological examination at age 7 yrs and psychiatric, neurologic, and IQ (e.g., WAIS) assessment at adolescence. All 6 females and 12 of the 15 males with an anxiety-withdrawal diagnosis and 13 of the 20 males with an affective diagnosis had had NSSs at 7 yrs of age. The relationship between number of NSSs and rate of anxiety-withdrawal disorder in both males and females was linear. Correlational and regression analyses indicated that the relationship between anxiety and affective disorders and the number of early NSSs was independent of IQ. Although most Ss with NSSs did not have an anxiety or affective diagnosis in later adolescence, half of those who had NSSs and who also displayed anxious dependent behavior during psychological testing at age 7 yrs showed anxiety or affective disturbance in later adolescence

    Early soft signs and later psychopathology

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    At age 17 two motor signs, mirror movements and dysdiadochokinesis, were found in more than half the subjects known to have had the respective signs at age 7. These rates were significantly higher than rates found within the group of subjects who were sign free at age 7
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