631 research outputs found

    Hybrid Beamforming via the Kronecker Decomposition for the Millimeter-Wave Massive MIMO Systems

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    Despite its promising performance gain, the realization of mmWave massive MIMO still faces several practical challenges. In particular, implementing massive MIMO in the digital domain requires hundreds of RF chains matching the number of antennas. Furthermore, designing these components to operate at the mmWave frequencies is challenging and costly. These motivated the recent development of hybrid-beamforming where MIMO processing is divided for separate implementation in the analog and digital domains, called the analog and digital beamforming, respectively. Analog beamforming using a phase array introduces uni-modulus constraints on the beamforming coefficients, rendering the conventional MIMO techniques unsuitable and call for new designs. In this paper, we present a systematic design framework for hybrid beamforming for multi-cell multiuser massive MIMO systems over mmWave channels characterized by sparse propagation paths. The framework relies on the decomposition of analog beamforming vectors and path observation vectors into Kronecker products of factors being uni-modulus vectors. Exploiting properties of Kronecker mixed products, different factors of the analog beamformer are designed for either nulling interference paths or coherently combining data paths. Furthermore, a channel estimation scheme is designed for enabling the proposed hybrid beamforming. The scheme estimates the AoA of data and interference paths by analog beam scanning and data-path gains by analog beam steering. The performance of the channel estimation scheme is analyzed. In particular, the AoA spectrum resulting from beam scanning, which displays the magnitude distribution of paths over the AoA range, is derived in closed-form. It is shown that the inter-cell interference level diminishes inversely with the array size, the square root of pilot sequence length and the spatial separation between paths.Comment: Submitted to IEEE JSAC Special Issue on Millimeter Wave Communications for Future Mobile Networks, minor revisio

    The Application of Exemplarist Moral Theory and Problem-Based Learning in the Course of Structural Mechanics

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    Structural mechanics is an important basic course for undergraduates majoring in civil engineering. However, due to the difficulty and extent of the content, students are often not able to master the course. Problem-based learning is an excellent way of teaching engineering, and character education can improve students’ performance. This study explores the combined application of problem-based learning and exemplarist moral theory. In this model, students analyze the structure and force of buildings, and they learn about the historical stories behind them. In this way, students improve their morality, civility, performance, and intellect. In character education, the use of case studies and examples can increase students’ interest in the course, improve classroom participation, enrich teaching connotations, and strengthen students’ understanding of basic concepts and their ability to memorize them

    EeE\otimes e Jahn-Teller Effect in C703C_{70}^{3-} Systems

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    The electron-phonon interaction in C70C_{70} anions is studied by making use of a lattice relaxation approach. We find there exists a Jahn-Teller effect in C703C_{70}^{3-} system, due to an extra electron being doped to the double degenerate E1E_{1}^{''} state. As a result of this effect, the original D5hD_{5h} symmetry of the ground state becomes unstable, which causes distortion of the lattice configuration. The only symmetry maintained in the final state of the relaxation is the xyx-y plane reflection symmetry. We further find that besides the Jahn-Teller active A1,A2,E2A_{1}^{'}, A_{2}^{'}, E_{2}^{'} modes, the non-Jahn-Teller active E1E_{1}^{'} vibrations also contribute to the relaxation process, which come from the nonlinear effect and are two or three orders smaller than those of the Jahn-Teller active modes. We suggest that the C703C_{70}^{3-} molecule is a promising Berry Phase candidate in this effective EeE \otimes e Jahn-Teller system.Comment: 14 pages, to appear in Mod. Phys. Lett. B (1997

    Thalamocortical relationship in epileptic patients with generalized spike and wave discharges — A multimodal neuroimaging study

