13 research outputs found

    Sistemet Operative

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    Case Study Analyses of Reliability of Software Application “ePasuria”

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    The focus of the research study is set on analyzes of the reliability of software application, aiming to determine the ways of measurement and determine the parameters of a reliable software application through the case study realized. Measurements of software reliability are important because it can be used to plan and control resources while implementing the software application and offer reliability regarding the correctness of the developed software. Throughout the study we elaborate the analyses of different problems that are encountered in order to maintain a higher level of reliable software application, especially the systems that are more complex and the process of their implementation depends on sensitive data. Furthermore we elaborate ways of detailed analysis and studies in achieving the reliability of software application and researches on the assessment of reliability of the software, and the measurement of the level of the failures in order to realize the level of reliability of a software application

    Impact of Electronic Competence Based Teaching in Higher Education

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    In the beginning of Bologna’s process and creation of European Higher Education Area (EHEA), great importance has been to the transparency, increase of quality and concurrency between institutions of higher education. Nowadays, hot topic in higher education institutions in Europe are real-time learning outcomes, they are analyzed, projected and are evaluated today in all Europe and abroad. Traditional models and methods of success expression in learning and the degree of qualification is substituted with modern online systems. This paper proposes best practices for competence based teaching in higher education by using eCompetence software. The way these competences are organized, activities which are related to these competences and course contents which will help us to continuously evaluate students and prepare them for the labor market. Our results suggest that by implementing competence based teaching system in university evaluation and competence gaining would be more productive and would better prepare students for labor market. Consequently, this paper draws attention on provision of implementation of such a system in higher education by providing competence matrix, a competence software, and evaluation process

    Inxhinierimi Softuerik i Bazuar ne Komponente

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    Mobile e-Governance in Cloud

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    We are living in the era of internet and smartphones. Almost everybody in developing countries has at least one smartphone or connection to the internet through any other mobile device. So developing mobile software for the people or government is a big chance to make people life easier. The time has become a very important factor for which you can’t even pay for extra time, so making life easier for those people who don’t have time is big chance not losing it. All the data that are generated from the software or services is the best match to store those data on cloud, with which we don’t care about privacy and protection, availability to access them, manipulation of them and so on. In this paper, we describe how this newly emerged paradigm of cloud computing can be helpful for mobile e-Governance. Using cloud of course has a cost, but if you can’t give the same conditions that cloud gives, it is best choice to store the data on cloud. If we use cloud you don’t have to pay for all the IT staff who cares about the data, servers, databases, networks, with those money you can pay for cloud services. We start by an introduction about the cloud and e-Government, continuing with what the benefits and challenges of the e-Government and cloud are computing, the relationship of e-Government and cloud computing, mobile e-Governance in cloud and some examples of some countries that are using mobile e-Government in cloud. Keywords: e-Government, e-Governance, Cloud Computing, Mobile, Data Storage</p

    Design of a Cattle-Health-Monitoring System Using Microservices and IoT Devices

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    This article proposes a new concept of microservice-based architecture for the future of distributed systems. This architecture is a bridge between Internet-of-Things (IoT) devices and applications that are used to monitor cattle health in real time for the physical and health parameters of cattle, where microservice architecture is introduced that enables this form of monitoring. Within this architecture, machine-learning algorithms were used to predict cattle health and inform farmers about the health of each cattle in real time. Within this architecture, six microservices were proposed that had the tasks of receiving, processing, and sending data upon request. In addition, within the six microservices, a microservice was developed for the prediction of cattle health using algorithms from machine learning using the LightGBM algorithm. Through this algorithm, it is possible to determine the percentage value of the health of each head of cattle in the moment, based on the parameters that are sent from the mobile node. If health problems are identified in the cattle, the architecture notifies the farmer in real time about the problems that the cattle have. Based on the proposed solution, farmers will have 24 h online access to monitor the following parameters for each head of cattle: body temperature, heart rate, humidity, and position

    Applying Optimized Algorithms and Technology for Interconnecting Big Data Resources in Government Institutions

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    The quality of the data in core electronic registers has constantly decreased as a result of numerous errors that were made and inconsistencies in the data in these databases due to the growing number of databases created with the intention of providing electronic services for public administration and the lack of the data harmonization or interoperability between these databases.Evaluating and improving the quality of data by matching and linking records from multiple data sources becomes exceedingly difficult due to the incredibly large volume of data in these numerous data sources with different data architectures and no unique field to create interconnection among them.Different algorithms are developed to treat these issues and our focus will be on algorithms that handle large amounts of data, such as Levenshtein distance (LV) algorithm and Damerau-Levenshtein distance (DL) algorithm.In order to analyze and evaluate the effectiveness and quality of data using the mentioned algorithms and making improvements to these algorithms, through this paper we will conduct experiments on large data sets with more than 1 million records

    Using Efficient TRNGs for PSEUDO Profile in National eID Card

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    Applications that requires true random number generator (TRNG), which uses raw analog data generated from any noise source in nature, must convert the source normal distribution to uniform distribution. Many up to date implementations convert the raw analog data into digital data by employing a comparator or a Schmitt trigger. This method wastes a large amount of random input data, lowering the throughput of the TRNG. In new national electronic identity card (eID) beyond the true identity of his bearer and to address the increasing concern of user privacy while doing business in Internet an additional pseudo profile is set. This pseudo profile uses 20-byte random value generated by database server, using a script during personalization process. In this paper, we present a novel algorithm that enables efficient distribution conversion in low power devices. The low memory requirements and efficient processing make it suitable for implementation low power cryptographic devices but also in complex personalization systems. Furthermore, we compare the random data generated by our efficient TRNG vs. those generated by database server

    The Use of Reactive Programming in the Proposed Model for Cloud Security Controlled by ITSS

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    Reactive programming is a popular paradigm that has been used as a new solution in our proposed model for security in the cloud. In this context, we have been able to reduce the execution time compared to our previous work for the model proposed in cloud security, where the control of security depending on the ITSS (IT security specialist) of a certain organization based on selecting options. Some of the difficulties we encountered in our previous work while using traditional programming were the coordination of parallel processes and the modification of real-time data. This study provides results for two methods of programming based on the solutions of the proposed model for cloud security, with the first method of traditional programming and the use of reactive programming as the most suitable solution in our case. While taking the measurements in this paper, we used the same algorithms, and we present comparative results between the first and second methods of programming. The results in the paper are presented in tables and graphs, which show that reactive programming in the proposed model for cloud security offers better results compared to traditional programming