44 research outputs found

    Genetic diversity of Potamogeton pectinatus L. in Iran as revealed by ISSR markers

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    Potamogeton pectinatus L. is a widespread aquatic species distributed widely in aquatic ecosystems of Iran. In this study, inter simple sequence repeat (ISSR) markers were used to assess the genetic diversity of 35 accessions and 175 individuals of P. pectinatus collected from different regions of Iran. In total, 123 polymorphic DNA fragments were amplified from five combinations of ISSR primers. The ISSR based principle coordinate analyses (PCoA) demonstrated four different groups mostly corresponding with their geographic origins (North, Kerman/Fars, Centre and Southwest). The most variable populations were found in the central region of Iran possibly as a consequence of the larger number of samples from that region. The result of molecular variance (AMOVA) attributed 11% of the total genetic variation among and 89% within population variation. The results showed high levels of intra-regional and low inter-regional gene flow between clones, although the Northern accessions were clearly differentiated from the others. There was a low correlation between genetic distance and geographic distance of accessions. The results of STRUCTURE analysis suggested the presence of three genetic groups of this species in Iran, mostly adapted to different ecological conditions. Our results cover one of the gaps of different studies worldwide. In addition, our results confirm high levels of genetic diversity of P. pectinatus in Iran

    آداب و اخلاق قضاوت در آیات قرآن کریم و روایات ائمه اطهار (ع)

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    Background and Aim: Judging is one of the most important affairs of society, to the extent that it is called a divine office. The purpose of this research is to examine the manners and ethics of judging in the light of verses and Shia traditions. Methods: This research is of theoretical type. The research method is descriptive-analytical and the method of data collection is library and has been done by referring to documents, books and articles. Ethical Considerations: In order to organize this research, while observing the authenticity of the texts, honesty and fidelity have been observed. Results: The findings of the present research show that the manners and ethics of judging are designed in a way based on the matter of judging, and their main function is to prevent corruption of the judge and deviation from the path of justice. Conclusion: In the interpretation of laws and regulations, and specifically the law on the supervision of the behavior of judges, it is possible to refer to the moral teachings in the framework of the verses and Shia traditions. These teachings create a suitable environment for solving the existing gaps. In fact, the presence of the qualities that the Holy Sharia deems necessary in a judge eliminates the basis of any kind of corruption in the matter of judgment and administration of justice. Please cite this article as: Rezaei Abbasi SH, Khazaei AR, Mohammadbeki A. The Manners and Ethics of Judging in the Light of the Verses of the Holy Quran and Traditions of Imams. Akhlaq-i zisti, i.e., Bioethics Journal. 2023; 13(38): e7.زمینه و هدف: قضاوت از مهم‌ترین امور جامعه است تا جایی که امر مزبور را یک منصب الهی نامیده‌اند. هدف از پژوهش حاضر بررسی آداب و اخلاق قضاوت در پرتو آیات و روایات تشیع می‌باشد. روش: این تحقیق از نوع نظری است. ‌روش تحقیق به صورت توصیفی ـ تحلیلی و روش جمع‏آوری اطلاعات به صورت کتابخانه‏ای است و ضمن مراجعه به اسناد، کتب و مقالات صورت گرفته است. ملاحظات اخلاقی: در تمام مراحل نگارش پژوهش حاضر، ضمن رعایت اصالت متون، صداقت و امانتداری رعایت شده است. یافته‌ها: یافته‌های پژوهش حاضر نشان می‌دهد که آداب و اخلاق قضاوت به نحوی در مبنای امر قضاوت طراحی شده‌اند که کارکرد اصلی آن‌ها جلوگیری از فساد قاضی و انحراف از مسیر عدالت است. نتیجه‌گیری: در تفسیر قوانین و مقررات و به طور خاص قانون نظارت بر رفتار قضات، می‌توان به آموزه‌های اخلاقی در چارچوب آیات و روایات تشیع مراجعه نمود. آموزه‌های مزبور فضای مناسبی را برای رفع خلأهای موجود ایجاد می‌کنند. در واقع وجود صفاتی که شرع مقدس در قاضی لازم دانسته، زمینه هر نوع فسادی را در امر قضاوت و اجرای عدالت از بین می‌برد

