14 research outputs found

    In Silico Analysis of Six Known Leishmania major Antigens and In Vitro Evaluation of Specific Epitopes Eliciting HLA-A2 Restricted CD8 T Cell Response

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    Leishmaniasis is currently a serious health as well as economic problem in underdeveloped and developing countries in Africa, Asia, the Near and Middle East, Central and South America and the Mediterranean region. Cutaneous leishmaniasis is highly endemic in Iran, remarkably in Isfahan, Fars, Khorasan, Khozestan and Kerman provinces. Since effective prevention is not available and current curative therapy is expensive, often poorly tolerated and not always effective, alternative therapies including vaccination against leishmaniasis are of priority to overcome the problem. Although Th1 dominant response is so far considered as a pre-requisite for the immune system to overcome the infection, CD8+ T cell response could also be considered as a potent arm of immune system fighting against intracellular Leishmania. Polytope vaccine strategy may open up a new way in vaccine design against leishmaniasis, since they act as a potent tool to stimulate multi-CD8 T cell responses. Clearly there is a substantial need to evaluate the promising epitopes from different proteins of Leishmania parasite species. Some new immunoinformatic tools are now available to speed up this process, and we have shown here that in silico prediction can effectively evaluate HLA class I-restricted epitopes out of Leishmania proteins

    Epidemiology of mental health problems in female students: A questionnaire survey

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    Mental health as a state of well-being can be affected by gender. The present work aims to examine the mental health status in female students and recognize its affecting factors. A cross-sectional study on female students of Payame-Noor University in West Azerbaijan, Iran, was conducted among 1632 students. Data collection tools were the demographic data and the General Health Questionnaires (GHQ-28). The results show that 51.5% of the population under study were healthy and 48.5% have had mental disorders. Based on the social effects on the mental health of students, the correlations between age (pΒ =Β 0.15), location (pΒ =Β 0.29) and parental education (pΒ =Β 0.34) with general health status were assessed and there were no significant differences between them. However, birth order (pΒ <Β 0.002), marital status (pΒ <Β 0.001) and family income (pΒ <Β 0.000) had significant differences with regard to mental health status. This study indicates that 43.6% of students are suspected to have mental and physical disorders, and the most effective factor is the socioeconomic condition. The strong correlation between birth order, marital status, and family income and mental health disorders suggests the necessity to pay more attention to all these issues in all at-risk students

    Dormant phase and multinuclear cells: Two key phenomena in early culture of murine bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells

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    Special features of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) have made them a popular tool in cell therapy and tissue engineering. Although mouse animal models and murine MSCs are common tools in this field, our understanding of the effect of in vitro expansion on the behavior of these cells is poor and controversial. In addition, in comparison to human, isolation of MSCs from mouse has been reported to be more difficult and some unexplained features such as heterogeneity and slow growth rate in the culture of these cells have been observed. Here we followed mouse bone marrow MSCs for >1 year after isolation and examined the effect of expansion on changes in morphology, growth kinetics, plasticity, and chromosomal structure during in vitro culture. Shortly after isolation, the growth rate of the cells decreased until they stopped dividing and entered a dormant state. In this state the size of the cells increased and they became multinuclear. These large multinuclear cells then gave origin to small mononuclear cells, which after a while resumed proliferation and could be expanded immortally. The immortal cells had diminished plasticity and were aneuploid but could not form tumors in nude mice. These results suggest that mouse bone marrow MSCs bear several modifications when expanded in vitro, and therefore, the interpretation of the data obtained with these cells should be done more cautiously

    HLA-A2 screening by one step PCR.

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    <p>One step PCR-SSP method was used to screen for HLA-A2 positives among all samples included (recovered individuals and healthy donors). Lane 1 shows 100 bp DNA ladder marker, lane 4 shows the PCR reaction of T2 cells as positive control, lane 3, 5 and 6 is related to negative samples and lane 2 is related to a positive sample.</p

    The response of individual volunteers to <i>L. major</i> lysate.

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    <p>Freezed/thawed antigens of <i>L. major</i> were used to stimulate the PBMCs in culture as previous disease indicator. The responses of <i>L. major</i> recovered individuals were potentially detected at CD4 level. Each point represents response of each individual. Horizontal bars represent the median value of CD4<sup>+</sup>/IFN Ξ³<sup>+</sup> T cells in the related group. Statistical analysis shows a significant difference between R.A2<sup>+</sup> (HLA-A2<sup>+</sup> recovered individuals) and R.A2<sup>βˆ’</sup> (HLA-A2<sup>βˆ’</sup> recovered individuals) groups with H.A2<sup>+</sup> individuals (HLA-A2<sup>+</sup> healthy donors) with <i>p</i> value<0.05.</p

    Status of CD8<sup>+</sup>/IFN-Ξ³<sup>+</sup> T cell response of recovered HLA-A2<sup>+</sup> individuals compared to HLA-A2<sup>βˆ’</sup> individuals.

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    <p>6 out of 19 (31.6%) and 2 out of 15 (13.3%) HLA-A2<sup>+</sup> recovered individuals responded above cutoff value (horizontal bar in each plot defined as mean + 2SD CD8<sup>+</sup>/IFN-Ξ³<sup>+</sup> response in HLA-A2<sup>βˆ’</sup> controls) against peptide pools II and IV, respectively. Fischer's exact probability test showed that the response in peptide pool II is statistically significant.</p

    Characteristics of <i>in silico</i> predicted <i>L. major</i> specific CD8<sup>+</sup> T cell 9-mer peptides restricted to HLA-A*0201 allele.

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    a<p>Amino acid position as in the protein sequence.</p>b<p>Threshold set on 5% (percent of whole protein peptides that should be tested).</p>c<p>Specific binding threshold set on 2% (percent of whole protein peptides that should be tested).</p>d<p>Proteasomal cleavage.</p>e<p>Cut off score set on 0.5 (Threshold of binding).</p>f<p>Threshold for epitope selection set on >0.75 (Threshold of binding).</p>g<p>Promiscuous epitope predicted as moderate or high binder.</p

    Detection of secreted IFN-Ξ³ from PBMCs stimulated against peptide pool II and IV by ELISA in culture supernatants.

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    <p>IFN-Ξ³ production was measured in culture supernatants of HLA-A2<sup>+</sup> recovered individuals (R.A2<sup>+</sup>), HLA-A2<sup>βˆ’</sup> recovered individuals (R.A2<sup>βˆ’</sup>), and HLA-A2<sup>+</sup> healthy donors (H.A2<sup>+</sup>) stimulated against peptide pools II and IV. Each point represents the net result of individual experiments. Horizontal bars represent the median value of the IFN-Ξ³ concentration in the related group. The response of R.A2<sup>+</sup> individuals was detected higher than that of R.A2<sup>βˆ’</sup> ones in peptide pools II and IV.</p