506 research outputs found

    Surprisingly Little O VI Emission Arises in the Local Bubble

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    This paper reports the first study of the O VI resonance line emission (1032, 1038 Angstroms) originating in the Local Bubble (or Local Hot Bubble) surrounding the solar neighborhood. In spite of the fact that O VI absorption within the Local Bubble has been observed, no resonance line emission was detected during our 230 ksec Far Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Explorer observation toward a ``shadowing'' filament in the southern Galactic hemisphere. As a result, tight 2 sigma upper limits are set on the intensities in the 1032 and 1038 Angstrom emission lines: 500 and 530 photons cm^{-2} s^{-1} sr^{-1}, respectively. These values place strict constraints on models and simulations. They suggest that the O VI-bearing plasma and the X-ray emissive plasma reside in distinct regions of the Local Bubble and are not mixed in a single plasma, whether in equilibrium with T ~ 10^6 K or highly overionized with T ~ 4 to 6 x 10^4 K. If the line of sight intersects multiple cool clouds within the Local Bubble, then the results also suggest that hot/cool transition zones differ from those in current simulations. With these intensity upper limits, we establish limits on the electron density, thermal pressure, pathlength, and cooling timescale of the O VI-bearing plasma in the Local Bubble. Furthermore, the intensity of O VI resonance line doublet photons originating in the Galactic thick disk and halo is determined (3500 to 4300 photons cm^{-2} s^{-1} sr^{-1}), and the electron density, thermal pressure, pathlength, and cooling timescale of its O VI-bearing plasma are calculated. The pressure in the Galactic halo's O VI-bearing plasma (3100 to 3800 K cm^{-3}) agrees with model predictions for the total pressure in the thick disk/lower halo. We also report the results of searches for other emission lines.Comment: accepted by ApJ, scheduled for May 2003, replacement astro-ph submission corrects typos and grammatical errors in original versio

    First optical images of circumstellar dust surrounding the debris disk candidate HD 32297

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    Near-infrared imaging with the Hubble Space Telescope recently revealed a circumstellar dust disk around the A star HD 32297. Dust scattered light is detected as far as 400 AU radius and the linear morphology is consistent with a disk ~10 degrees away from an edge-on orientation. Here we present the first optical images that show the dust scattered light morphology from 560 to 1680 AU radius. The position angle of the putative disk midplane diverges by 31 degrees and the color of dust scattering is most likely blue. We associate HD 32297 with a wall of interstellar gas and the enigmatic region south of the Taurus molecular cloud. We propose that the extreme asymmetries and blue disk color originate from a collision with a clump of interstellar material as HD 32297 moves southward, and discuss evidence consistent with an age of 30 Myr or younger.Comment: 5 pages; Accepted for publication in ApJ Letter

    Evidence for deuterium astration in the planetary nebula Sh2-216?

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    We present FUSE observations of the line of sight to WD0439+466 (LS V +46 21), the central star of the old planetary nebula Sh2-216. The FUSE data shows absorption by many interstellar and stellar lines, in particular D I, H2 (J = 0 - 9), HD (J = 0 - 1), and CO. Many other stellar and ISM lines are detected in the STIS E140M HST spectra of this sightline, which we use to determine N(HI). We derive, for the neutral gas, D/H=(0.76 +0.12 -0.11)E-5, O/H = (0.89 +0.15 -0.11)E-4 and N/H = (3.24 +0.61-0.55)E-5. We argue that most of the gas along this sightline is associated with the planetary nebula. The low D/H ratio is likely the result of this gas being processed through the star (astrated) but not mixed with the ISM. This would be the first time that the D/H ratio has been measured in predominantly astrated gas. The O/H and N/H ratios derived here are lower than typical values measured in other planetary nebulae likely due to unaccounted for ionization corrections.Comment: Accepted for publication is ApJ

