768 research outputs found

    Predictability and hierarchy in Drosophila behavior

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    Even the simplest of animals exhibit behavioral sequences with complex temporal dynamics. Prominent amongst the proposed organizing principles for these dynamics has been the idea of a hierarchy, wherein the movements an animal makes can be understood as a set of nested sub-clusters. Although this type of organization holds potential advantages in terms of motion control and neural circuitry, measurements demonstrating this for an animal's entire behavioral repertoire have been limited in scope and temporal complexity. Here, we use a recently developed unsupervised technique to discover and track the occurrence of all stereotyped behaviors performed by fruit flies moving in a shallow arena. Calculating the optimally predictive representation of the fly's future behaviors, we show that fly behavior exhibits multiple time scales and is organized into a hierarchical structure that is indicative of its underlying behavioral programs and its changing internal states

    Cyclotrons as Drivers for Precision Neutrino Measurements

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    As we enter the age of precision measurement in neutrino physics, improved flux sources are required. These must have a well-defined flavor content with energies in ranges where backgrounds are low and cross section knowledge is high. Very few sources of neutrinos can meet these requirements. However, pion/muon and isotope decay-at-rest sources qualify. The ideal drivers for decay-at-rest sources are cyclotron accelerators, which are compact and relatively inexpensive. This paper describes a scheme to produce decay-at-rest sources driven by such cyclotrons, developed within the DAEdALUS program. Examples of the value of the high precision beams for pursuing Beyond Standard Model interactions are reviewed. New results on a combined DAEdALUS--Hyper-K search for CP-violation that achieve errors on the mixing matrix parameter of 4 degrees to 12 degrees are presented.Comment: This paper was invited by the journal Advances in High Energy Physics for their upcoming special issue on "Neutrino Masses and Oscillations," which will be published on the 100th anniversary of Pontecorvo's birt

    Load fluctuations drive actin network growth

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    The growth of actin filament networks is a fundamental biological process that drives a variety of cellular and intracellular motions. During motility, eukaryotic cells and intracellular pathogens are propelled by actin networks organized by nucleation-promoting factors, which trigger the formation of nascent filaments off the side of existing filaments in the network. A Brownian ratchet (BR) mechanism has been proposed to couple actin polymerization to cellular movements, whereby thermal motions are rectified by the addition of actin monomers at the end of growing filaments. Here, by following actin--propelled microspheres using three--dimensional laser tracking, we find that beads adhered to the growing network move via an object--fluctuating BR. Velocity varies with the amplitude of thermal fluctuation and inversely with viscosity as predicted for a BR. In addition, motion is saltatory with a broad distribution of step sizes that is correlated in time. These data point to a model in which thermal fluctuations of the microsphere or entire actin network, and not individual filaments, govern motility. This conclusion is supported by Monte Carlo simulations of an adhesion--based BR and suggests an important role for membrane tension in the control of actin--based cellular protrusions.Comment: To be published in PNA

    Measuring the repertoire of age-related behavioral changes in Drosophila melanogaster

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    Aging affects almost all aspects of an organism -- its morphology, its physiology, its behavior. Isolating which biological mechanisms are regulating these changes, however, has proven difficult, potentially due to our inability to characterize the full repertoire of an animal's behavior across the lifespan. Using data from fruit flies (D. melanogaster) we measure the full repertoire of behaviors as a function of age. We observe a sexually dimorphic pattern of changes in the behavioral repertoire during aging. Although the stereotypy of the behaviors and the complexity of the repertoire overall remains relatively unchanged, we find evidence that the observed alterations in behavior can be explained by changing the fly's overall energy budget, suggesting potential connections between metabolism, aging, and behavior

    Leptonic CP violation studies at MiniBooNE in the (3+2) sterile neutrino oscillation hypothesis

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    We investigate the extent to which leptonic CP-violation in (3+2) sterile neutrino models leads to different oscillation probabilities for νˉμ→νˉe\bar{\nu}_{\mu}\to\bar{\nu}_e and νμ→νe\nu_{\mu}\to\nu_e oscillations at MiniBooNE. We are using a combined analysis of short-baseline (SBL) oscillation results, including the LSND and null SBL results, to which we impose additional constraints from atmospheric oscillation data. We obtain the favored regions in MiniBooNE oscillation probability space for both (3+2) CP-conserving and (3+2) CP-violating models. We further investigate the allowed CP-violation phase values and the MiniBooNE reach for such a CP violation measurement. The analysis shows that the oscillation probabilities in MiniBooNE neutrino and antineutrino running modes can differ significantly, with the latter possibly being as much as three times larger than the first. In addition, we also show that all possible values of the single CP-violation phase measurable at short baselines in (3+2) models are allowed within 99% CL by existing data.Comment: Fixed a typo following PRD Erratum. 8 pages, 5 figure

    New Clues About Light Sterile Neutrinos: Preference for Models with Damping Effects in Global Fits

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    This article reports global fits of short-baseline neutrino data to oscillation models involving light sterile neutrinos. In the commonly-used 3+1 plane wave model, there is a well-known 4.9σ\sigma tension between data sets sensitive to appearance and disappearance of neutrinos. We find that models that damp the oscillation prediction for the reactor data sets, especially at low energy, substantially improve the fits and reduce the tension. We consider two such scenarios. The first introduces one sterile neutrino (3+1) and the Quantum Mechanical wavepacket effect that accounts for the source size in reactor experiments. We find that inclusion of the wavepacket effect greatly improves the overall fit compared to the null model by Δχ2/dof=60.2/4\Delta \chi^2/\textrm{dof}=60.2/4 (7σ7\sigma improvement) with best-fit Δm2=1.4 eV2\Delta m^2=1.4~\textrm{eV}^2 and wavepacket length of 67 fm; internal tension is reduced to 3.6σ\sigma. If reactor-data only is fit, that the wavepacket preferred length is 91 fm (>20>20 fm at 99\% CL). The second model introduces oscillations involving sterile flavor and allows the decay of the heavier, mostly sterile, mass state ν4\nu_4. This model introduces a damping term similar to the wavepacket effect, but across all experiments. Compared to null, this has a Δχ2/dof=60.6/4\Delta \chi^2/\textrm{dof}=60.6/4 (7σ7\sigma improvement) with preferred Δm2=1.4 eV2\Delta m^2=1.4~\textrm{eV}^2 and decay Γ=0.35 eV\Gamma = 0.35~\textrm{eV}; and internal tension of 3.7σ\sigma.Comment: Errors are the prospect plot updated from the collaboration. Tension figures have updated plot styl

    A combined analysis of short-baseline neutrino experiments in the (3+1) and (3+2) sterile neutrino oscillation hypotheses

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    We investigate adding two sterile neutrinos to resolve the apparent tension existing between short-baseline neutrino oscillation results and CPT-conserving, four-neutrino oscillation models. For both (3+1) and (3+2) models, the level of statistical compatibility between the combined dataset from the null short-baseline experiments Bugey, CHOOZ, CCFR84, CDHS, KARMEN, and NOMAD, on the one hand; and the LSND dataset, on the other, is computed. A combined analysis of all seven short-baseline experiments, including LSND, is also performed, to obtain the favored regions in neutrino mass and mixing parameter space for both models. Finally, four statistical tests to compare the (3+1) and the (3+2) hypotheses are discussed. All tests show that (3+2) models fit the existing short-baseline data significantly better than (3+1) models.Comment: 16 pages, 15 figures. Added NOMAD data to the analysis, one statistical test, and two figures. References and text added. Version submitted to PR
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