    مروری بر برخی گیاهان مؤثر در درمان سرطان غدد فوق کلیوی

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    Background and Aim: The two adrenal glands, each weighing about four grams, are located at the upper pole of the two kidneys. These two glands, like other parts of the body, can become cancerous. Common methods of adrenal cancer treatment including surgery, pharmacotherapy, radiotherapy and chemotherapy have side effects. On the other hand, the use of medicinal plants has a long history in human history. Regarding to this ancient background, the use of plants in the prevention and treatment of diseases has maintained its place in many societies and cultures. The aim of this study is to provide a list of effective plants in the treatment of adrenal cancer. Methods: In this study, an attempt has been made to provide a list of effective plants in the treatment of adrenal cancer by collecting information published in authoritative scientific journals. The USDA database was used to learn about flavonoid compounds in plants. Finally, the Plant List Site was used to determine the families of each of the plant species found. Ethical Considerations: In the current research, the ethical aspects of library study, including the authenticity of texts, honesty and trustworthiness, have been observed. Results: A total of 21 plant species and 17 families were obtained that appear to be effective in treating and partially preventing the progression of adrenal cancer. These 17 families include Actinidiaceae, Amaryllidaceae, Anacardiaceae, Apiaceae, Asteraceae, Betulaceae, Celastraceae, Cucurbitaceae, Ericaceae, Euphorbiaceae, Fabaceae, Juglandaceae, Lauraceae, Malvaceae, Rosaceae, Solanaceae and Theaceae. Conclusion: According to this review study, it seems that 21 plant species are effective in the treatment of adrenal cancer, of course, it is suggested that more extensive clinical studies be performed on each of these species to understand the possible side effects of them. It is also better to determine the nature of each plant and prescribe a plant species appropriate to each person's nature. In addition, the conditions of different people, including children and adolescents, pregnant women, athletes, the elderly and people with certain diseases, must be considered in order to use the appropriate plant species in their treatment. Please cite this article as: Yarmohammadi Jalali R, Abbasi SH. A Review of Some Effective Plants on Adrenal Cancer. Tārīkh-i pizishkī, i.e., Medical History. 2022; 14(47): e21.زمینه و هدف: دو غده فوق کلیه که وزن هر کدام حدود چهار گرم است، در قطب فوقانی دو کلیه واقع شده‌اند. این دو غده همچون سایر قسمت‌های بدن می‌توانند سرطانی شوند. روش‌های معمول درمان سرطان غدد فوق کلیه، از جمله عمل جراحی، دارودرمانی، پرتودرمانی و شیمی‌درمانی عوارضی به همراه دارند. از طرف دیگر، استفاده از گیاهان دارویی قدمتی به درازای تاریخ بشری دارد. با توجه به این پیشینه کهن، کاربرد گیاهان در پیشگیری و درمان بیماری‌ها همچنان جایگاه خود را در بسیاری از جوامع و فرهنگ‌ها حفظ کرده ‌است. هدف از این پژوهش، ارائه فهرستی از گیاهان مؤثر در درمان سرطان غدد فوق کلیه می‌باشد. روش: در این پژوهش سعی شده ‌است با گرد‌آوری اطلاعات منتشرشده در مجلات علمی معتبر لیستی از گیاهان مؤثر در درمان سرطان غدد فوق کلیه ارائه شود. همچنین از پایگاه اطلاعاتی USDA به منظور آگاهی از ترکیبات فلاونوئیدی موجود در گیاهان استفاده شد. در پایان به منظور تعیین خانواده‌های هریک از گونه‌های گیاهی یافت‌شده، از سایت The Plant List استفاده شد. ملاحظات اخلاقی: در پژوهش حاضر جنبه‌های اخلاقی مطالعه کتابخانه‌ای شامل اصالت متون، صداقت و امانتداری رعایت شده است. یافته‌ها: در مجموع 21 گونه گیاهی و 17 خانواده به دست آمد که به نظر می‌رسد در درمان و جلوگیری نسبی از پیشرفت سرطان غدد فوق کلیه تأثیرگذار باشند. این 17 خانواده شامل خانواده‌های کیویان، نرگسیان، پسته‌ایان، چتریان، گل ستاره‌ای‌ها، توسکایان، گوشوارکیان، کدوییان، خلنگیان، فرفیونیان، باقلاییان، گردوییان، برگ‌بوییان، پنیرکیان، گلسرخیان، سیب‌زمینیان و چاییان می‌باشد. نتیجه‌گیری: بر اساس این مطالعه مروری، به نظر می‌رسد که 21 گونه گیاهی در درمان سرطان غدد فوق کلیه مؤثر باشند، البته پیشنهاد می‌شود که مطالعات بالینی گسترده‌تری در مورد هر‌ یک از این گونه‌ها انجام شود تا به اثرات جانبی احتمالی هر یک از آن‌ها پی برده ‌شود. همچنین بهتر است طبع هر گیاه مشخص شود و برای هر فرد، گونه گیاهی متناسب با طبع آن فرد تجویز شود. علاوه بر این، باید شرایط افراد مختلف، از جمله کودکان و نوجوانان، زنان باردار، ورزشکاران، افراد مسن و افراد با بیماری‌های خاص در نظر گرفته‌ شود تا بتوان از گونه گیاهی مناسب در درمان آنان استفاده نمود