    FUSE Detection of Galactic OVI Emission in the Halo above the Perseus Arm

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    Background observations obtained with the Far Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Explorer (FUSE) toward l=95.4, b=36.1 show OVI 1032,1038 in emission. This sight line probes a region of stronger-than-average soft X-ray emission in the direction of high-velocity cloud Complex C above a part of the disk where Halpha filaments rise into the halo. The OVI intensities, 1600+/-300 ph/s/cm^2/sr (1032A) and 800+/-300 ph/s/cm^2/sr (1038A), are the lowest detected in emission in the Milky Way to date. A second sight line nearby (l=99.3, b=43.3) also shows OVI 1032 emission, but with too low a signal-to-noise ratio to obtain reliable measurements. The measured intensities, velocities, and FWHMs of the OVI doublet and the CII* line at 1037A are consistent with a model in which the observed emission is produced in the Galactic halo by hot gas ejected by supernovae in the Perseus arm. An association of the observed gas with Complex C appears unlikely.Comment: accepted for publication in ApJL, 11 pages including 3 figure

    Microstructure of the Local Interstellar Cloud and the Identification of the Hyades Cloud

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    We analyze high-resolution UV spectra of the Mg II h and k lines for 18 members of the Hyades Cluster to study inhomogeneity along these proximate lines of sight. The observations were taken by the Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph (STIS) instrument on board the Hubble Space Telescope (HST). Three distinct velocity components are observed. All 18 lines of sight show absorption by the Local Interstellar Cloud (LIC), ten stars show absorption by an additional cloud, which we name the Hyades Cloud, and one star exhibits a third absorption component. The LIC absorption is observed at a lower radial velocity than predicted by the LIC velocity vector derived by Lallement & Bertin (1992) and Lallement et al. (1995), (v(predicted LIC) - v(observed LIC) = 2.9 +/- 0.7 km/s), which may indicate a compression or deceleration at the leading edge of the LIC. We propose an extention of the Hyades Cloud boundary based on previous HST observations of other stars in the general vicinity of the Hyades, as well as ground-based Ca II observations. We present our fits of the interstellar parameters for each absorption component. The availability of 18 similar lines of sight provides an excellent opportunity to study the inhomogeneity of the warm, partially ionized local interstellar medium (LISM). We find that these structures are roughly homogeneous. The measured Mg II column densities do not vary by more than a factor of 2 for angular separations of < 8 degrees, which at the outer edge of the LIC correspond to physical separations of < 0.6 pc.Comment: 35 pages, 11 figures, AASTEX v.5.0 plus EPSF extensions in mkfig.sty; accepted by Ap

    Discovery of Reflection Nebulosity Around Five Vega-like Stars

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    Coronagraphic optical observations of six Vega-like stars reveal reflection nebulosities, five of which were previously unknown. The nebulosities illuminated by HD 4881, HD 23362, HD 23680, HD 26676, and HD 49662 resemble that of the Pleiades, indicating an interstellar origin for dust grains. The reflection nebulosity around HD 123160 has a double-arm morphology, but no disk-like feature is seen as close as 2.5 arcsec from the star in K-band adaptive optics data. We demonstrate that uniform density dust clouds surrounding HD 23362, HD 23680 and HD 123160 can account for the observed 12-100 micron spectral energy distributions. For HD 4881, HD 26676, and HD 49662 an additional emission source, such as from a circumstellar disk or non-equilibrium grain heating, is required to fit the 12-25 micron data. These results indicate that in some cases, particularly for Vega-like stars located beyond the Local Bubble (>100 pc), the dust responsible for excess thermal emission may originate from the interstellar medium rather than from a planetary debris system.Comment: The Astrophysical Journal, in press for March, 2002 (32 pages, 13 figures

    An XMM-Newton Observation of the Local Bubble Using a Shadowing Filament in the Southern Galactic Hemisphere

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    We present an analysis of the X-ray spectrum of the Local Bubble, obtained by simultaneously analyzing spectra from two XMM-Newton pointings on and off an absorbing filament in the Southern galactic hemisphere (b ~ -45 deg). We use the difference in the Galactic column density in these two directions to deduce the contributions of the unabsorbed foreground emission due to the Local Bubble, and the absorbed emission from the Galactic halo and the extragalactic background. We find the Local Bubble emission is consistent with emission from a plasma in collisional ionization equilibrium with a temperature logTLB=6.060.04+0.02\log T_{LB} = 6.06^{+0.02}_{-0.04} and an emission measure of 0.018 cm^{-6} pc. Our measured temperature is in good agreement with values obtained from ROSAT All-Sky Survey data, but is lower than that measured by other recent XMM-Newton observations of the Local Bubble, which find logTLB6.2\log T_{LB} \approx 6.2 (although for some of these observations it is possible that the foreground emission is contaminated by non-Local Bubble emission from Loop I). The higher temperature observed towards other directions is inconsistent with our data, when combined with a FUSE measurement of the Galactic halo O VI intensity. This therefore suggests that the Local Bubble is thermally anisotropic. Our data are unable to rule out a non-equilibrium model in which the plasma is underionized. However, an overionized recombining plasma model, while observationally acceptable for certain densities and temperatures, generally gives an implausibly young age for the Local Bubble (\la 6 \times 10^5 yr).Comment: Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal. 16 pages, 9 figure

