30 research outputs found

    Trajectory optimization based on differential inclusion

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    A method for generating finite-dimensional approximations to the solutions of optimal control problems is introduced. By employing a description of the dynamical system in terms of its attainable sets in favor of using differential equations, the controls are completely eliminated from the system model. Besides reducing the dimensionality of the discretized problem compared to state-of-the-art collocation methods, this approach also alleviates the search for initial guesses from where standard gradient search methods are able to converge. The mechanics of the new method are illustrated on a simple double integrator problem. The performance of the new algorithm is demonstrated on a 1-D rocket ascent problem ('Goddard Problem') in presence of a dynamic pressure constraint

    Optimal Control Problems with Switching Points

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    The main idea of this report is to give an overview of the problems and difficulties that arise in solving optimal control problems with switching points. A brief discussion of existing optimality conditions is given and a numerical approach for solving the multipoint boundary value problems associated with the first-order necessary conditions of optimal control is presented. Two real-life aerospace optimization problems are treated explicitly. These are altitude maximization for a sounding rocket (Goddard Problem) in the presence of a dynamic pressure limit, and range maximization for a supersonic aircraft flying in the vertical, also in the presence of a dynamic pressure limit. In the second problem singular control appears along arcs with active dynamic pressure limit, which in the context of optimal control, represents a first-order state inequality constraint. An extension of the Generalized Legendre-Clebsch Condition to the case of singular control along state/control constrained arcs is presented and is applied to the aircraft range maximization problem stated above. A contribution to the field of Jacobi Necessary Conditions is made by giving a new proof for the non-optimality of conjugate paths in the Accessory Minimum Problem. Because of its simple and explicit character, the new proof may provide the basis for an extension of Jacobi's Necessary Condition to the case of the trajectories with interior point constraints. Finally, the result that touch points cannot occur for first-order state inequality constraints is extended to the case of vector valued control functions

    Accurate Determination of Comet and Asteroid Orbits Leading to Collision With Earth

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    Movements of the celestial bodies in our solar system inspired Isaac Newton to work out his profound laws of gravitation and motion; with one or two notable exceptions, all of those objects move as Newton said they would. But normally harmonious orbital motion is accompanied by the risk of collision, which can be cataclysmic. The Earth s moon is thought to have been produced by such an event, and we recently witnessed magnificent bombardments of Jupiter by several pieces of what was once Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9. Other comets or asteroids may have met the Earth with such violence that dinosaurs and other forms of life became extinct; it is this possibility that causes us to ask how the human species might avoid a similar catastrophe, and the answer requires a thorough understanding of orbital motion. The two red square flags with black square centers displayed are internationally recognized as a warning of an impending hurricane. Mariners and coastal residents who know the meaning of this symbol and the signs evident in the sky and ocean can act in advance to try to protect lives and property; someone who is unfamiliar with the warning signs or chooses to ignore them is in much greater jeopardy. Although collisions between Earth and large comets or asteroids occur much less frequently than landfall of a hurricane, it is imperative that we learn to identify the harbingers of such collisions by careful examination of an object s path. An accurate determination of the orbit of a comet or asteroid is necessary in order to know if, when, and where on the Earth s surface a collision will occur. Generally speaking, the longer the warning time, the better the chance of being able to plan and execute action to prevent a collision. The more accurate the determination of an orbit, the less likely such action will be wasted effort or, what is worse, an effort that increases rather than decreases the probability of a collision. Conditions necessary for a collision to occur are discussed, and warning times for long-period comets and near-Earth asteroids are presented

    Comet/Asteroid Protection System (CAPS): Preliminary Space-Based Concept and Study Results

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    There exists an infrequent, but significant hazard to life and property due to impacting asteroids and comets. There is currently no specific search for long-period comets, smaller near-Earth asteroids, or smaller short-period comets. These objects represent a threat with potentially little or no warning time using conventional ground-based telescopes. These planetary bodies also represent a significant resource for commercial exploitation, long-term sustained space exploration, and scientific research. The Comet/Asteroid Protection System (CAPS) is a future space-based system concept that provides permanent, continuous asteroid and comet monitoring, and rapid, controlled modification of the orbital trajectories of selected bodies. CAPS would expand the current detection effort to include long-period comets, as well as small asteroids and short-period comets capable of regional destruction. A space-based detection system, despite being more costly and complex than Earth-based initiatives, is the most promising way of expanding the range of detectable objects, and surveying the entire celestial sky on a regular basis. CAPS would provide an orbit modification system capable of diverting kilometer class objects, and modifying the orbits of smaller asteroids for impact defense and resource utilization. This Technical Memorandum provides a compilation of key related topics and analyses performed during the CAPS study, which was performed under the Revolutionary Aerospace Systems Concepts (RASC) program, and discusses technologies that could enable the implementation of this future system

    Stability Analysis for Constrained Principal Axis Slew Maneuvers,” The

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    seywald�scb2.larc.nasa.gov This paper addresses the problem of reorienting a rigid spacecraft from arbitrary initial conditions to prescribed �nal conditions with zero angular veloc� ity. The control law analyzed is based on quaternion feedback and leaves the user to choose two gains as functions of position � angular rate � and time. For arbitrary initial states � conditions on the controller gains are identi�ed that guarantee global asymptotic stability. For the special case of rest�to�rest reori� entations � the control law reduces to earlier results involving a principal axis rotation. The paper also addresses slew rate constraints � both � in terms of the two and in�nity norms

    Stability Analysis for Constrained Principal Axis Slew Maneuvers

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    This paper addresses the problem of reorienting a rigid spacecraft from arbitrary initial conditions to prescribed final conditions with zero angular velocity. The control law analyzed is based on quaternion feedback and leaves the user to choose two gains as functions of position, angular rate, and time. For arbitrary initial states, conditions on the controller gains are identified that guarantee global asymptotic stability. For the special case of rest-to-rest reorientations, the control law reduces to earlier results involving a principal axis rotation. The paper also addresses slew rate constraints, both, in terms of the two and infinity norms

    Stability Analysis For Constrained Principal Axis Slew Maneuvers

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    This paper addresses the problem of reorienting a rigid spacecraft from arbitrary initial conditions to prescribed final conditions with zero angular velocity. The control law analyzed is based on quaternion feedback and leaves the user to choose two gains as functions of position, angular rate, and time. For arbitrary initial states, conditions on the controller gains are identified that guarantee global asymptotic stability. For the special case of rest-to-rest reorientations, the control law reduces to earlier results involving a principal axis rotation. The paper also addresses slew rate constraints, both, in terms of the two and infinity norms. Introduction and Literature Survey Spacecraft reorientation problems have been treated extensively in the technical literature [1]- [8]. Open-loop approaches enable the calculation of high-precision solutions that minimize a userprescribed cost index such as fuel consumption or maneuver time. However, these approaches usually involve itera..