13 research outputs found

    Fuzzy logic controlofgantry crane system

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    The use of gantry crane systems for transporting payload is very common in industrial application. However, moving the payload using the crane is not an easy task especially when strict specifications on the swing angle and on the transfer time need to be satisfied. To overcome this problem, an intelligent gantry crane system had been introduced. Fuzzy logic controllers were adopted, designed and implemented for controlling payload position as well as the swing angle of the gantry crane. Fuzzy logic defines rules that determine the behavior of the system using word descriptions instead of mathematical equations also fuzzy logic control algorithms can be used to solve problems that are difficult to address with traditional control techniques. Fuzzy control strategy is proposed to control the stability of crane work

    Cloud oriented Additive Technology use for Fast Prototype Development

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    Digitalization has already affected every segment of the industry and especially manufacturing. Based on market requires that are more specific and faster than ever, there is a need to use some of the online platform packages called Cloud Manufacturing (CM). CM operate through the digital data then here comes the expression CAD models or in particular STL files that are currently adequate for Additive Technologies (AT). On the other hand, there is a rapid increase in the measurement aspects via non-contact forms (3D scanners) where their data are stored in various digital formats: IGES, OBJ, PLY, etc.). Those formats can be processed step by step and follow the full path to Reverse Engineering (RE). In this paper will be discussed the possibility of implementing Cloud Additive Technology (CAT) for Fast Prototype Development (FPD) by analyzing the current situation, barriers during incorporation RE and AT, security and technical-economical aspects

    Case Study Analyses of Reliability of Software Application “ePasuria”

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    The focus of the research study is set on analyzes of the reliability of software application, aiming to determine the ways of measurement and determine the parameters of a reliable software application through the case study realized. Measurements of software reliability are important because it can be used to plan and control resources while implementing the software application and offer reliability regarding the correctness of the developed software. Throughout the study we elaborate the analyses of different problems that are encountered in order to maintain a higher level of reliable software application, especially the systems that are more complex and the process of their implementation depends on sensitive data. Furthermore we elaborate ways of detailed analysis and studies in achieving the reliability of software application and researches on the assessment of reliability of the software, and the measurement of the level of the failures in order to realize the level of reliability of a software application

    The Importance of SD Goals Indicators 7, 8, 9 and 12 in the Industry Development by Using Multi Criteria and Decision Making Method

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    Sustainable Development and Decision Making are just two of the many processes that affect the industry sector. SDG7, SDG8, SDG9 and SDG 12 as four goals of sustainable development show the indicators we have to deal with, given that the energy, industry, economy and production are closely connected. This research focuses on promoting sustainable development in the industry, by testing very important indicators using the MCDM method. Our analysis was carried out with the help of a multi-criteria decision-making method - the Hierarchical Analytical Process. Through this method, we have identified specific areas that need improvement, the importance of the indicators separately, ranking so by their importance and impact in the industry, economy and production

    Application of decision making method (AHP) in Reverse Engineering and Additive Manufacturing Technologies

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    Continuous market demand shows a fast transition of Additive Manufacturing (AM) from prototype to regular production. The different complex parts are easier to manage using 3D scanners and applying Reverse Engineering (RE) to convert them into digital data that can be reproduced again. Through this paper we intend to explain the relationship between RE and AM with decision making methodology by applying AHP hierarchy, including: goals, criteria, sub-criteria and alternatives. Case study presented confirm the efficiency of the proposed methodology for decision making in production technology

    Advantages and disadvantages of metal additive manufacturing

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    In recent years metal additive manufacturing (AM) has been present in different applications, which has increased the need for many investigations. The purpose of this research is to present opportunities and problems of metal AM by presenting some case studies implemented in practice. The presentation starts with the brief revue of AM technology and materials used and continue with analyses of two cases of parts produced with metal AM technology. Finally, current trends including the advantages and disadvantages of implementing metal AM in the industrial sector will be discussed

    Design of a Cattle-Health-Monitoring System Using Microservices and IoT Devices

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    This article proposes a new concept of microservice-based architecture for the future of distributed systems. This architecture is a bridge between Internet-of-Things (IoT) devices and applications that are used to monitor cattle health in real time for the physical and health parameters of cattle, where microservice architecture is introduced that enables this form of monitoring. Within this architecture, machine-learning algorithms were used to predict cattle health and inform farmers about the health of each cattle in real time. Within this architecture, six microservices were proposed that had the tasks of receiving, processing, and sending data upon request. In addition, within the six microservices, a microservice was developed for the prediction of cattle health using algorithms from machine learning using the LightGBM algorithm. Through this algorithm, it is possible to determine the percentage value of the health of each head of cattle in the moment, based on the parameters that are sent from the mobile node. If health problems are identified in the cattle, the architecture notifies the farmer in real time about the problems that the cattle have. Based on the proposed solution, farmers will have 24 h online access to monitor the following parameters for each head of cattle: body temperature, heart rate, humidity, and position

    Off-Line Part Preparation for Laser Powder Bed Fusion Production

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    There are constant improvements in recent years in different manufacturing technologies. One of them is additive manufacturing (AM), specifically metal AM category, laser powder bed fusion (L-PBF). Despite the high range of freedom in design and capability for producing complex parts with this technology, there is a need for the comprehensive study of preparing the parts for production, taking into consideration orientation, and support generation. In this research, the selected parts for investigation have different shapes and are tested in different orientation angles. After the orientation optimization based on three factors: build time, supports volume, and distortion tendency, the optimal solutions for support generation for particular parts were selected. The aim of the work has been to optimize the part preparation based on factors that are important for technical and economic aspects. Further work as a more comprehensive study should employ the simulation analysis (macroscale and mesoscale) as the input for the preparation of the part for L-PBF production

    3D Digital Measurement of Dimensions, Displacements, and Deformations of the Parts

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    The 3D digital measurement is commonly used nowadays when parts are with complex geometry, and fast development is required. This comes also from constant technological improvements of devices like 3D scanners. However, the use of them for particular applications needs research that shows the wide range of usability. The purpose of this study has to do with better understanding of the measurement of dimensions, displacements, and deformations of the parts using non-contact techniques, which are elaborated with the case studies for each investigation. Base on the presented research, we see the approach of using the 3D scanning technique for several applications. From a general point of view, we conclude that the use of 3D digital measurement is a useful and flexible methodology for different parts, shown by the presented work. Future research should deal with improvements that are required in terms of the integrated measurement approach