22 research outputs found

    Copper Heat Exchanger for the External Auxiliary Bus-Bars Routing Line in the LHC Insertion Regions

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    The corrector magnets and the main quadrupoles of the LHC dispersion suppressors are powered by a special superconducting line (called auxiliary bus-bars line N), external to the cold mass and housed in a 50 mm diameter stainless steel tube fixed to the cold mass. As the line is periodically connected to the cold mass, the same gaseous and liquid helium cools both the magnets and the line. The final sub-cooling process (from around 4.5 K down to 1.9 K) consists in the phase transformation from liquid to superfluid helium. Heat is extracted from the line through the magnets via their point of junction. In dispersion suppressor zones, approximately 40 m long, the sub-cooling of the line is slightly delayed with respect to the magnets. This might have an impact on the readiness of the accelerator for operation. In order to accelerate the process, a special heat exchanger has been designed. It is located in the middle of the dispersion suppressor portion of the line. Its main function consists in providing a local point of heat extraction, creating two additional lambda fronts that propagate in opposite directions towards the extremities of the line. Both the numerical model and the sub-cooling analysis are presented in the paper for different configurations of the line. The design, manufacturing and integration aspects of the heat exchanger are described

    Stability of the Horizontal Curvature of the LHC Cryodipoles During Cold Tests

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    The LHC will be composed of 1232 horizontally curved, 15 meter long, superconducting dipole magnets cooled at 1.9 K. They are supported within their vacuum vessel by three Glass Fiber Reinforced Epoxy (GFRE) support posts. Each cryodipole is individually cold tested at CERN before its installation and interconnection in the LHC 27 km circumference tunnel. As the magnet geometry under cryogenic operation is extremely important for the LHC machine aperture, a new method has been developed at CERN in order to monitor the magnet curvature change between warm and cold states. It enabled us to conclude that there is no permanent horizontal curvature change of the LHC dipole magnet between warm and cold states, although a systematic horizontal transient deformation during cool-down was detected. This deformation generates loads in the dipole supporting system; further investigation permitted us to infer this behavior to the asymmetric thermal contraction of the rigid magnet thermal shield during cool-down. Controlling the helium flow rate in the thermal shield of the cryomagnet enabled us to reduce the maximal deformation by a factor of approximately two, thus increasing significantly the mechanical safety margin of the supporting system during the CERN cold tests

    Long Term Stability of the LHC Superconducting Cryodipoles after Outdoor Storage

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    The main superconducting dipoles for the LHC are being stored outdoors for periods from a few weeks to several years after conditioning with dry nitrogen gas. Such a storage before installation in the 27 km circumference tunnel may affect not only the mechanical and cryogenic functionality of the cryodipoles but also their quench and field performance. A dedicated task force was established to study all aspects of long term behaviour of the stored cryodipoles, with particular emphasis on electrical and vacuum integrity, quench training behaviour, magnetic field quality, performance of the thermal insulation, mechanical stability of magnet shape and of the interface between cold mass and cryostat, degradation ofmaterials and welds. In particular, one specifically selected cryodipole stored outdoors for more than one year, was retested at cold. In addition, various tests have been carried out on the cryodipole assembly and on the most critical subcomponents to study aspects such as the hygrothermal behaviour of the supporting system and the possible oxidation of the Multi Layer Insulation reflective films. This paper summarizes the main investigations carried out and their results

    Improvement of the stability of the horizontal geometry of LHC cryodipoles when blocking the central support post

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    This note presents the validation of the improvement of the stability of the horizontal geometry of LHC cryodipoles when preventing the lower flange of the central support post from sliding transversally within the vacuum vessel (i.e. blocking the central support post) [1,2]. The effects of the SM18 cold tests, surface transport and external storage on the horizontal geometry of LHC cryodipoles, with and without the central support blocked, are studied and presented