    Chandra Detection of Local OVII He-alpha Absorption Along the Sight Line Toward 3C 273

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    With the Chandra X-ray Telescope we have detected a zero-redshift OVII He-alpha absorption line along the sight line toward 3C 273. This line detection is highly significant, with a signal-to-noise ratio (S/N) of 6.4. We explore two models, which associate this line with (1) the intragroup gas in the Local Group, and (2) the hot halo gas in the vicinity of our Milky Way. In the first model, we find that for a standard beta-model of the gas distribution in the Local Group, the temperature is constrained to 2.3e5 < T < 1.2e6 K and the baryon overdensity is delta_b ~ 100; both results are consistent with the properties of the so-called warm-hot intergalactic medium (WHIM) predicted by cosmological simulations. We also find the core radius of the gas distribution should be > 100 kpc. In the second model we discuss several possible Galactic origins for the absorption, and we comment on the possibility that the OVII is associated with the OVI absorption observed in this direction by the Far Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Explorer (FUSE). We find that there is a strong indication that collisional ionization is the dominant ionization source for the observed absorption.Comment: 17 pages, 3 figures. Accepted for publication in ApJ Letter

    On the MBM12 Young Association

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    I present a comprehensive study of the MBM12 young association (MBM12A). By combining infrared (IR) photometry from the Two-Micron All-Sky Survey (2MASS) survey with new optical imaging and spectroscopy, I have performed a census of the MBM12A membership that is complete to 0.03 Msun (H~15) for a 1.75deg X 1.4deg field encompassing the MBM12 cloud. I find five new members with masses of 0.1-0.4 Msun and a few additional candidates that have not been observed spectroscopically. From an analysis of optical and IR photometry for stars in the direction of MBM12, I identify M dwarfs in the foreground and background of the cloud. By comparing the magnitudes of these stars to those of local field dwarfs, I arrive at a distance modulus 7.2+/-0.5 (275 pc) to the MBM12 cloud; it is not the nearest molecular cloud and is not inside the local bubble of hot ionized gas as had been implied by previous distance estimates of 50-100 pc. I have also used Li strengths and H-R diagrams to constrain the absolute and relative ages of MBM12A and other young populations; these data indicate ages of 2 +3/-1 Myr for MBM12A and 10 Myr for the TW Hya and Eta Cha associations. MBM12A may be a slightly evolved version of the aggregates of young stars within the Taurus dark clouds (~1 Myr) near the age of the IC 348 cluster (~2 Myr).Comment: to be published in The Astrophysical Journal, 41 pages, 14 figures, also found at http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/sfgroup/preprints.htm

    The Deuterium, Oxygen, and Nitrogen Abundance Toward LSE 44

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    We present measurements of the column densities of interstellar DI, OI, NI, and H2 made with FUSE, and of HI made with IUE toward the sdO star LSE 44, at a distance of 554+/-66 pc. This target is among the seven most distant Galactic sight lines for which these abundance ratios have been measured. The column densities were estimated by profile fitting and curve of growth analyses. We find D/H = (2.24 +1.39 -1.32)E-5, D/O = (1.99 +1.30 -0.67)E-2, D/N = (2.75 +1.19 -0.89)E-1, and O/H = (1.13 +0.96 -0.71)E-3 (2 sigma). Of the most distant Galactic sight lines for which the deuterium abundance has been measured LSE 44 is one of the few with D/H higher than the Local Bubble value, but D/O toward all these targets is below the Local Bubble value and more uniform than the D/H distribution. (Abstract abridged.)Comment: 20 pages, including 9 figures. Accepted for publication in Ap