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    AbstractUnlike focal or partial epilepsy, which has a confined range of influence, idiopathic generalized epilepsy (IGE) often affects the whole or a larger portion of the brain without obvious, known cause. It is important to understand the underlying network which generates epileptic activity and through which epileptic activity propagates. The aim of the present study was to investigate the thalamocortical relationship using non-invasive imaging modalities in a group of IGE patients. We specifically investigated the roles of the mediodorsal nuclei in the thalami and the medial frontal cortex in generating and spreading IGE activities. We hypothesized that the connectivity between these two structures is key in understanding the generation and propagation of epileptic activity in brains affected by IGE. Using three imaging techniques of EEG, fMRI and EEG-informed fMRI, we identified important players in generation and propagation of generalized spike-and-wave discharges (GSWDs). EEG-informed fMRI suggested multiple regions including the medial frontal area near to the anterior cingulate cortex, mediodorsal nuclei of the thalamus, caudate nucleus among others that related to the GSWDs. The subsequent seed-based fMRI analysis revealed a reciprocal cortical and bi-thalamic functional connection. Through EEG-based Granger Causality analysis using (DTF) and adaptive DTF, within the reciprocal thalamocortical circuitry, thalamus seems to serve as a stronger source in driving cortical activity from initiation to the propagation of a GSWD. Such connectivity change starts before the GSWDs and continues till the end of the slow wave discharge. Thalamus, especially the mediodorsal nuclei, may serve as potential targets for deep brain stimulation to provide more effective treatment options for patients with drug-resistant generalized epilepsy

    A Novel Mutation in CRYBB1 Associated with Congenital Cataract-Microcornea Syndrome: The p.Ser129Arg Mutation Destabilizes the βB1/βA3-crystallin Heteromer But Not the βB1-crystallin Homomer

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    Congenital cataract-microcornea syndrome (CCMC) is a clinically and genetically heterogeneous condition characterized by lens opacities and microcornea. It appears as a distinct phenotype of heritable congenital cataract. Here we report a large Chinese family with autosomal dominant congenital cataract and microcornea. Evidence for linkage was detected at marker D22S1167 (LOD score [Z]=4.49, recombination fraction [θ]=0.0), which closely flanks the â-crystallin gene cluster locus. Direct sequencing of the candidate âB1-crystallin gene (CRYBB1) revealed a c.387C>A transversion in exon 4, which cosegregated with the disease in the family and resulted in the substitution of serine by arginine at codon 129 (p.Ser129Arg). A comparison of the biophysical properties of the recombinant β-crystallins revealed that the mutation impaired the structures of both βB1-crystallin homomer and βB1/βA3-crystallin heteromer. More importantly, the mutation significantly decreased the thermal stability of βB1/βA3-crystallin but not βB1-crystallin. These findings highlight the importance of protein-protein interactions among β-crystallins in maintaining lens transparency, and provide a novel insight into the molecular mechanism underlying the pathogenesis of human CCMC. © 2011 Wiley-Liss, Inc

    Grüneisen parameter of hcp‐Fe to 171 GPa

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    We measured the phonon density of states (DOS) of hexagonal close-packed iron (ɛ-Fe) with high statistical quality using nuclear resonant inelastic X-ray scattering and in situ X-ray diffraction experiments between pressures of 30 GPa and 171 GPa and at 300 K, with a neon pressure medium up to 69 GPa. The shape of the phonon DOS remained similar at all compression points, while the maximum (cutoff) energy increased regularly with decreasing volume. As a result, we present a generalized scaling law to describe the volume dependence of ɛ-Fe's total phonon DOS which, in turn, is directly related to the ambient temperature vibrational Grüneisen parameter (γ_(vib)). Fitting our individual γ_(vib) data points with γ_(vib) = γ_(vib),0(V/V0)^q, a common parameterization, we found an ambient pressure γ_(vib,0) = 2.0 ± 0.1 for the range q = 0.8 to 1.2. We also determined the Debye sound velocity (v_D) from the low-energy region of the phonon DOS and our in situ measured volumes, and used the volume dependence of v_D to determine the commonly discussed Debye Grüneisen parameter (γ_D). Comparing our γ_(vib)(V) and γ_D(V), we found γ_(vib) to be ∼10% larger than γ_D at any given volume. Finally, applying our γ_(vib)(V) to a Mie-Grüneisen type relationship and an approximate form of the empirical Lindemann melting criterion, we predict the vibrational thermal pressure and estimate the high-pressure melting behavior of ɛ-Fe at Earth's core pressures