7 research outputs found

    Two new bidirectional search algorithms

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    This paper presents two new bidirectional heuristic search algorithms for solving the shortest path problem on graphs: consistent-heuristic bucket-based bidirectional search (CBBS) and front-to-front GPU bidirectional search (FFGBS). CBBS uses a consistent heuristic and groups nodes into buckets that organize nodes based on estimated path cost and known heuristic errors. FFGBS splits the work between the CPU and GPU, with the GPU solving a front-to-front heuristic and the CPU choosing nodes to expand. This paper also includes a new front-to-front version of the GAP heuristic for the pancake problem that is efficient to solve on a GPU. Computational experiments for CBBS are performed on the pancake problem. CBBS is faster and requires less node expansions with the GAP-1 heuristic, compared to bidirectional state of the algorithms like DIBBS and DVCBS. Computational experiments for FFGBS are performed on the pancake problem and DIMACS road network, showing that FFGBS is consistently the fastest algorithm on all but the smallest pancake stacks when using the GAP-2 heuristic and is also the fastest algorithm on the largest road networks

    Cross-sectional observational study of epidemiology of COVID-19 and clinical outcomes of hospitalised patients in North West London during March and April 2020

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    Objective The aim of this paper is to describe evolution, epidemiology and clinical outcomes of COVID-19 in subjects tested at or admitted to hospitals in North West London.Design Observational cohort study.Setting London North West Healthcare NHS Trust (LNWH).Participants Patients tested and/or admitted for COVID-19 at LNWH during March and April 2020Main outcome measures Descriptive and analytical epidemiology of demographic and clinical outcomes (intensive care unit (ICU) admission, mechanical ventilation and mortality) of those who tested positive for COVID-19.Results The outbreak began in the first week of March 2020 and reached a peak by the end of March and first week of April. In the study period, 6183 tests were performed in on 4981 people. Of the 2086 laboratory confirmed COVID-19 cases, 1901 were admitted to hospital. Older age group, men and those of black or Asian minority ethnic (BAME) group were predominantly affected (p<0.05). These groups also had more severe infection resulting in ICU admission and need for mechanical ventilation (p<0.05). However, in a multivariate analysis, only increasing age was independently associated with increased risk of death (p<0.05). Mortality rate was 26.9% in hospitalised patients.Conclusion The findings confirm that men, BAME and older population were most commonly and severely affected groups. Only older age was independently associated with mortality