    Prevalence of musculoskeletal disorders in firefighters and its association with insomnia

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    Musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) are among the main underlying reasons for decreased productivity at workplace. Awkward working posture, forceful movements, and unexpected events are main reasons for high prevalence of MSDs in firefighters. According to previous research, there is a significant contribution between MSDs and other co-morbidities such as insomnia. The present study aimed to evaluate the prevalence of MSDs in firefighters and its relation with severity of insomnia. A cross-sectional study was conducted on firefighters in Qazvin. Demographic information was collected for the participants. A self-administered questionnaire including Nordic question, body map, and insomnia severity index were completed by the firefighters. Descriptive statistics, Student’s t-test, and Chisquare test were used for data analysis. One hundred and eighteen firefighters participated in this study. The prevalence of MSDs was 54.2% amongst the firefighters, and low back pain was the most common complaint with 30.5%. The highest intensity of pain was in the middle of lumbar region. About 20.3% of firefighters had subclinical insomnia, and 30% of them had moderate to severe insomnia. Severity of insomnia was significantly more in subjects with MSDs (12.4 ± 7.9) compared to those without MSDs (7.1 ± 6.6) (p<.05). Among different parts of body, significant association was solely found between back pain and severity of insomnia. The results showed that MSDs, especially around the lumbar region is associated with the severity of insomnia in firefighters. In addition, the prevalence of MSDs and insomnia was significantly higher in firefighters compared to similar studies in general population which calls for preventive activities

    Strong Genetic Differentiation of Submerged Plant Populations across Mountain Ranges: Evidence from Potamogeton pectinatus in Iran.

