98 research outputs found

    Ultrafast Thermal Modification of Strong Coupling in an Organic Microcavity

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    There is growing interest in using strongly coupled organic microcavities to tune molecular dynamics, including the electronic and vibrational properties of molecules. However, very little attention has been paid to the utility of cavity polaritons as sensors for out-of-equilibrium phenomena, including thermal excitations. Here, we demonstrate that non-resonant infrared excitation of an organic microcavity system induces a transient response in the visible spectral range near the cavity polariton resonances. We show how these optical response can be understood in terms of ultrafast heating of electrons in the metal cavity mirror, which modifies the effective refractive index and subsequently the strong coupling conditions. The temporal dynamics of the microcavity are strictly determined by carriers in the metal, including the cooling of electrons via electron-phonon coupling and excitation of propagating coherent acoustic modes in the lattice. We rule out multiphoton excitation processes and verify that no real polariton population exists despite their strong transient features. These results suggest the promise of cavity polaritons as sensitive probes of non-equilibrium phenomena

    Optimizing the sensitivity of high repetition rate broadband transient optical spectroscopy with modified shot-to-shot detection

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    A major limitation of transient optical spectroscopy is that relatively high laser fluences are required to enable broadband, multichannel detection with acceptable signal-to-noise levels. Under typical experimental conditions, many condensed phase and nanoscale materials exhibit fluence dependent dynamics, including higher order effects such as carrier-carrier annihilation. With the proliferation of commercial laser systems, offering both high repetition rates and high pulse energies, has come new opportunities for high sensitivity pump-probe measurements at low pump fluences. However, experimental considerations needed to fully leverage the statistical advantage of these laser systems has not been fully described. Here we demonstrate a high repetition rate, broadband transient spectrometer capable of multichannel shot-to-shot detection at 90 kHz. Importantly, we find that several high-speed cameras exhibit a time-domain fixed pattern noise resulting from interleaved analog-to-digital converters that is particularly detrimental to the conventional "ON/OFF" modulation scheme used in pump-probe spectroscopy. Using a modified modulation and data processing scheme, we achieve a noise level of 10−510^{-5} OD for an integration time of four seconds, an order of magnitude lower than for commercial 1 kHz transient spectrometers. We leverage the high sensitivity of this system to measure the differential transmission of monolayer graphene at low pump fluence. We show that signals on the order of 10−610^{-6} OD can be measured, enabling a new data acquisition regime for low dimensional materials

    Structural patterns at all scales in a nonmetallic chiral Au_133(SR)_52 nanoparticle

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    Structural ordering is widely present in molecules and materials. However, the organization of molecules on the curved surface of nanoparticles is still the least understood owing to the major limitations of the current surface characterization tools. By the merits of x-ray crystallography, we reveal the structural ordering at all scales in a super robust 133–gold atom nanoparticle protected by 52 thiolate ligands, which is manifested in self-assembled hierarchical patterns starting from the metal core to the interfacial –S–Au–S– ladder-like helical “stripes” and further to the “swirls” of carbon tails. These complex surface patterns have not been observed in the smaller nanoparticles. We further demonstrate that the Au133(SR)52 nanoparticle exhibits nonmetallic features in optical and electron dynamics measurements. Our work uncovers the elegant self-organization strategies in assembling a highly robust nanoparticle and provides a conceptual advance in scientific understanding of pattern structures

    Measurement of the Optical Conductivity of Graphene

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    Optical reflectivity and transmission measurements over photon energies between 0.2 and 1.2 eV were performed on single-crystal graphene samples on a transparent SiO2 substrate. For photon energies above 0.5 eV, graphene yielded a spectrally flat optical absorbance of (2.3 +/- 0.2)%. This result is in agreement with a constant absorbance of pi*alpha, or a sheet conductivity of pi*e^2/2h, predicted within a model of non-interacting massless Dirac Fermions. This simple result breaks down at lower photon energies, where both spectral and sample-to-sample variations were observed. This "non-universal" behavior is explained by including the effects of doping and finite temperature, as well as contributions from intraband transitions.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figures, Phys. Rev. Lett. 101, 196405 (2008

    Singlet fission in a hexacene dimer: energetics dictate dynamics

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    Singlet fission (SF) is an exciton multiplication process with the potential to raise the efficiency limit of single junction solar cells from 33% to up to 45%. Most chromophores generally undergo SF as solid-state crystals. However, when such molecules are covalently coupled, the dimers can be used as model systems to study fundamental photophysical dynamics where a singlet exciton splits into two triplet excitons within individual molecules. Here we report the synthesis and photophysical characterization of singlet fission of a hexacene dimer. Comparing the hexacene dimer to analogous tetracene and pentacene dimers reveals that excess exoergicity slows down singlet fission, similar to what is observed in molecular crystals. Conversely, the lower triplet energy of hexacene results in an increase in the rate of triplet pair recombination, following the energy gap law for radiationless transitions. These results point to design rules for singlet fission chromophores: the energy gap between singlet and triplet pair should be minimal, and the gap between triplet pair and ground state should be large

    Annihilator dimers enhance triplet fusion upconversion

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    Optical upconversion is a net process by which two low energy photons are converted into one higher energy photon. There is vast potential to exploit upconversion in applications ranging from solar energy and biological imaging to data storage and photocatalysis. Here, we link two upconverting chromophores together to synthesize a series of novel tetracene dimers for use as annihilators. When compared with the monomer annihilator, TIPS–tetracene, the dimers yield a strong enhancement in the triplet fusion process, also known as triplet–triplet annihilation, as demonstrated via a large increase in upconversion efficiency and an order of magnitude reduction of the threshold power for maximum yield. Along with the ongoing rapid improvements to sensitizer materials, the dimerization improvements demonstrated here open the way to a wide variety of emerging upconversion applications

    Direct writing of room temperature polariton condensate lattice by top-down approach

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    Realizing lattices of exciton polariton condensates has been of much interest owing to the potential of such systems to realize analog Hamiltonian simulators and physical computing architectures. Prior work on polariton condensate lattices has primarily been on GaAs-based systems, with the recent advent of organic molecules and perovskite systems allowing room-temperature operation. However, in most of these room temperature systems, the lattices are defined using a bottom-up approach by patterning the bottom mirrors, significantly limiting the types of lattices and refractive index contrast that can be realized. Here, we report a direct write approach that uses a Focused Ion Beam (FIB) to etch 2D lattice into a planar microcavity. Such etching of the cavity allows for realizing high refractive index contrast lattices. We realize the polariton condensate lattice using the highly photostable host-guest Frenkel excitons of an organic dye small molecular ionic lattice (SMILES).1,2 The lattice structures are defined on a planar microcavity embedded with SMILES using FIB, allowing the realization of lattices with different geometries, including defect sites on demand. The band structure of the lattice and the emergence of condensation are imaged using momentum-resolved spectroscopy. The present approach allows us to study periodic, quasi-periodic, and disordered polariton condensate lattices at room temperature using a top-down approach without compromising on the quantum yield of the organic excitonic material embedded in the cavity