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    Biogeographic barriers for freshwater biota can be effective at various spatial scales. At the largest spatial scale, freshwater organisms can become genetically isolated by their high mountain ranges, vast deserts, and inability to cross oceans. Isolation by distance of aquatic plants is expected to be stronger across than alongside mountain ridges whereas the heterogeneity of habitats among populations and temporary droughts may influence connectivity and hamper dispersal. Suitable aquatic plant habitats became reduced, even for the widespread submerged Potamogeton pectinatus L. (also named Stuckenia pectinata) giving structure to various aquatic habitats. We compared the level of genetic diversity in a heterogeneous series of aquatic habitats across Iran and tested their differentiation over distances and across mountain ranges (Alborz and Zagros) and desert zones (Kavir), with values obtained from temperate region populations. The diversity of aquatic ecosystems across and along large geographic barriers provided a unique ecological situation within Iran. P. pectinatus were considered from thirty-six sites across Iran at direct flight distances ranging from 20 to 1,200 km. Nine microsatellite loci revealed a very high number of alleles over all sites. A PCoA, NJT clustering and STRUCTURE analysis revealed a separate grouping of individuals of southeastern Iranian sites and was confirmed by their different nuclear ITS and cpDNA haplotypes thereby indicating an evolutionary significant unit (ESU). At the level of populations, a positive correlation between allelic differentiation Dest with geographic distance was found. Individual-based STRUCTURE analysis over 36 sites showed 7 genetic clusters. FST and RST values for ten populations reached 0.343 and 0.521, respectively thereby indicating that allele length differences are more important and contain evolutionary information. Overall, higher levels of diversity and a stronger differentiation was revealed among Iranian P. pectinatus than previously observed for temperate European regions, due to regional differences across mountain ranges over long distances

    Designing the Distribution Network of Essential Items in the Critical Conditions of Earthquakes and COVID-19 Simultaneously

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    Current societies must make the necessary plans for effective responses and to reduce the destructive effects of disasters. For this reason, this research has developed a mathematical programming model under uncertainty for earthquake relief and response during COVID-19. In the presented model, the possibility of facility failure is considered according to the intensity of the earthquake and COVID-19 to increase reliability. The simultaneous occurrence of these disasters presents unique challenges in ensuring the timely delivery of essential supplies to affected regions. Distribution centers (DCs) are considered to be of two types: the first type is local DCs, which use public centers and are close to accident points. These types of centers are prone to failure because they use public facilities. Another type is the reliable DCs built outside the disrupted area, which have a very low probability of loss due to spending more money to build them. In addition, to consider the reliability capabilities, the new model has tried to provide a complete model for transportation planning by considering the multi-trip mode of vehicles. Moreover, this model considers distance restriction at the demand point for the first time because of COVID-19 during the earthquake. The proposed network design aims to offer effective solutions in promptly delivering essential items to affected areas, thereby enhancing disaster management strategies and minimizing the impact of these crises on vulnerable populations. Uncertainty is presented using the probability approach based on the modeling scenario and a case study from the city of Istanbul to illustrate the performance of the suggested model. Finally, the suggested mode is solved with an Lp-metric and goal programming (GP) approach. The results show that in this case, the proposed model shows that effective and efficient aid delivery is possible in terms of time and cost. Therefore, it can help crisis managers respond by providing the required budget and appropriate logistics planning

    Prevalence of musculoskeletal disorders in firefighters and its association with insomnia

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    Musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) are among the main underlying reasons for decreased productivity at workplace. Awkward working posture, forceful movements, and unexpected events are main reasons for high prevalence of MSDs in firefighters. According to previous research, there is a significant contribution between MSDs and other co-morbidities such as insomnia. The present study aimed to evaluate the prevalence of MSDs in firefighters and its relation with severity of insomnia. A cross-sectional study was conducted on firefighters in Qazvin. Demographic information was collected for the participants. A self-administered questionnaire including Nordic question, body map, and insomnia severity index were completed by the firefighters. Descriptive statistics, Student’s t-test, and Chi-square test were used for data analysis. One hundred and eighteen firefighters participated in this study. The prevalence of MSDs was 54.2% amongst the firefighters, and low back pain was the most common complaint with 30.5%. The highest intensity of pain was in the middle of lumbar region. About 20.3% of firefighters had subclinical insomnia, and 30% of them had moderate to severe insomnia. Severity of insomnia was significantly more in subjects with MSDs (12.4 ± 7.9) compared to those without MSDs (7.1 ± 6.6) (p<.05). Among different parts of body, significant association was solely found between back pain and severity of insomnia. The results showed that MSDs, especially around the lumbar region is associated with the severity of insomnia in firefighters. In addition, the prevalence of MSDs and insomnia was significantly higher in firefighters compared to similar studies in general population which calls for preventive activities